Friday, December 27, 2019
The Evil Character of Iago in Shakespeares Othello Essay
Iago is a complex character that takes evil to a whole new level in the 1600’s and plays a key role in this tale. Iago’s main goal is to get Othello and Cassio out of the army, but in the end fails to ruin Cassio’s life, only Othello’s. He uses many characters to his advantage, realizing how trustworthy and oblivious these people are. Iago cannot be relied on and has many masks, behind which he hides. He has many disguises and secrets that he hides from everyone and his acting skills come in handy when he works to destroy the happiness that many people have in this story. Iago is smart. He is also underestimated and ruthless. Iago thinks about himself and doesn’t care about others. We first see his plan unfold early in the story when†¦show more content†¦Instead, all of the gifts that are suppose to go to Desdemona, Iago keeps them for himself. This shows how deceitful Iago is. When Iago inserts his poison, it spreads like wild fire. He has no conscience, and by having no conscience he can hurt and harm anyone he chooses because he does not care. Iago conceals himself very cleverly and fools other people with his false charming personality and what seems to be a thoughtful and warming heart. Instead, Iago is a racist person who refers to Othello as the â€Å"Moor†and uses animals as a resource to his hatred of people. â€Å"Even now, now, very now, an old black ram in tupping your white ewe†(I. i. 97). This is one of the most famous racial statements in the book. This is when Iago is talking to Brabantio about what Desdemona and Othello are doing behind Brabantio’s back and Iago feels the need to inform Brabantio of this to try and get him on his side. Iago feels that he needs revenge on Othello for giving away his position, and uses many people to his advantage. He wants to get back at Othello because he believes that Othello slept with Emilia, and to call it even between them two, Iago must sl eep with Desdemona. Of course, that never happens in the book, so Iago decides that since Othello is not giving up Desdemona, he brain washes Othello into believing every word that comes out of Iago’s wicked mouth. Iago controls Othello from the beginning to the end, and has him so tightly boundShow MoreRelatedOthello: Good vs Evil1525 Words  | 7 PagesGood Or Evil: A Critical Analysis of Othello’s Main Characters William Shakespeare’s Othello is a classic depiction of a struggle between good and evil. In the play,, the characters are faced with the choice to either conquer or succumb to the overpowering force of evil. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Great Depression s Impact Socially, Politically, And...
Steinberg 1 Naphtali Steinberg Goss His 112-601 15 Nov. 2016 The Great Depression s Impact Socially, Globally, Politically, and Economically Economists continue to study the causes of the Great Depression because they still disagree on what specifically caused it. Many theories have been advanced over the years, but there remains no single, universally agreed-upon explanation as to what the root cause was. However, many experts agree that banking played a crucial and single-handedly one of the most important roles into what caused the Great Depression. Furthermore, Americans lost nearly 20% of their deposits when the banks failed. Since there was no FDIC yet, and most state deposit insurance schemes had shut down already, this meant that everyday folks lost their savings. The effects of the Depression were felt around the world in the social, global, political, and economic, lives of nations and individuals; some of the social and global impacts include; Between 1929 and 1933, the quantity of goods and services produced in the United States fell by one-third, the unemployment rate soared to 25 percent of the labor force, the stock market lost 80 percent of its Steinberg 2 value and some 7,000 banks failed. When the stock market crashed in 1929, overnight, tens-of-thousands of customers began to withdraw their deposits. However, the banks with no money to lend and loans having to return on them, the banking crises started to excavate rapidly, causing globalShow MoreRelatedSocial, Political, And Economical Cause Of The Mexican Revolution1695 Words  | 7 PagesRevolution There were an abundance of social, political, and economical factors that led to the Mexican Revolution. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Global Business Environment
Question: Write an essay onGlobal Business Environment. Answer: In todays global business environment there is an undeniable increase in interdependency. International business risks and trade exchanged are continually decreasing. Yet, cultural dimensions are the one fact which is important to be incorporated in strategies related to markets and its implementation, especially when it is focused on global market area.Motivated by this awareness, this report exhibits a contextual analysis of China with reference to my country Singapore, inspecting the differences in the cultural markets of both the countries and thereby taking a step to overcome these to promote businesses in China without any hurdle.The reason to choose China is because it is an emerging economy that proposes number of business prospects for investors across the globe. After decades of years of reorganization and opening worldwide the economy of China is now on the second position in the world. Another reason to choose China is because it has achieved speedy industrial expansion w ith the increase of huge foreign direct investments, technological advancements and increased efficiency. The restrictions that were imposed on foreign business have been relaxed since WTO in 2001 (Alvesson Skldberg 2009).Also, many a times for a foreign trader it is difficult to adapt cultures while doing business but it is a necessity therefore China has been chosen as its culture is unique from other western and eastern cultures. The culture of China is collection of communist ideologies, traditions, and now western values too. In recent years China has been in top recipients of worlds destination of Foreign Development Investment. More than 180 nations across the globe invest in Chinese markets (Alvesson Skldberg 2010).China is rapidly becoming one of the most economically powerful countries in the world and will more than likely surpass the United States as the worlds supreme economic power. China offers access to low cost raw materials and cheap labor, which is attractive to western manufacturing companies. China has evidenced thousands of years of history, culture and traditions. The way Chinese people behave today is the result of its historical transformations, which is very different from the transformations witnessed by western societies. Hence the modern day Chinese culture is very different from the cultures of the west. The cultural aspects of the Chinese are immensely reflected in the business world (Cervellon Dube 2005).In the last 30 years the population of China has experienced the most significant migration in human history as millions of Chinese have migrated to eastern capitals and major cities from rural west areas. The economic transformation of China since circa 1990 has led to a significant change in the structure of employment there. The number of people working in the primary sector (e.g. agriculture) has fallen by approximately 125 million in the last 25 years as the impact of rural migration to urban environments has taken effec t. The economic transformation of China has dragged hundreds of millions of Chinese out of extreme poverty. As substantial numbers of Chinese people have been taken out of poverty, their ability to demand goods and services beyond their basic needs has grown too! China is now the world's largest producer and consumer of motor vehicles. The growth of mobile phone ownership and Internet connectivity is also a compelling example of the impact of economic growth on consumer activity in China. Cultural Analysis Culture is basically referring to aesthetic, spiritual and intellectual growth of some society, group or an individual. The unique culture of China that is necessary to understand before working in Chinese markets is its traditional culture which could be taken into account. Religion Since ancient times China is amongst the countries with beliefs of more than one God, its a multi-religion country. A large percent of population i.e. around 186 million people believes in Buddhism. Around 35 million believes in Christianity and remaining around 15 million believes in other religions which are Islam, Confucianism and Taoism (Cervellon Dube 2005). Aesthetics Calligraphy, painting and poetry are three perfections of civilized scholar. Along with mimesiss western notions, the poetic tradition of China adopts the presence of basic, commonly embroiling relationships between the patterns whose nature is intrinsic and human society.Chinese poetics is divided into two traditions by this phenomenon. First, a tradition based on analysis of Confucianism where the poem reflects a set-up of pre-established uncompromising associations amid world and poet. The other one is non-sanctioned convention of Buddhism inspired and neo-Daoism poetics who spoke to a movement from the educational to the full of feeling force of common symbolism to make reference to the artist's perspective. Painting and Calligraphy were embraced by honourable scholars as ethics aesthetic observations of self-expression along with self-development for the advancement of societal trade. Values and Attitudes Unlike ancient times the values and attitudes of Chinese society is now concerned and attentive towards money and future security and less concerned towards job security. They give careful considerations to searching for chances to build up their potential thus understand their actual worth. Individuals are turning out to be more mindful of threats and danger. The professional stability, which was given such a high need previously, is seeing a declining significance in present day society.During past Chinese did not use to talk about money openly and it was considered shabby and use to indicate feebleness in character of the individual. But in present time of market economy, individuals are becoming more practical and talk about financial matters openly which clearly indicates a change in set of values and attitudes of society. Manners and Customs The manner of introducing yourself in China is quite different from other countries. It needs you to tell your complete name along with place you work at and your designation, especially when you are meeting for some professional cause. On informal occasions just your full name with simple greetings is sufficient.Chinese are very particular about table manners and there are some considerable changes in table etiquettes from other countries like they prefer round dining table as people could conveniently seat facing each other. Except soup, every other dish needs to be eaten using chopstick. Host must take well care of guests while dining.Hospitality is a primary concern for Chinese. They prefer to take an appointment before meeting and punctuality is what they love. Meeting empty handed is considered rude and one should carry a small gift for a meeting. Greeting every member of family you meet, no matter you know them or not. And so many other similar customs are part of Chinese cult ure. Social Structure Around 95 % of Chinese population speaks native language and rest 5% speaks other languages such as Lolo, Mongolian, Tai, Miao and Tibetan. The Mandarin language group forms the largest group spoken in China and consists of a wide range of dialects in the northern, central, and western regions (Armstrong Kotler 2006).One typical and ancient body language Chinese use to show respect, or represent congratulation (especially on a weeding day and major festivals) is called "zuo yi" (make a bow with hands folded in front ). Two index fingers coming nearer slowly in front of oneself means two people fall in love. While this body language is often mixed with a gesture representing shyness or nervousness. Education Human capital flight, also known as brain drain, denotes to the displacement of exceptionally talented or knowledgeable people for better pay or conditions, bringing on their places of beginning to lose those aptitudes and mastery, i.e., the local "brains".China's education system refers to social stratification and is essentially exclusive. The framework by which students are selected purportedly laid on educational excellences and subsequently victimized understudies of rustic foundation or of straightforward root. As indicated by Chinese cases, it is the kith and kin of the educated that have entry to education, while university recruitment enlistment tended to support the child of cadres and of previous individuals. Physical Environment The larger part of China's population live in the eastern portion of the nation, the conventional China Proper. Large percentages are peasants living, like their progenitors, in the sea-level slopes and focal fields that stretch from the plateaus eastbound and southbound to the ocean. Horticulture prevails in this incomprehensible zone, for the most part supported by a mild or subtropical atmosphere. The fastidiously worked fields are confirmation in part of the administration's proceeding with worry over ranch yield and the sustenance supply.Outstanding diverse sceneries propose the different atmosphere and wide reach of China, the third biggest nation on the planet as far as territory. Unique Cultures of China Traditional Apparels and Dresses of China are quite unique and cannot be easily found in other western countries. These dressed are usually worn during celebrations, occasions or any other special event and almost every Chinese follows it (Glasse 2010). The family life of Chinese society is much different from western as western culture shows a weightage on nuclear families while in China most of the families are joined. The husband or father has the control over family, even in selecting partners for their children. There are numerous other social contrasts amongst China and the West. Obviously, contrasts may not be a huge when contrasting China with different nations in Asia. Not being a Christian nation, the Chinese don't perceive the expression " you" or "God Bless you" when you sniffle. In China, when somebody wheezes, you just disregard it. Say "Thank you" by tapping four fingers down on the table. Continuously refill others containers with tea or beverage without being inquir ed (Glasse 2010). Business Analysis In China the extreme importance is given to ranking system during business with any company. Even this difference has to be in mind while there is any conversation going on with a representative. The Chinese see foreigners as agents and not as individuals of their company. There is no biasness on the basis of gender (Armstrong Kotler 2006).In Singapore more weightage is given to telephonic meetings and interviews to save time. Also video calling is very popular nowadays. But in China face-to-face meetings are given high preference. Unlike Singapore they do not discuss business while at social events or a dinner party. China has demarcation between social activities and business and one should not try to intertwine otherwise it could be a problem (Library of Congress 2009). Business Surroundings The business culture of Singapore is easy and is ranked number 1 in World Banks report 2011 while China stand for 79th place in the same. From a recent analysis it has been surveyed that China has come on number 1 in most efficient bureaucracy in Asia while Singapore achieved 7th spot in the same. Importance of Relationships Chinese believes in maintain personal relations with the clients they deal with while Singaporeans are in opposition to this, according to them the value of business is foremost and rest later. As this tendency of Chinese to get to know the person before dealing business they usually arrange face to face meetings but this sometimes slows down the pace of work, also trust is the foremost requirement while working in Chinese culture. Foreign Investors should be surprised if someone inquires about personal matters. This in an indication of interest and not discourtesy (Laszlo, David, Griffith Craig 2005). Styles of Conversations The Agents in Singapore frequently conceit themselves for being dominant and tough, while in China business people are less aggressive and pleasant in conversations. The representative of Chinese business prefers to give sufficient amount of time to a contract, they tend to discuss its dangers and advantages and if they feel the need to cancel the contract they do instead following tough negotiations. The aggressive nature of representatives of Singaporeans is seen as highly unprofessional in China (Foreign Investment in China 2009). Contracts As Chinese value relationships and careful contemplation over business, contracts are of less value for them while Singaporeans values contracts first and rest everything later. The representatives may not even sign contracts and deal gets confirmed on handshake base. And even there is a signed deal its successful completion depends on the maintenance of social relationships (Foreign Relations 2010). Gifts and Entertain Unlike China in Singapore an investor might take an important client out for dinner to talk about the deal, whereas in China to entertain is a goal unto itself. Efficacious representatives frequently entertain their partners but they do not discuss it during parties or dinner. Also, Chinese values gifts highly so even if to present small gifts to someone they consider it as a great respect and care and both these elements are of high importance for the business in China (Foreign Relations 2010).Hofstede's Five Dimensions of Culture of ChinaA study was conducted by Professor Geert Hofstede regarding how cultural factors affect business across countries. His recent publications consist of 94 countries and China is one of them. Hofstede emphasise five dimensions of culture that are:Individualism vs. CollectivismThis dimension is related to the thinking of individuals that whether the person thinks with the mentality of We or I. The culture of Singapore is highly focused on I, implying t hat they concentrate more on facilitating themselves and vocations versus encouraging there area of expertise or gathering. Then again China, it ranks 15 on IDV, which means Chinese are strongly collectivistic and ponder others over themselves. And it could be seen with great volume of out-groups and in-groups. Whereas Singapore ranks 91 which clearly show that the society highly reinforces individual achievement.The exceptionally less IDV score has been obtained after surveying tightly closed and loyal member committees, whether they are sport teams, work or family. Being loyal is a profoundly respected quality in Chinese society, especially where connections and relations are strong and is, accordingly, of foremost significance to most Chinese individuals. Power Distance Power Distance is related to the distance or difference of power amongst various employees in a corporation and to which extent people with less power will acknowledge and anticipate power to be scattered in a different way. Being high on PDI scale is an indication of high inequalities of wealth and power is allowed and accepted inside society.China is on a high position in PDI and ranks 80 which mean that a high power distance exists amongst superiors and subordinates, yet that it is acknowledged and ordinary. This environment is not forced on Chinese citizens rather acknowledged by the general public as the heritage of their country. High on PDI scale means that foreign invaders must be aware of this difference which exists both inside organization they are dealing with and inside society at large. Uncertainty Avoidance The UDI i.e. Uncertainty avoidance Index concentrates on the level of resilience for vulnerability and equivocalness inside a general public. A high UDI rank shows that the nation has a less resilience for instability and vagueness (individuals will have a tendency to be vigorously determined by laws and standards).In this dimension Chinese and Singaporeans ranks equivalently. The rank of China is 41, which means they acknowledge circumstances what are ambiguous very efficiently and are not dissuaded. . It might appear like China has a ton of guidelines and controls set up to evade questionable or unverifiable circumstances; in any case they will twist and changes the principles as circumstances need it.The dialects of China are additionally exceptionally uncertain; alphabets of Chinese language are difficult to understand in case this does not come under your native dialects (Laszlo, David, Griffith Craig 2005). Achievement vs. Nurturing According to the research done by Hofstede Chinese are very ambitious of success, achievements and competition. The country ranks 66 in this dimension. Time and again they will put work before family and leisure. The proof to the pervious statement is Chinese go outstations for concurrent 11 months for work by leaving their families behind (Barthelemy 2006). Long-Term Orientation This measurement demonstrates peoples point of view and a disposition of diligence, meaning peoples will to overcome complications in time (by strong will and strength).As per Hofstedes research and ranking Chinese ranks enormously high on this which is 118, that means workers of China is focused on perseverance and persistence. Also, Chinese will devote as much time needed to attain the goals. Building trust and healthy relationships is seen as a time consuming task here. Conclusion Every company has their own strategy to deal with different things. A company IKEA has achieved high positions in China and this has been possible because of customer centred and well-designed market strategy. With a whole heart respect for the Chinese culture and additionally keeping a harmony between its worldwide vital arrangement and nearby advertising exercises, IKEA Shanghai adjusts the 4Ps to speak to the neighborhood clients while keeping up a uniform corporate society. The instance of IKEA Shanghai passes on an imperative message to other multinational organizations that the way to effective global promoting is suitable social awareness in different markets.The companies those are able to adapt changes grow and attain congruence; sometimes they even make cultural diversity a cause of benefit. This report has stressed on the differences in the culture of Singapore and China so that one could appreciate other in case the representatives of Singapore wants to join hands with th e companies of China.Society has certain impacts on showcasing choices yet it is without a doubt not a definitive component. Global organizations must complete careful statistical surveying, paying due consideration regarding each angle to get a complete photo of the business sector and clients. References Alvesson, M., Skldberg, K. (2009). Reflexive Methodology Interpretation and Research. London: Sage.Alvesson, M., Skldberg, K. (2010). Reflexive Methodology: New vistas for qualitative research. London: Sage.Armstrong, G. Kotler, P. (2006). Marketing: an introduction, 8th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc..Barthelemy, J. (2006). The Experimental Roots of Evolutionary Vision, MIT Sloan Management Review, 48, 1: 81-84. Business Strategy Review. (2004). IKEAs investing 1.2 billion RMB on another logistics hub of the Asia-Pacific region in Feng Xian District, Shanghai, National Business Daily.Cervellon, M.,C., Dube, L. (2005). Cultural influences in the origins of food likings and dislikes, Food Quality and Preference, 16, 5: 455-460.Foreign Investment in China. (2009). USCBC, from Relations. (2010). Relations with Neighboring Countries, from e, J. (2010). Foreign Business in China Political Instability. Retrieved March 17, 2010, from of Congress. (2009). Report on China, Retrieved February 17, 2009 from https://libraryofcongress.orgLaszlo, T., David, A., Griffith, F. Craig, J. (2005). The Effect of Cultural Distance on Entry Mode Choice, International Diversification, and MNE Performance: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 36, No. 3, pp. 270-283. Global Business Environment Question: Discuss about the Global Business Environment. Answer: Canada-European Union: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) CETA or The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement are a trade agreement signed between Canada and the European Union. CETA will not only boost trade opportunities in the country but will also create employment and growth of the country. According to Bjorklund et al., (2016), CETA is also progressive and it will go further after eliminating customs duties by taking people and environment fully into account. It is expected that CETA will set new international standards for any type of future trade agreements (Labont et al., 2017). CETA will also help Canada to minimize its reliance on the United States of America as an export market. On the other hand, for European Union, it is a first trade pact with a G7 country and a triumph plucked from the jaws of defeat at a time when Britain has left after 43 years of membership and have questioned the credibility of EU. Through this agreement, tariffs will be eliminated on nearly 99 percent of products. For now CETA will perform activities given below. Eliminating customs duties It will help the European firms to become more competitive in Canada EU firms will be able to bid for Canadian Public contracts Canadian service markets are now open to EU organizations It will create opportunities for European food and drink exports in Canada It will protect conventional European food and drink items which are known as Geographical Indication from being replicated It will cut EU exporters costs without cutting standards It will create opportunities for small and medium EU firms and EU consumers European professionals will be able to work in Canada now It will establish predictable conditions for both EU and Canadian investors It will help Europes innovative industries and artists This agreement will serve to support employees right at work and the atmosphere. Participating Countries This trade agreement is signed between European Union and Canada. That mean, all the countries under EU have participated in this agreement along with Canada. Thos countries are Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. Time of Treaty CETA was signed by Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Jean-Claude the European Commission and Donald Tusk the European Council President during the European Union-Canada Leaders Summit in Brussels, Belgium. This agreement was signed on October 30, 2016 (Bjorklund et al., 2016). Rationale There are three primary reasons behind signing CETA between European Union and Canada. Those are hereby mentioned below. Economic Growth CETA will definitely boost economic growth of Canada. It is called as the right agreement at the right time as it will provide jobs and improve trade at a time when economies need all the help they can get (Raza et al., 2016). On the other hand, Belgian and other European firms will be capable to compete for governmental tenders at all levels of government including federal, provincial and municipal, in Canada. Besides, special care will be given to the environment and its safety. International economic cooperation From the past 60 years, the US has been a champion not only in trade liberation but in other types of worldwide cooperation such as North Atlantic Treaty Organization and more. People of America have always enjoyed standard of living which is always higher than its major trading partners. However, today, the growth has slowed where most of the countries are caught up and Americans are turning inward (Van der Loo Pelkmans, 2016). Therefore, in this condition, CETA is offering Belgian and other European Union organizations a significant North American breach-head. It is actually a convivial base for operations that can service nearly 500 million consumers. Right partner Canada is the perfect partner for Belgium and for Europe as it is a country that will share values of EU countries and will understand the requirement for an balance between private and public interests. Sector that will be benefited from CETA Service Industry It is expected that almost half of the EUs economic growth from CETA will come from more trade in service industry. Through this agreement, European firms will be able to provide more opportunities in services such as specialized maritime services including dredging, moving empty containers and shipping cargo within Canada (Howden et al., 2016). In sectors including telecom, finance and environmental services, companies of Europe will be able to access Canadas market at both federal and provincial levels. Agriculture Through CETA, European countries will be able to export nearly 90% of their products related to agriculture and food to Canada, duty-free. It will help to establish new opportunities for EU farmers and producers of wines, fruit-vegetables, cheese, processed products and other conventional specialties of Europe (Wood, 2017). On the other hand, by eliminating customs duties, now EUs food processing industry will have better access to Canadian fish. SMEs Small and medium size farms will be benefited as, Customs duties are eliminated They will be able to bid for contracts They will strengthen copyright protection They will be able to remove double testing in some areas Importance of CETA in Canadas economy Cheaper goods: Canadian people will be able to pay less for products such food, wine and spirits, high end European cars after CETA comes into force. Canadian beef, pork and bison: CETA will help to increase the quota for Canadian beef, pork and bison which will allow the producers much bigger duty free access to the EU market. It is expected that annual sales will increase up to $1 billion (Lenk, 2016). European cheese: EU cheese-making companies will be able to sell 29,000 tons of cheese in Canada which is currently 13,000 tons (Bartels, 2017). Intellectual property rights and drugs: Through CETA, drug makers will be able to recover up to two years lost on a drug patent as a result of red tape. The last time when Canada reformed its intellectual property policy was 25 years ago (Schwebel, 2016). CETA will help Canada to redevelop it. Provincial and municipal rights: CETAwill help manufacturers and serviceproviders more admittance to European markets. It is estimated that the deal willgenerate a predictable 30,000 jobs across the province. Followers of CETA believe it will enlarge Canadian-EU trade by 20% and improve the EU financial system by 12bn (10.9bn) annually and Canadas by C$12bn (7.4bn) (Farrell, 2017). References Bartels, L. (2017). Human Rights, Labour Standards and Environmental Standards in CETA. Bjorklund, A. K., Gaffney, J. P., Gelinas, F., Wss, H. J. (2016). Transnational Dispute Management (TDM) CETA Special. Farrell, S. (2017). EU and Canada sign Ceta free trade deal. the Guardian. Retrieved 12 March 2017, from Howden, M., McCarthy, O., Hyde, M. (2016). The EU diary industry. Agricultural Commodities, 6(2), 126. Labont, R., Schram, A., Ruckert, A. (2017). The TPP is Dead, Long Live the TPP? A Response to Recent Commentaries. Int J Health Policy Manag, 6(4), 245-247. Lenk, H. (2016). Issues of Attribution: Responsibility of the EU in Investment Disputes under CETA. Transnational Dispute Management (TDM), 13(1). Schwebel, S. M. (2016). The EU-Canada Free Trade Agreement (CETA): Keynote Remarks (TDM CETA Special). Transnational Dispute Management (TDM), 13(1). Van der Loo, G., Pelkmans, J. (2016). Does Wallonias veto of CETA spell the beginning of the end of EU trade policy? CEPS Commentary, 20 October 2016. Wood, D. E. (2017). A European unemployment benefits scheme: Lessons from Canada. CEPS Working Document No. 2017-02/January 2017.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Living in the Country free essay sample
You are fit and you dont need to worry about your health condition, because in the countryside the air and water are so clean. In the country there are many plant species. There arent any huge blocks of flats, modern skyscrapers or bothersome traffic jams. In the country you are free to admire the breathtaking landscapes such as huge meadows, peaceful hills or forests. You can enjoy walking in the forest and picking mushrooms or hunting. Another advantage is that you may easily build a big house and the garden, because charges for ground are much lower than in the suburbs. Moreover, living in the countryside is cheaper than it is in the city, so you probably may afford many other things, because the prices are lower. What is more, you can invite your friends to the barbecue organized in your garden. It would be great! The other positive side is the safety. We will write a custom essay sample on Living in the country or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the rural area the crime rate is much lower. There arent a lot of housebreaks and the possibility of burglary is also lower. In the countryside people usually and keep eyes on neighbours estates. They always react when something strange is happening. Country life is very peaceful and silent. You will enjoy the feeling of peace However, there are a lot of positive aspects of living in the country side, there are also some disadvantages. Living in the country is slower. People dont need to hurry and have a lot of time. People in the country dont have to work so many hours as they do in the city. On the other hand, they dont earn so much money. Moreover, there arent such interesting things to do during free time. The unemployment rate is also much higher than in the city. The problem may be also the communication. If you dont have your own car, you may have problem how to commute to work. The same problem concerns the access to the hospitals, schools, police stations and shops, which are usually located far from the village. Last of all, there are some dangers connected with country life such as heavy snowfall or rainfall. To sum up, I think that living in the country may have a lot of advantages such as fresh air, breathtaking landscapes and comfort, but a lot of people decide to stay in the city, due to the fact that the life in the town is easier. The easy access to shops and other institutions are the great advantage. In this modern society, mobile phones have become part of one’s life. The mobile phone is a marvelous invention. It contributed a lot in connecting people from every corner of the world. The mobile phone is just a small device which can call people any time anywhere, it is very convenient towards people. From the customer’s point of view, it is obvious that mobile phones assist you in business a lot, such as, make schedule of working, surf the internet, and keep in touch with their companies. Mobile phones nowadays are so advanced, there are applications installed in the device for entertainment, for example, play games, listen to music, or chat with your friends. On the other hand, there are also disadvantages. Using a lot mobile phone can harm your brain, particularly teenager and children who are under 16 years old. If you use mobile phones too much, you will get side effects like dizzy, blood-brain barrier, or ears problems. In addition, when you use mobile phones while you are driving, you are at risk getting into an accident. It is very dangerous for you and the other people on the road. Moreover, â€Å"radiations emitted from the phone are harmful towards the eardrum†, has proven by many scientist. So, earphones are created to lessen the harmfulness of it. Having a mobile phone in your hand is that you can solve many issues and getting the latest information from around the world. This could make your life smoother, always updated and being ahead of the others. In conclusion, everything in this world has its advantages and disadvantages . It is all depend on how you are going to handle it. The mobile phone is a useful device if it is being used with awareness although it causes harm towards human being.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Chapter 1 Essays (1413 words) - Amphetamine, Bioethics, Cheating
Chapter 1 thursday september 7,2017 How much would you give to win? Is it justified by our society? is it okay for someone to do anything as long as they are a champion? even if people say things that are wrong, are being racist, or violent it doesn't matter as long as they win, as long as they do well. Monday, September 11, 2017 Amateur someone who plays a sport just for the sport and receives no money from anyone used to be known as someone who is white Indian people were not considered amateur because they were labour workers so they had an unfair advantage to the white people who worked in an office everyday sports were only for men not woman People of colour participating in sport created conflicts because they believed it was unfair when black athletes started participating in sports there were still laws that coloured people still had to ride in a different bus and stay in a different hotel black people are considered animals Racism doesn't just talk about people of colour but of the undesirable Donald sterling 2014 Doesn't want o have any association with back people he uses them as his property and doesn't want to be associated with them in any other way don emus 2007 Radio host describes the Rutgers university woman s basketball team as "nappy-headed hos" Rectified the use of this word by saying that it is used in rap songs all the time so there is no difference. John rocker 1999 spoke about how New York was the most hectic city with all the asians , Koreans, Vietnamese, Indians, Russians and Spanish were there ending with "how the hell did they get in this country?" Native American mascots Collective consciousness of identity of the organization Local history Native americal steriotypes Indian warrior Western mythology Barbarism, conquest, servitude Europeans We colonized the land, we took it over even though it was not ours We thought that natives were savages and that they needed to be trained and taught our ways. The Indian act the Canadian government thought that they needed to be taught the right ways. They were taken from their families and brought to residential schools where they were taught to be more WHITE they were beaten,raped ,starved,emotionally and physically abused there is now lost culture, their connection is lost with their family and their ways of life So many people have feelings of being lost and not knowing who they are and where they belong Chief Wahoo 1914 contest was held in Cleveland to name the team Indians " honours " louis Francis sockalexis Penobscot indian from old towne , Maine was the first American Indian to ever play in the major leagues Novel marketing 1874 " redman " was the best advertised player in the business they did this out of curiosity Jim Thorpe Member of the sac and fox nation 1st native American to win a gold medal for the united states in 1912 Playedsemi -professional baseball-1983 reinstated Tom longboat Six nations reserve near brantford Won the around the bay race in 1906 at age 19 in 1907 he won the Boston marathon record time of 2:24.24 1908 collapsed during the olympic marathon they were called lazy because people didn't understand his training habits Aboriginal athletes Waneek horn-miller George armstrong Jordin tootoo mary spencer Sharon and Shirley firth Cody jamieson Carey price Steve collins Therein flurry Carolyn darbyshire-mcrorie Joseph benjamin keeper Spetember,14,2017 Despite what words mean now, they have history(you cant call your kid hitler in Germany) Mexico 1968 Vietnam war There were coloured people fighting in the war but they didn't understand why they would fight the people of Vietnam if they weren't even respected in their own country oMohammed ali thought this 1960s ocivil rights movement- wanted to be treated as humans and people oblack and white kids were not allowed to go to the saem schools othey were fighting to have rigths and to be treated as human beings othey had the right to refuse to serve people because of their colour they had different washrooms, different bus sections, different movie theater seats that were for whiteand coloured people 1968- the Olympics ohosting
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Do You Need to Take Both the ACT and SAT
Do You Need to Take Both the ACT and SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips As a high school student, I took both the SAT and the ACT. I’d been taking the SAT every couple of years since I was in middle school, so I planned to focus primarily on it. However, as a public school student in Colorado, I was required to take the ACT by my school. My scores on the two tests were relatively similar and I ended up submitting both. Taking both tests, whether because of school requirementsor personal preference, has become an increasingly common choice for students, especiallythose applying to top colleges. Though itisn’t necessary to take both the ACT and SAT, doing somight be the right plan for you. This guide will walk you through the pro and cons of taking both tests. Key Fact: Schools Only Require the ACT or the SAT,Not Both No school will require you to submit scores from both tests, so you definitely don’t need to take both the ACT and the SAT. Keep in mindthat, regardless of what you might have heard to the contrary, all schools accept both the ACT and the SAT. Though in the past selective colleges on the coasts generally preferred the SAT, this hasn't been the case for decades. I would say that for most students it’s not worth the time investment to prepare for both tests,but read on for all the information you need to make the best decisionfor yourself. 4 Reasons You Might Want to Take Both Tests There are four potential benefits to taking both the ACT and the SAT: you'll have an extra chance to excel, prepping for one can help you do better on the other, some schools might appreciate seeing both scores, and you'll get more test dates to choose from. #1: You'll Have More Opportunities to Do Well The most common reason students take both the ACT and the SATis in case they can score much better on one than the other. The majority of students will score similarly on both tests,but it can be tricky to determine whether you're one of the exceptions without trying both tests. Nonetheless, there are some general patterns to which students prefer which tests. Students who have a strong affinity for the ACT generally: Aren't stressed by time pressures Excel at skimming passages for information Enjoyscience, or at least aren't intimidated by it Are comfortable with geometryand trigonometry Students who prefer the SAT, on the other hand, usually: Aren't confused by complicated question phrasings Can do basic calculations by hand Can easilyexplain the logic behind their answers One benefit of this approach is that if you do score much higher on either the ACT or the SAT, you can always choose to send only the scores fromthetest you did better on- even if a school doesn't use SAT/ACT Score Choice. #2: The Tests Are Similar, so Preparing for One Will Help You on the Other The SAT redesign madethe two tests more similar than ever. Because there's a lot of overlap between content and strategies for the ACT and the SAT,prepping for one willhelp you on the other as well. For example, studying for the ACT Science section will help you hone graph-reading skills that will come in handy on the SAT's quantitative reasoning and data representation questions. On the other hand, reviewing the grammar rules you need for SAT Writing will be equally good preparation for ACT English. However, if you do plan to prepare for both, be sure to start studying well ahead of when you want to be done with testing.You'll need to spend some extra time learning about whichever test you decide to take second. #3: Taking Both Tests Can Provide Extra Information for Schools As I mentioned above, most students who take both tests are applying to more selective schools, which sometimes appreciate the extra information. Doing extremely well on both tests is slightly more impressive than doing equallywell on just one. Janet Rapelye, Princeton's dean of admissions, told the New York Times that submitting both tests isn't necessary but can be helpful: "For us, more information is always better. If students choose one or the other, that’s fine, because both tests have value. But if they submit both, that generally gives us a little more information." Though the tests are very similar, and treated the same by admissions committees, they do test slightly different ideas and concepts. Taking both gives schools the fullest sense of your capabilities; however, keep in mind that any advantage submitting both tests gives you will be relatively minor. #4: You'll Get More Test Dates to Choose From The SAT and ACT are each offered seven times a year but on different dates. Thus, by taking both tests,you'll essentially get double the number of test dates to choose from. This can be helpful if you're worried about finding time to take a test and have a pretty stringent schedule at certain times of year. For example, if you're super busy in the winter and would rather take a test in the spring or early summer, this gives you three SAT dates (March, May, and June) plustwo ACT dates (April and June) to choose from. 2 Reasons TakingBoth TestsMight Not Be Worth It While there are some potential upsides to taking both the SAT and the ACT, there are also some pretty significant drawbacks. #1: You'll Need More Prep Time If you want to prep for both the ACT and the SAT, you’ll have to spend a fair amount of extra time preparing. Even with the overlap between the tests, you’ll need to take a few practice tests for the second test you focus on, and take the time to make sure you fully understand the differences between the two tests. This will amount to roughly 10-20 hours of extra test prep. These hours might be better spent pursuing an activity you're excited about or working on your college essay. #2: Trying to Do Both Can Be Overwhelming and Confusing The tests are similar, but not the same. As such, trying to prepare for both can end up being very overwhelming if you're the type of person who has trouble juggling a lot of different ideas at once. Ultimately, for some students,trying to studyfor both the ACT and the SATcan lead to lower scores than focusing on just one test would. How to Choose Betweenthe SAT and the ACT: 4 Factors If you do settleon taking just one of the tests, there are four factors you'll want toconsider when deciding between them. #1: Do You Have a Particular Affinity for the SATor the ACT? As I mentioned above, most students score similarly on both tests, but some find one significantly easier than the other. In additionto the brief guidelines I've laid out in this post, you can use this guide to determine whether you’re likely to have strong preference for the ACT or the SAT. You might also try taking a practice test of each and comparing your scores- this approachis more accuratebut also more of a time commitment. #2: Are You Required to Take One of the Tests at School? Roughly half of the states in the US will require all public school juniors to take either the ACT or the SAT. If your school requires you to take one of them, you might benefit from focusing on the required test. What's more, your school might offer free or discounted test-prep resources, ultimately making you more familiar with just one of the two tests. #3: Does One Test Better Suit Your Strengths? Though the SAT and ACT have a lot in common these days, they still have a few big differences that you can use to determine which test might be a better fit for your particular strengths. Some of the biggest differences between the two tests are as follows: Science Section? % Geometry Qs on Math Section Avg Time per Question No-Calculator Section? Math Formulas Chart? Grid-in Math Qs? SAT No 10% 1 minute Yes Yes Yes ACT Yes 35-45% 1 minute No No No As you can see, if you're not too good at geometry and need more time per question, the SAT will likely be a better fit for your skills. On the other hand, if you hate doing math without a calculator but love science, the ACT might work better for you. Look atwhat's on each test and then decide whether one might be a better fit for you.And don't just think about your strengths- consider your weaknesses, too. For example, if you're not good at grid-in math questions, you might have a better shot at getting a high Math score on the ACT than you would on the SAT. #4: Which Test Offers More Convenient Test Dates? The last big factor to consider is which test offers more convenient test dates that work with your schedule. As I mentioned above, both the SAT and ACT are administered seven times a year (excluding school-day testing); however, these test dates are not the same. The chart below shows what months the SAT and ACT are administered each school year: Testing Month SAT ACT August X September X October X X November X December X X January February X March X April X May X June X X July X As the chart indicates, some months offer both the SAT and ACT while others only offer one or the other (note that January is the only month that offers neither test). Ultimately, it's important toconsider whichtest can give you more flexibility and fits better with your schedule. For example, if you have the whole summer to study, you might want to take the SAT since it offers an August test date. Or, if you have winter to study and want to get the test over with before spring activities start, the February ACT might be an ideal fit. Still Want to Take Both the ACT and SAT? 3 Tips If, after lots of consideration, you still want to take both the ACT and SAT, you'll need to know how to prepare accordingly so that you don't get overwhelmed or make any mistakes on test day. Here are our top three tips for keeping your brain in check as you prep for the SAT and ACT. #1: Focus on One Test at a Time The most important point is to focus on one test at a time in your prep. This means you shouldn't take both tests in the same month or even in back-to-back months, as doing this can confuse and overwhelm you. Ideally, you'll take one test and then the other at least three months later.We typically advise prepping for at least three to six months before the SAT/ACT, so giving yourself this amount of time in-between test dates should allow you to take one test and then completely transition your mindset to prepping for the other. Taking both the ACT and SAT around the same time might sound like a smart idea, but in the end all it's going to do is mix up information in your head and exhaust you. So take our advice and spread out your dates! #2: Use Resources Specific to Your Test While some resources can work for both the SAT and ACT, most target just one of the two tests. As a result, don't try to use SAT resources for your ACT prep, or ACT resources for your SAT prep. Doingthis will ultimately end up confusing you, and you'll learn the wrong strategies and content. Instead, separate your resources into two piles: one for the SAT, and one for the ACT. For tips on what prep books to use for the SAT and ACT, check out our individual guides. The only high-quality resource I recommend using for both tests isKhan Academy. This free website has partnered with the College Board to offer tons of video tutorials and official SAT practice questions. While it doesn't specifically cater to the ACT, it's got a lot of helpful strategies and explanations for math, reading, and writingthat you can apply to your ACT prep as well. #3: Come Up With Separate Study Plans Lastly, you'll need to spend some time coming up with two separate study plans for the SAT and ACT. Even if you plan to give yourself the same amount of time to study for both tests (say, four months for each test), how you spend that time will likely vary slightly depending on which test you're taking. The main reason for this is the content differences on the tests. Remember, the ACT has a whole section the SAT doesn't have- Science! That fact alone should be reason enough to come up with a different study schedule. Another reason is your own goals. What score are you aiming for on the SAT? The ACT? Where are you currently scoring on each test? Once you've answered these questions, you can begin to figure out how to structure and customize your study schedules. For tips on how to build the best SAT or ACT study plan for you, take a look at our guides. What's Next? When studying for the ACT or SAT, it's helpful to have a specific goal in mind.Learn how to determine what a great score for you will be on the SAT or the ACT. If you have more questions about the redesigned 2016 SAT,check out our full breakdown of the test. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT and ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160+ points or your ACT score by 4+ points. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Multivariate Techniques Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Multivariate Techniques - Assignment Example This technique actually examines the relationship between a single dependent variable and more than one independent variable. It is the most common type of method used. It shows a linear relationship holding the lowest sum of the squared variances. The assumptions such as normality, equal variance and linearity and finely and clearly examined by the researcher. A coefficient knows as beta are taken which is the marginal impacts of each variable. This technique is usually used by the firm for its forecasting. This technique is actually the variation of multiple regressions and allows the firms to predict different events. The technique used non-metric dependent variables and the actual objective of the technique is to achieve eve probabilistic assessment of binary choice. The independent variable used by the researchers is either continuous or discrete. Later, a contingency table is formed holding the classification of observations and the observations and predicted results are matched. Then the researcher sum the events that are predicted to occur and they actually occur and sum the events that the researcher predicted not to occur and they actually do not occur. These two sums are added and divided by the total number of events. This shows the effectiveness of the model and helps to predict the choices.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Patient safety in hospitals Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Patient safety in hospitals - Research Paper Example Abbas, A. E. A., PhDN is an Assistant Professor in the Nursing Administration and Education Department, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Bassiuni, N. A., PhDN, MSN, BScN is also an Assistant Professor in the Nursing Administration Department, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. Baddar, F. M., PhDN, MSN, BScN is an Assistant Professor in the Nursing Administration and Education Department, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. The review of literature (ROL) conducted by the study shows that in the healthcare field there is growing realization that under the influence of several factors the culture in healthcare organizations is not conducive to patient safety. The factors involved are productivity, efficiency, and cost controls. Though a universal agreement on what constitutes a safety culture for health organizations is yet to emerge, there are clear indications of what these dimensions should be. The safety culture of an organization involves individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, and behavioural patterns of commitment towards safety management in the organization. Most of the efforts in providing an understanding safety culture have been focused on healthcare systems and patient engagement within these systems, with particular emphasis on such understanding in the Middle-East. There has been limited research into the handling of patient safety issues in terms of the perceptions of the fro nt-line healthcare providers, leaving a gap in the body of knowledge on the subject. The authors justify this study on the basis of attempting to reduce this gap in the body of knowledge. The difference in perceptions on patient safety of frontline healthcare providers in a clinical and the whether there was any association between these perceptions and the variables of job category, years of experience, and work setting were the research questions. The hypothesis was that there would be a difference in perception on patient safety between
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Fast Food Essay Example for Free
Fast Food Essay Market and environmental analysis is an essential part of an organization’s External Analysis. The main objectives of a market analysis are; a)To determine how attractive a market is. b)To understand the dynamics of the market and amend strategies accordingly. Here we apply the dimensions of a Market Analysis to McDonalds corp. 1)Emerging submarkets; McDonalds failed to recognize the changing trend in customer’s preferences to better tasting, fresher food. This trend led to new sub markets emerging for tastier, fresher and fast food perceived as healthier. A few of the smaller/privately owned competitors (Cosi and Quizno’s) were able to operate in niche markets selling gourmet sandwiches and salads. The emergence of smaller restaurants offering easy access to exotic foods such as sushi and burritos created a more specialized niche market. 2)Size and Growth; With the emergence of these sub-markets and niche markets, McDonalds started losing market share. It now had to share its fast-food mass market with these newly created markets. Even though these restaurant chains were small in size, their growth opportunities presented a potential threat to McDonalds. They operated on service that was better than McDonalds at the same time providing better tasting food, which led to an increase in its sales. This sector was in the early stages of growth where as McDonalds was past the maturity stage. 3)Profitability; McDonalds profitability can be gauged by using Porters 5 factor model. a)Intensity of competition among existing customers was relatively high. Direct competitors like Wendy’s and Chik-Fil-A were able to out perform McDonalds based on service quality by providing quicker service. In comparison McDonalds had a large number of franchises, but will falling service time. b)Threat of new entrants: Other market niches like quizo’s, cosi and small restaurants offering exotic foods also provided a high degree of competition to McDonalds by offering food that appealed to changing customer preferences. The only barrier to entry that McDonalds used was to open a large number of franchises and offer an inexpensive menu; this is however changing as franchisees are leaving McDonalds, lowering the barriers to entry. c)Substitute products would include fast food options available in leading supermarkets, and cafe’s offering exotic foods like sushi. d)Bargaining power of customers. Customers are the main source of income for McDonalds. Customers were not happy with the menu offered at McDonalds and hence took their custom to other restaurants, leading to a drop in sales. e)Bargaining power of suppliers: McDonalds aimed to keep their menu prices low (source more details about suppliers) 4)Cost structure McDonalds strategic focus was on cost and service. In order to raise service quality new kitchens were installed. However, this installation was done for some franchises that did not need it and where the new additions did not help improve business. In order to keep the price of its burgers low, it asked the franchises to sell at a loss. Example: Promoting a $1 burger when the cost to make it was $1. 07. This lack in foresight resulted in rising costs to franchise owners who responded by leaving McDonalds and going over to competitors. This snowballed into falling investor confidence resulting in falling equity. Another cost issue was investing in too many takeovers which it couldn’t handle at the same time as improving service quality and revamping the menu. 5)Distribution Systems McDonalds distribution system was the large and growing number of franchises. However not many of the franchises were posting profits and as per Exhibit 1, more than 500 would have to be closed. One of McDonalds strengths is its distribution system, where in customers come in and have the same experience that they have at any other store. However, this can also be a weakness as providing a consistent experience soon becomes ordinary. 6)Market Trends The fast food casual market was quickly breaking up into fragments. With the rising immigrant population customers now had a choice of items. McDonalds realize this too late and try to counter this effect by introducing new burgers. However, the testing of the new menu does not gauge strongly enough the changing customer preferences and this poor planning led to its failure. Internally changing trends were also blindsided. Franchisees who were the closest to customers were not included in decision making and were thus disgruntled. Here was the need to change the management style from top-down to bottom-up. This would have solved some of the issues plaguing McDonalds, by providing data on what customers want and what products would have a greater chance of success. 7)Key success Factors McDonalds did have some strengths or key success factors; a)Large number of franchises that led to economies of scale. This however contrasted to the ‘small is beautiful’ concept of the niche markets. b)Complete training for franchisees to begin and run their own McDonalds proved to be a good team building exercise. c)Cost of food was low due to economies of scale and economies of size. Moreover, McDonalds was able to negotiate a reasonable price for high quality food products. McDonalds failed to realize the changing trends in the casual fast food markets, as a result of which, a large part of the market share was taken over by existing brands like Wendy’s and new players like Panera bread co. The company also failed to acknowledge competition from the niche markets serving gourmet and exotic foods. This lack in analysis led to lowering of entry barriers for new entrants, loss of market share to competitors (Wendy’s, Chick-Fil-A. ), disgruntled franchisees, and a drop in sales leading to a fall in equity value. Environmental Analysis 1)Political: 2)Economic: 3)Socio-Cultural: There are three cultural forces that influence marketers: a) persistence of cultural values, b) subcultures and c) shifts in secondary cultural values. Of the three, secondary cultural values carry the largest influence on the fast-food market. When the market is interested in convenience, they are more likely to buy fast food; if the markets secondary values shift and become interested in fitness and health, they will be less likely to buy fast food. (Monash university, 2006) The case shows this shift to gourmet and healthier foods. 4)Technological: McDonalds had begun to notice the importance of technology. The organization was looking at new technological solutions like ERP to improve their supply chain (Newman, 2002) 5)Environmental: 6)Legal: References: Monash university, 2006, Briohny’s Report, Language and Learning Online, Retrieved on 06 May 2008. http://www. monash. edu. au/lls/llonline/writing/business-economics/marketing/3. 3. 2. xml Newman, K, 2002. McDonalds seeks closer electronic relations, iStart. com:Technology in business, www. istart. co. nz, retrieved on 06 May 2008. http://www. istart. co. nz/index/HM20/PC0/PVC197/EX245/AR22537.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Arguments For And Against Globalization Economics Essay
The Arguments For And Against Globalization Economics Essay Globalization is a modern phenomenon, which can be analyzed from various points of view. Roughly, we might say that globalization is integration of regional economies, societies and cultures in a globe-spanning network of communication and trade. This term is part of a historical process of capitalism which is a new international order in the context of a single world. Globalization is sometimes used to refer specifically to economic globalization. This topic will be developed along the essay. However, as once was expressed by the ex-secretary of the United Nations Brutos Gali, there is no only one globalization, there are many globalizations such us technological, sociocultural, political, biological An example of that not only the economic globalization exists is the creation of the International Penal Court, since the human rights are starting feeling the effects of the globalization and it is necessary uniform and universalize the recognition of the fundamental rights of the citizenship. Globalization also refers to a process of interaction between societies and local cultures in a global culture to what we would call sociocultural globalization. Different definitions The word globalization is defined by different authors, official institutions and dictionaries according to their point of view. Therefore, there is not only one precise meaning of this term universally accepted by everybody. On the one hand, United Nations (UN) [1] has defined it as an event, unavoidable in our history. It makes one world through the exchange of goods, products, information, knowledge and culture. This is a result of the step forward in the field of communications, transport, technology and industry. According to the World Bank Group (WBG) [2] , the most utilized meaning for globalization is an intercontinental economic activity, which has increased sharply. In this activity they include Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Commerce and Capital Flow. However, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) [3] has combined both the United Nations and the World Bank Groups definition. It also talks about globalization in terms of FDI, Capital Flow, International Commerce and the surprising evolution of communication and technology. Furthermore, IMF specifies that sometimes globalization makes it necessary for the workforce and knowledge to have to move to another country. But, these kinds of institutions are not the only ones who want to give their own definition of globalization. A wide range of authors have given their opinion on the topic. For example, David Dollar [4] , in an interview published in the World Bank Group Web, said that the economic globalization, or as he would rather use, the economic integration takes place when a country reduces or eliminates the commercial barriers such as custom duty, and they accept investments and trade from the rest of the world. However, Leslie Sklair [5] thinks that it should be seen as a new phase of capitalism, one that transcends the unit of the nation-state. His college, Anthony Giddens [6] , does not think in the same way as him. In this case, he talks about globalization as a transformation in the global market, the evolution in the communication and trade between nation-states in physical commodities, information and currency. Evolution from two different points of view Theodore Levitt [7] was the creator of the word globalization. He used it for first time in his book called The Globalization of Markets to describe the transformation of the international economy which had been taking place since 1960. However, its evolution is not clear enough. Some people say that it started in 1980s and others are in favour of 1870s. But in either case, the bases of globalization are three specific ideas, according to the Washington Consensus: a severe fiscal system, privatization and the relaxation of the restrictions on economy [8] . The World Bank Group talks about four steps in Globalizations evolution. Whereas, Leandro Sà ¡nchez Zepeda, in his doctoral thesis, explains that there are five different stages. I do not have enough knowledge to decide which is more appropriate, so in the following paragraph I am going to give details about the development of both thoughts. According to the WGB [9] , these are the steps: From 1870 to 1914: this period was characterized by the step forward in transport and the elimination of commercial barriers. The amount of exports augmented almost 8% and 10% of the total population moved to another country. From 1914 to 1950: the situation was as before 1870, marked by protectionism. From 1950 to 1980: during those years, the process evolved to an economic integration between rich countries. Moreover, Europe, North America and Japan opened their markets. From 1980 until 2009: in this time, manufacturing increased to 80% worldwide. Some countries, such as Brazil, India and Vietnam, improved their international commerce and the globalization made developing countries improve. On the other hand, Leandro Sà ¡nchez Zepeda [10] has put forward a different opinion in his doctoral thesis: From 1870 to 1913: this period was marked by a peak in commerce due to an increase in capital and labour force. From 1913 to 1950: due to the Great Depression, the First and the Second World War international commerce decreased. From 1950 to 1973: thanks to the Bretton Woods system, global integration was strengthened. From 1973 to 1990: during these years the amount of public companies which became private increased, the financial system started to be more open to the world, communication and transport advanced and it became international. From 1991 until today: there are more free-trade areas, such as ALADI, NAFTA and ASEAN, and the economic integration has become stronger. In contrast to previous periods, the workforce moves less and capital and information are crossing borders. GLOBALIZATION Globalization itself is a continuous and dynamic process that challenges the laws of the countries in how they regulate the operation of enterprises and economic behaviour of individuals at the international level, who can give employment to workforce unemployed and also benefit from remaining irregularities and weaknesses in a particular country. It is a complex phenomenon; therefore it should not surprise us that it causes different reactions in different individuals or groups. Some consider that threatens the framework of the nation state, national identity and the modern concept of democracy. For some, it promises a new era of riches for all, for others, it is the seduction of a consumerism that will bankrupt morally and economically the majority. In favour of globalization Why economic globalization is a good system? Advances in communication and transportation technology, combined with free-market ideology, have given goods, services and capital unprecedented mobility. For example, Northern countries want to open world markets to their goods and take advantage of abundant, cheap labour in the South. To do this, these countries use international financial institutions, such as, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group, and regional trade agreements [11] to compel poor countries to integrate by reducing tariffs, privatizing state enterprises and relaxing environmental and labour standards. Globalization is a phenomenon that is important to the develop of the economy in every country, due to the general opening of markets for goods and capital suggests the end of trading blocs, regional treaties and economic independence of countries but also facilitates the ability to solve economic needs that local players have been unable to satisfy. It makes easy the commerce between different countries and decreases the difference between developed and underdeveloped countries. Some factors in favour of globalization are: Global economy and market, which can lead to a better utilization of resources. Greater ability to maneuver compared to fluctuations in national economies. New opportunities of develop markets. Using economies of scale, it can reduce cost. International cooperation. Growth and mergers between companies. Privatization of public companies. International financial deregulation. Development of means of communication and transport. The free movement of capital allows a more efficient allocation of global savings and provides to emerging economies the resources to develop and promote the consolidation of a sustained and balanced growth. Globalization opens up opportunities for developed economies to improve their efficiency and productivity and allows economies in developing to improve the living standards of its population. Against of globalization When globalization was defined, it tried to minimize the impact of negative points and reinforce positive points. Some factors against globalization are: Lack of control over markets and multinational enterprises. Increased economic social and territorial imbalances. Concentration of richness and increased social inequality. Non-fulfilment of minimum labour standards. Full employment, a priority until recently, was postponed. The work has to behave as a commodity, subject to the laws of supply and demand and the production needs, without laws that safeguards smooth minimum rights. Damage to the environment. Threat to biodiversity and cultural heritage. Dominance of financial-speculative economy over real economy. Increase exploitation of child labour Controversy The liberalization of international trade means more economic growth and welfare, such as the example of China, where foreign capital has invested heavily and the country has emerged remarkably by the effect of globalization. But if we go to Africa, we can see that its people are sinking ever deeper into poverty and degradation of economic, social and political life. There, no one invests and the one thing that Africa is used by Occident is for the arms business and to recover the debts they owe to developed countries. It is true that globalization encourages free trade among countries, but there are also negative consequences because some countries try to save their national markets. Companies are buying goods and services from foreign countries. Workers, who were sacked, are forced to work into the service sector, where wages and benefits are lower. This has contributed to the deterioration of the middle class, who have been relegated to lower positions. People in the lower class have to make more efforts to climbing out of poverty due to the absence of the middle class as a stepping stone. THE PROBLEMS OF GLOBALIZATION Globalization is the shortest and most viable way for the developing world to achieve political, social and intellectual modernity. Globalization is said to be the best and most effective means for the developing world to achieve comprehensive development, because it is the sole way to progress for this world economically. Changing the world to the better is through applying globalization. There are problems in the process of globalization: if other countries produce goods better than other, maybe a lot of citizens from this last country will be sacked; if one state collects less tax, companies could go there to get more profit. The process of globalization entails adjustments in national and international economies, to which countries must adapt. Income distribution: in many cases goods are produced in a nation through the importation of them is less restricted. The removal of import barriers may cause a substitution of goods produced within the country by others imported. This way, domestic manufacturers are affected. However, the elimination of trade barriers can make a product cheaper, which is an advantage for consumers because they can buy more with the same funds. On the other hand, globalization promotes the concentration and the emergence of large multinational companies. The possibility of selling its products worldwide and reduce production costs through exploitation of economies of scale, cause that small businesses reducing their sales potential. This can result in the reduction of global competition and that one or a few companies dominate the market. Evade national law: the possibility of settling in any country encourages companies to look for those where production costs are lower. As the laws of many countries may increase costs for businesses, they seek countries which have less legal regulation. In fact, there are territories in which companies dont pay taxes for the profit. They prefer to settle there, due to they can pay higher returns to their shareholders.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Establish a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
Unit 1 Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Theory assessment level 4 Question 1 Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle. The role, responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher are ever changing a teacher can inspire greatness in a learner. It is however, possible to teach without the learner actually learning anything, a teacher can have a great in-depth knowledge of their subject yet if they can not inspire or engage the learner their knowledge may not be passed on.I believe for myself, as an instructor it will be key in my job role to be a facilitator and establish an atmosphere in which the learners feel comfortable, where they are not threatened by external factors, this humanistic approach is mainly based around the theory of facilitative learning by Rogers (1983). Carl Rogers theory argues that people have a natural eagerness to learn and that through learning people change their percept ion of themselves. The theory recognises that the facilitator should focus on the relationship between teacher and learner not merely the teaching.Open discussion with students should be encouraged to prevent conflict, as it is recognised that resistance can be common in learning as the student in some cases is giving up what they previously thought to be true. The main aspect of this theory is that the most important part if learning is the change in the learners concept of self. Gravells (2008) describes teaching as a cycle, which can start at any point. The teacher’s roles, responsibilities and boundaries in terms of the teacher/training cycle are made up of 5 points Identify needs and planning, designing, facilitating/deliver, assessing, and evaluating.A teacher can start at any point of the cycle, it is however argued that for learning to be effective the cycle must be complete. The 5 stages are further discussed below. Identify needs As an instructor my role would be to refer to my company’s goals ensuring I am aware of what the learner is required to gain from being in my class. I will be teaching NVQ level 2 in electrical and mechanical maintenance so it is key that the needs of the learner are met to the required governing body EMTA standards.A criticism of this is there are boundaries set by EMTA which I can not deviate from; there is a strict learning practice and syllabus that must be adhered to. Within my role I will also be required to consider the learners learning styles, it is extremely important to be aware of each learners learning style to ensure they can learn effectively. Fleming (1987) describes 3 main learning styles, visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. It is recognised that most people will have a preferred learning style, however most people learn through more than only one style.For all the syllabus is set it is my responsibility to ensure the lessons are engaging and suitable for the learners depending upon their learni ng styles. Some aspects of the syllabus are required to be taught in a specific way, however this does not prevent me from including additional teaching. Such an example of this will be having to practically demonstrate a wiring process, alongside this set out aspect of the session I could design handouts and hold group discussions about safety aspects.Including varied teaching methods will hopefully help to engage all learners regardless of their preferred learning styles. The teaching style can also be approached from different angles, I can change my teaching style be it pedagogical, andragogical or didactic depending upon the lesson content. The style I will commonly be required to use, most certainly at the beginning of the course, will be andragogical as there are health and safety issues and laws and legislations to adhere to. Another important factor I must consider when identifying the needs of my earners is their learning process. A commonly used theory of learning process is that of Kolb (1984) who describes 4 different stages of the learning process. Concrete experience, observation and reflection, abstract conceptualisation, and finally active experimentation, once again just like the teaching cycle, the learning cycle can start at any stage and is continuous. This theory particularly emphasises the importance of varied teaching methods and teaching the same concept but through different means to ensure learners have a full understanding. Plan and designPlanning and design of the lesson will require myself to study the set learning criteria set by EMTA and from that create lesson plans to and engage the group of learners and keep the group interested and wanting to learn more. Once again I must adhere to the laws and legislation whilst doing this as the lesson been carried out involves the learners actually doing the work themselves which is andragogical teaching method. Further more as the class is hands on I must make sure that the equipment nee ded for the course is available, and there is an internal verifier to sign off the work completed during the course.Deliver Once I have identified the needs of the learners and planned and designed my course I can now deliver my course the first thing I would do is to complete an ice breaker, maybe have a game of human bingo. This would allow myself to get to know the learners and allow the learners to get to know each other, making a more relaxed environment. Then from there I can go about setting ground rules, the group will be aged from 16 to 21 so I wouldn’t want to patronise them, I would negotiate the rules with the group, but some rules would be set in stone specifically laws and regulations for their own safety.To deliver the course my teaching style would be mainly andragogical as been an apprentice is a hand’s on role, this will allow the learner to carry out the task therefore learning the theory and learning how to carry out the task for them selves. In ter ms of learning styles I would try deliver all 3 styles visual, audio and kinaesthetic I would deliver the theory, view videos and show practical examples and give the learner the opportunity to carry out the task themselves. AssessAssessments are carried out over the course of the syllabus this would make sure the learner is actually learning and gaining the required knowledge from the course. These are non-negotiable assessment which would be carried out in their NVQ portfolios which involves practical and theory assessments. At the end of each class I would also aim to have a quick questions session, allowing myself to ask the learners questions relating to the lesson plan, thus ensuring all aspects which I intended to teach have been understood.This process would also allow me to identify any areas which are not understood, allowing me to recap or teaching differently in a future session. Evaluate In terms of evaluating teacher training cycle at the end of every course unit I wou ld have one to one interview with my learners and discuss if objectives were meet not only to help the learner but also to help me with my teaching so I can always endeavour to improve. Another method to evaluate how the course went would be to ask the learners to complete a questionnaire allowing for more truthful responses as these could be filled in independently and without the learners name.Evaluation is a hugely important part of the process specifically for myself as this would allow me to identify any weakness and help me improve for the following modules. For all I will be asking for the course to be formally evaluated at the end of each module, I would make my learners feel confident that if there is any improvements they think I could make within the duration of the course they can approach me and make suggestions. Evaluation should be constant during the teaching process to ensure I am teaching to the best of my ability and the learners are learning to the best of theirs .
Sunday, November 10, 2019
An acceptance is â€Å"a manifestation of assent to the terms [of the offer] made by the offeree in the manner invited or required by the offer. †In determining if an offeree accepted an offer and created a contract, a court will look for evidence of three factors: (1) the offeree intended to enter the contract, (2) the offeree accepted on the terms proposed by the offeror, and (3) the offeree communicated his acceptance to the offeror. Common Law: Traditional â€Å"Mirror Image†Rule The traditional contract law rule is that an acceptance must be the mirror image of the offer. Attempts by offerees to change the terms of the offer or to add new terms to it are treated as counteroffers because they impliedly indicated an intent by the offeree to reject the offer instead of being bound by its terms. However, recent years have witnessed a judicial tendency to apply the mirror image rule in more liberal fashion by holding that only material (important) variances between an offer and a purported acceptance result in an implied rejection of the offer. Even under the mirror image rule, no rejection is implied if an offereee merely asks about the terms of the offer without indicating its rejection (an inquiry regarding terms), or accepts the offer’s terms while complaining about them (a grumbling acceptance). Distinguishing among a counteroffer, an inquiry regarding terms, and a grumbling acceptance is often a difficult task. The fundamental issue, however, remains the same: Did the offeree objectively indicate a resent intent to be bound by the terms of the offer? Communication of Acceptance To accept an offer for a bilateral contract, the offeree must make the promise requested by the offer. An offeror must communicate the terms of his proposal to the offeree before an offer results. This is so because communication is a necessary component of the present intent to contract required for the creation of an offer. For similar reasons, it is generally held that an offeree must communicate his intent to be bound by the offer before a contract can be created. To accept an offer for a unilateral ontract, however, the offeree must perform the requested act. The traditional contract law rule on this point assumes that the offeror will learn of the offeree’s performance and holds that no further notice from the offeree is necessary to create a contact unless the offeror specifically requests notice. Mailbox rule Under the so-called â€Å"mailbox rule,†properly addressed and dispatched acceptances can become effective when they are dispa tched, even if they are lost and never received by the offeror. The mailbox rule protects the offeree’s reasonable belief that a binding contract was created when the acceptance was dispatched. By the same token, it exposes the offeror to the risk of being bound by an acceptance that she has never received. The offeror, however, has the ability to minimize this risk by stipulating in her offer that she must actually receive the acceptance for it to be effective. Offerors who do this maximize the time they have to revoke their offers and ensure that they will never be bound by an acceptance that they have not received. As traditionally applied by the common law of contracts, the mailbox rule would make acceptances effective upon dispatch when the offeree used a manner of communication that was expressly or impliedly authorized (invite) by the offeror. Any manner of communication suggested by the offeror (e. g. , â€Å"You may respond by mail†) would be expressly authorized, resulting in an acceptance sent by the suggested means being effective on dispatch. Unless circumstances indicated to the contrary, a manner of communication used by the offeror in making the offer would be impliedly authorize (e. . , an offer sent by mail would impliedly authorize an acceptance by), as would a manner of communication common in parties’ trade or business (e. g. , a trade usage in the parties’ business that offers are made by mail and accepted by telegram would authorize an acceptance by telegraph). Conversely, an improper dispatched acceptance or one that was nonauthorized would be effective when received, assuming that the offer was still open at that time. This placed on the offeree the risk of the offer being revoked or the acceptance being lost. The mailbox rule is often applied more liberally by courts today. A modern version applied of the mailbox rule that is sanctioned by the Restatement (Second) holds that an offer that does not indicate otherwise is considered to invite acceptance by any reasonable means of communication, and a properly dispatched acceptance sent by a reasonable means of communication within a reasonable time is effective on dispatch. The Cantu case illustrates the more liberal version of the mailbox rule. Special Acceptance Problem Areas Acceptance in Unilateral Contracts A unilateral contract involves the exchange of a promise for an act. To accept an offer to enter such a contract, the offeree must perform the requested act. As you learned in the last chapter, however, courts applying modern contract rules may prevent an offeror from revoking such an offer once the offeree has begun performance. This is achieved by holding either that a bilateral contract is created by the beginning of performance or that the offeror’s power to revoke is suspended for the period of time reasonably necessary for the offeree to complete performance. Acceptance in Bilateral Contracts A bilateral contract involves the exchange of a promise for a promise. As a general rule, to accept an offer to enter such a contract, an offeree must make the promise requested by the offer. This may be done in a variety of ways. For example, Wallace sends Stevens a detailed offer for the purchase of Steven’s business. Within the time period prescribed by the offer, Steven sends Wallace a letter that says, â€Å"I accept your offer. †Stevens has expressly accepted Wallace’s offer, creating a contract on the terms of the offer. Acceptance, however, can be implied as well as expressed. Offerees who take action that objectively indicates agreement risk the formation of a contract. For example, offerees who act in a manner that is inconsistent with an offeror’s ownership of offered property are commonly held to have accepted the offeror’s terms. So, if Arnold, a farmer, leaves 10 bushels of corn with Porter, the owner of a grocery store, saying, â€Å"Look this corn over. If you want it, it’s $5 a bushel,†and Porter sells the corn, he has mpliedly accepted Arnold’s offer. But what if Porter just let the corn sit and, when Arnold returned a week later, Porter told Arnold that he did not want it? Could Porter’s failure to act ever amount to an acceptance? Silence as Acceptance Since contract law generally requires some objective indication that an offeree intends to contract, the general rule is that an offeree’s silence, without more, is not an acceptance. In ad dition, it is generally held that an offeror cannot impose on the offeree a duty to respond to the offer. So, even if Arnold made an offer to sell corn to Porter and said, â€Å"If I don’t hear from you in three days, I’ll assume you’re buying the corn,†Porter’s silence would still not amount to acceptance. On the other hand, the circumstance of a case sometimes impose a duty on the offeree to reject the offer affirmatively or be bound by its items. These are cases in which the offeree’s silence objectively indicates an intent to accept. Customary trade practice or prior dealings between the parties may indicate that silence signals acceptance. So, if Arnold and Porter had dealt with each other on numerous occasion and Porter has always promptly returned items that her did not want, Porter’s silent retention of the goods for a week would probably constitute an acceptance. Likewise, an offeree’s silence can also operate as an acceptance if the offeree has indicated that it will. For example, Porter (the offeree) tells Arnold, â€Å"If you don’t hear from me in three days, I accept. †Finally, it is generally held that offerees who accept an offeror’s performance knowing what the offeror expects in return for his performance have impliedly accepted the offeror’s terms. So, if Apex Paving Corporation offers to do the paving work on new subdivision being developed by Majestic Homes Corporation, and Majestic fails to respond to Apex’s offer but allows Apex to do the work, most courts would hold that Majestic is bound by the terms of Apex’s offer. Acceptance When a Writing Is Anticipated Frequently, the parties to a contract intend to prepare a written draft of their agreement for both parties to sign. This is a good idea not only because the law requires written evidence of some contracts, but also ecause it provides written evidence of the terms of the agreement if a dispute arises at a later date. If a dispute arises before such a writing has been prepared or signed, however, a question may arise concerning whether the signing of the agreement was a necessary condition to the creation of a contract. A party to the agreement who now wants out of the deal may argue that the parties did not intend to be bound until both parties signed in writing. A clear expression of such intent by the parties during the negotiation process prevents the formation of a contract until both parties have signed. However, in the absence of such a clear expression of intent, the courts ask whether a reasonable person familiar with all the circumstances of the parties’ negotiations would conclude that the parties intended to be bound only when a formal agreement was signed. If it appears that the parties had concluded their negotiations and reached agreement on all the essential aspects of the transaction, most courts would probably find a contract at the time agreement was reached, even though no formal agreement had been signed. Acceptance of Ambiguous Offers. Although offerors have the power to specify the manner in which their offers can be accepted by requiring that the offeree make a return promise (a bilateral contract) or perform a specific act (a unilateral contract), often an offer is unclear about which form of acceptance is necessary to create a contract. In such a case, the offer may be accepted in any manner that is reasonable in light of the circumstances surrounding the offer. Thus, either a promise to perform or performance, if reasonable , creates a contract. Acceptance by Shipment. The Code specifically elaborates on the rule stated in the preceding section by stating that an order requesting prompt or current shipment of goods may be accepted either by a prompt promise to ship or by a prompt or current shipment of the goods [2-206(1)(b)]. So, if Apex Corporation orders 500 IBM personal computers from Marks Office Supply, to be shipped immediately, Marks could accept either promptly promising to ship the goods or by promptly shipping them. If Marks accepts by shipping, any subsequent attempt by Ampex to revoke the order will be ineffective. What if Marks did ot have 500 IBMs in stock and Marks knew that Ampex desperately needed the goods? Marks might be tempted to ship another brand of computers (that is, nonconforming goods – goods different from what the buyer ordered), hoping that Ampex would be forced by its circumstances to accept them because by the time they arrived it would be too late to get the correct goods elsewhere. M arks would argue that by shipping the wrong goods it had made a counteroffer because it had not performed the act requested by Ampex’s order. If Ampex accepts the goods, Marks could argue that Ampex has impliedly accepted the counteroffer. If Ampex rejects the goods, Marks would arguably have no liability since it did not accept the order. The Code prevents such a result by providing that prompt shipment of either conforming goods (what the order asked for) or nonconforming goods (something else) operates as an acceptance of the order [2-206(1)(b)]. This protects buyers such as Ampex because, sellers who ship the wrong goods have simultaneously accepted their offers and breached the contract by sending the wrong merchandise. But what if Marks is an honest seller merely trying to help out a customer that has placed a rush order? Must Marks expose itself to liability for breach of contract in the process? The Code prevents such a result by providing that no contract is created if the seller notifies the buyer within a reasonable time that the shipment of nonconforming goods is intended as an accommodation (an attempt to help the buyer) [2-206(1)(b)]. In this case, the shipment is merely a counteroffer that the buyer is free to accept or reject and the seller’s notification gives the buyer the opportunity t seek the goods he needs elsewhere. Who Can Accept an Offer? As the masters of their offers, offerees have the right to determine who can bind them in a contract. So, the only person with the legal power to accept an offer and create a contract is the original offeree. An attempt to accept by anyone other than the offeree is treated as an offer, because the party attempting to accept is indicating a present intent to contract on the original offer’s terms. For example, Price offers to sell his car to Waterhouse for $5,000. Anderson learns of the offer, calls Price, and attempts to accept. Anderson has made an offer that Price is free to accept or reject
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