Saturday, August 31, 2019
Empathy in To Kill A Mockingbird Essay
In the grand scheme of things, each of us is working hard to see ourselves prosper. When we are fighting for survival, why should any of us take the time to feel for our fellow human beings? In her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee implies that having the ability to feel for others or to show empathy not only benefits others, but can lead to personal gains as well. This is best demonstrated through the characters of Atticus, Jem, and Scout Finch. An obvious example of this claim is through the character of Atticus Finch. Because of Atticus’ ability to empathize with everyone, he is well respected by the town, even when he is doing some controversial things such as defending Tom Robinson. Atticus’ use of empathy is apparent during the trial, where Atticus is blaming Mayella Ewell for falsely accusing Tom Robinson of rape. Rather than explicitly attacking Mayella, Atticus says, â€Å"I have nothing but pity in my heart for the chief witness of state, but my pity d oes not extend so far as to her putting a man’s life at stake.†(Lee-203). Atticus is still delivering the same basic message, but rather than blatantly accusing Mayella of lying, he is empathizing with her and in a way justifying her actions, however wrong they may have been. By conveying his points in ways that do not make others feel like they are being personally attacked, Atticus is a well-respected member of society. We learn of the extent of this respect when Scout complains: â€Å"Despite Atticus’ shortcomings as a parent, people were content to reelect him to the state legislature without opposition. I came to the conclusion that people were just peculiar.†(Lee- 243). Even after he lost the controversial Tom Robinson case, the town still elected Atticus to serve on the state legislature since he was so respected because of his ability to empathize with each and every member of Maycomb. We also see this empathy in Jem, who clearly demonstrates more understanding by the end of the novel. We first get a glimpse of this after he helped end Ms. Dubose’s morphine addiction before her eventual death. After she dies, Jem receives a white camellia flower from Ms. Dubose. At first, Jem is angry, since he thinks Ms. Dubose is getting back at him, but Atticus explains how Ms. Dubose was a brave lady because she was able to end her morphine addiction before she died. â€Å"Jem pic ked up the camellia, and when I went off to bed, I saw him fingering the wide petals.†(Lee-112). Jem is listening to Atticus’ advice and is trying to empathize with Ms. Dubose, whom he is finally able to respect. We see Jem’s newfound maturity develop throughout the novel. After Atticus loses the case, Jem begins to make sense of the world. â€Å"If everyone’s alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other? Scout, I think I’m beginning to understand why Boo Radley’s stayed shut up in the house all this time†¦ it’s because he wants to stay inside.†(Lee-227). Jem is obviously maturing when he empathizes with Boo Radley, a character everyone despises despite not even knowing him. As he makes sense of the world, Jem begins to empathize with even the most unlikely of people, leading to increased wisdom. Even Scout, the least mature and most clueless of the Finches, learns the skill of empathy by the end of the novel. Initially, Scout was always quick to judge others and saw things only as black or white. She saw Aunt Alexandra as mean and unfair. However, she changes her opinion after seeing her aunt stay calm and ladylike even after ne ws of Tom Robinson’s death. â€Å"After all, if Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could I.†(Lee-237). Scout is beginning to respect Aunt Alexandra for her positive aspects, rather than showing disdain for her shortcomings. Scout also demonstrates a heightened sense of understanding to Boo Radley, specifically, when Boo wants Scout to walk him home. â€Å"I would lead him through our house, but I would never lead him home.†(Lee- 278). Scout understands that it would be embarrassing to Boo to have an eight year old girl leading him home and it would give possible onlookers the wrong impression. Instead, Scout had Boo hold her hand so it would look like he is walking Scout, which would seem normal. By empathizing with people she once did not respect, Scout has obviously come a long way from the immature little girl that she was at the start of the novel. Empathy is not just there to make us feel good about ourselves. Rather, the ability to empathize makes us better human beings and it lifts society up as well. The Finch family is a shining example of this ability to empathize, a s they combat racism in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Being a Global Citizen
Global citizenship is a term that is widely used for different purposes and meanings. There is no single agreement on the meaning of global citizenship. As we all know, the world is changing faster than most of us can keep up with, technology is one of those drivers of change and people are becoming more connected to each other around the world than ever before through internet usage. As people become more connected they begin to see themselves becoming a citizen not only through their natural birth place but a citizen of the world. There are many ways to understand citizenship or being a global citizen.Based on the legal-political view, citizenship is a status granted on individuals by political communities that they belong in. It can also be defined as people giving allegiance to a country, they have to accept and uphold the duties, responsibilities and exercise the rights that they are entitled to as citizens such as obeying the laws, paying taxes, serving in the military forces i f they need to, and have rights to participate in the political life by voting and participating in elections. As a citizen it is important to maintain law and order to society.Students around the world are embracing cultural diversity and the school system is teaching the students about them. Throughout global media and technologies, virtually everyone on earth is exposed to foreign ideas and even our own communities are more diversified than ever before. The most important thing to understand about cultural globalization is it is largely driven by corporations, rather than countries. A citizen of the world is someone’s awareness of the world as a global community and recognizing the rights and responsibilities of citizens within it.As a citizen of the world we must stand up to solve poverty, stand up to environmental degradation that is tearing apart our land, stand up and protect our country if it is being threatened, and be an activist against anything that deprive anyone from their rights, life, and pursuit of happiness. It is important to recognize we are not just citizens of our respected countries but citizens in a larger global community. Economically, with the rise of a global economy, we are now more dependent upon people who don’t live in our local communities.Businesses are not restricted to one geographic area or group of the people instead they are everywhere. We are no longer a citizen of our own country, but citizens in a global community. These changes provide opportunities for great collaboration and we can find a way to work together. Global citizenship is seen as a way to reduce differences in quality of life among countries, reduce poverty, and protect the environment. Globalization is seen as a cause that could address worldwide issues such as hunger, malnutrition, and clean water. Protecting the environment and natural resources also becomes part of this concept of citizenship.Being a global citizen is not necessarily bein g a good global citizen. By saying that I mean, we don’t have to be a really rich or anything to be global citizens; just the little step to do something is all it takes. Standing up for something you believe in, helping out the unfortunate, stopping someone from saying a racist comment is all part of being global citizens. A citizen of the world would be one who sees an opportunity to influence a global decision and accepts the behavior that comes with it. All individuals have duties and responsibility of doing that.
Ntuc Fairprice Essay
NTUC FairPrice is a social enterprise of Singapore National Trades Union Congress (SNTUC), the only trade union centre in Singapore. Founded in 1973, the vision of the organization was to moderate the cost of living. NTUC FairPrice is now the largest supermarket chain in Singapore, they consist of 1.FairPrice Supermarkets 2.FairPrice Finest 3.Cheers 4.FairPrice Xtra, 5.FairPrice Xpress 6.FairPrice Online 7.providing their service to 300,000 odd customers daily (Superbands). IKEA IKEA was founded in Sweden in 1943. Their uniqueness lies in their design furniture for flat packs for self assembly, by the customers (IKEA, 2011). IKEA’s business practice is known for cost control and continuous product development.IKEA is operating in 38 countries. Although IKEA’s primary intention is to have its end users to transport the furniture by themselves, in Singapore, where many of its consumers may not have their own transport, they also offer delivery service. Procurement, Purchasing And Sourcing FairPrice Firstly, we take a look at Fairprice’s logistic processes, Procurement, purchasing and sourcing. Searching suppliers and conclude agreement Suppliers require meeting Fairprice’s product quality requirements especially for their cold chain management. It helped Fairprice and suppliers gain competitive advantage by contribute quality products for a long period to the demand customers as it gave positive effect on its revenue.For each product group, only limited number of suppliers can supply. Receiving stock requirement from NTUC’s stores They are IT enabled where stock requirement are sent to DC based on their inventory management in which stocks reaches its reorder point needs to start ordering new stocks. Purchasing orders with suppliers Tracking their orders, invoices and payments via SAP Ensuring delivery sent at DC/Stores Perishable products are sent directly to stores. Non-perishable products like butter, cheese are sent to DC. Processing consumer returns and non conformance To process non conformance in which suppliers fails to meet Fairprice’s product quality requirements in their product and dealing with returns in stores using Goods Returned Note. Fairprice’s procurement assures to have a long last and continuous relationship with their suppliers. IKEA All products from IKEA are manufactured according the designed code of conduct â€Å"The IKEA way on Purchasing Home Furnishing Products†(IWAY), as it require main IKEA’s relationship with their suppliers. All suppliers must achieve the requirements.IKEA sources internationally with 5 countries which is China, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Germany. Their 2 main focus is to increase sustainability of their suppliers and increase uses of sustainable raw materials. IKEA aims building long term relationship with suppliers that share same values. They focus to encourage suppliers having developments become sustainable and independent of IKEA presence by committing to IWAY.IKEA’s auditor’s visits suppliers regularly to assure that IWAY’s requirements are met.The compliance and monitoring group (CMG) ensures that same audit requirements are used worldwide. There are 4 major categories of suppliers which is Home Furnishing with 13,800 suppliers, Food with 76 suppl iers, catalogue with 50 suppliers and Transport service with 263 providers. IKEA purchased products both regionally and globally so as to have low price with high quality.They have a purchasing unit called IKEA component in which develops raw materials and components for their product and acts as sub-supplier to IKEA suppliers manufacturing finished products. Inventory Management Fairprice The second logistic process that we are going to look into is the Inventory management. Fairprice and Ikea have designed their inventory management in a way that it will reduce costs and positively impact the company’s return on investment. Fairprice has 2 warehouses and they only hold finished goods in their warehouse. This enables the company to largely reduce the time Fairprice will need to hold the inventory. Inventory cost such as carrying cost and risk cost will be reduce. Fairprice’s inventory management adopts the push approach. The stocks from each outlets will reach a certain stock level where the store staff will make the orders to the GLS (Grocery Logistics of Singapore). GLS will have enough time to consolidate all order from different outlets and enables them to make lesser trips for delivery, thus save the delivery cost and also prevent a stock out situation. IKEA IKEA adopts a special inventory whereby they manufacture their products by a push approach. The operational forecast and the tactical forecast are combined to create a final forecasts on store levels which will be aggregated, reconciled and compared with the same frames based on the retail and distribution services forecast group level. IKEA’s store operations focuses on the Pareto’s law by supporting high-flow facilities and low-flow warehouse that are more manual. In its high-flow warehouses, IKEA employs automatic storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) to drive down its costs-per-touch. IKEA have large bins, which is sufficient enough to cover sales for one day as what is sold is captured by Point of Sales (POS) system and what comes into the store is also known via Warehouse Management System (WMS). Thus, very little cycle counting is done. However, IKEA is able to detect any abnormalities. For example, when the system expects a certain volume of a particular product to have been sold during a two day period and less products was actually sold, the system will trigger and will direct in-store logistics to head to the location to do manual checks. With this process and system, it enables the right goods to be in the store with higher certainty as compared to the traditional retail forecasting/replenishment process. Warehousing and Distribution Fairprice The third process is warehouses and distribution. FairPrice faced problems till 1993 as suppliers used to deliver their products to Fairprice stores directly. This recorded up to 200 deliveries everyday with more than 30,000 products to managed and their distribution system were unproductive and was prone to errors. After 1993, Fairprice’s manage the Grocery Logistic of Singapore(GLS) Distribution Centre which is central distribution centre(DC) .GLS manages 2 distribution centres at Penjuru and JooKoon. In 2002, Fresh Food Distribution Centre(FFDC) is Fairprice’s centralized refrigerated DC to implement only fresh food items which they need right temperature to kept fresh. This allowed Fairprice improvise their supply chain management of these perishable products through a better temperature management control. It’s essential knowing the temperature for perishable products. Products like milk, chilled pork and dairy products are delivered directly to the stores b y suppliers to avoid spoilage. There are 6 warehouse handled under FFDC with different controlled temperatures ranges between -20 to 18 degree Celsius. The temperature in each of the warehouse is controlled and observed assuring that products are kept safe at the right temperatures. This enables NTUC Fairprice increases its efficiency and manage its supply chain as moving stocks faster helps maintain the freshness and improve quality of products. They provide proper infrastructure to maximize storage management and able to improvise the process of handling the fresh food, especially with the right temperature therefore reducing spoilage. By having Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) certified, they devote maintaining good standard food safety and hygiene in DC. They operate 7 days a week and deliver more than 28 million cartons to the stores per year.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Thesis Topic Effect of bullying in childhood on the future of a person Essay
Thesis Topic Effect of bullying in childhood on the future of a person - Essay Example Thus if there is a question as to if bullying behavior continues into adulthood, then from which age it continues will be question that will remain unanswered. Therefore, if any intervention is designed to change a psychosocial parameter in the school age children in order to prevent bullying behavior in the adulthood, that remains questionable since literature also suggests bullying behavior in the childhood is determined by may age-specific psychosocial parameters that can be changed. In other words, since isolation of influence of student age on the effect on bullying involvement and school climate has not been addressed in this study, this part of the bullying behavior will remain unanswered. While physical behaviors are overt, it must be remembered that relational type behaviors remain covert in school-age children. Some studies have shown that these covert behaviors are difficult to discern both by patents at home and teachers at school. Childhood relational aggressions are les s likely to be reported, while they are also bullying behaviors (Solberg and Olweus, 2003). Since prevalence of bullying in childhood is a relational determinant of the adulthood bullying behavior, accurate estimates of both are necessary to establish a relationship if there is any. Prevalence of bullying is highly dependent on the behaviors studied and how questions about bullying are framed and asked (Hawkins et al., 2005). Childhood bullying has been hypothesized to be a specific type of antisocial behavior that can yield adult antisocial personality disorder. However, there are cases of adulthood antisocial personality disorders which may have no bullying history. From the psychiatric point of view, the aggressive behavior in the childhood may continue similarly in the adulthood due to persistence of impairments of both the recognition of emotional stimuli and cognitive control of emotional behavior. Therefore, it can be argued that these problems may arise de novo in the adulthood, and if it originates in the childhood bullying is just a manifestation of this problem. The ignorance of social and environmental factors in development factors in development and continuation of bullying may turn out to be the most important fallacy in the whole proposition, and this study will fail to answer this, as to how these are related to future behavioral deviance (Mason et al., 2004). As this study shows, although there are aggression and behavioral problems in both the bully and the bully victims, there is a definite higher risk of adverse long-term psychopathologic outcomes trailing into the adulthood in cases of the bully victims. Studies have also shown that bully victim groups were more vulnerable for development of deviant behavioral problems in the adulthood. Although the findings from this study suggest that both bullying and victimization during early school years can be taken as public health signs of identification of subjects who are at risk of suffering psychiatric disorders in early adulthood, the causal relationship of both separately can be difficult to establish with the same rationale (Fekkes et al., 2004). This study cannot answer this question as to how
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 62
Art - Essay Example This report shows the presentation of two undergraduate students during the 11th annual artistry symposium. A light humor at the beginning signals his commencement of the presentation of his research on Italian futurism and fascism. He begins by digging deep into the historical background of both Italian Futurism and its relationship to fascism. According to the speaker, futurism was an artistic movement and later overtaken by social movement and began in Italy in the early 1900s. The movement held in high esteem themes that were linked to contemporary concepts of the future such as violence, young people, technological development and speed. In addition, the movement spearheaded growth in cars, aero plane and a manufacturing city. According to the author, there is an obvious reality when Italian fascism is linked to futuristic movement in Italy. The roughly thirty minute’s presentation comes to an end when the presenter begins to request for questions from the section of the audience. the interaction from the audience is magnificent as the speaker shows great depth by responding to all the questions and engaging in interactive intellectual debates. Perhaps a personal opinion would rate highly the presentation as it is full of content, the structure of the presentation is effective, though it is non visual, a imaginary picturing of the presentation confirms the same. The presenter must have cone the research well as the material presented is packaged properly with a deep historical connections. A humor at the beginning overshadows everything and eliminates nervousness showed by his involvement in the answers at the end of the presentation. She commences the presentation without acknowledging the audience, at least from the limitations provided by the audio recording. A visual one could have provided sufficient chance to observe her body language. However, her presentation is rich in content, but she blubs in between the presentation
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
International trade Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International trade - Assignment Example The relatively smaller enterprises are concentrated in Baden-Wurttemberg as well as in Bavaria. The production of mechanical machineries has achieved a pivotal importance in the economy of Germany. In the second half 1990s the sector of mechanical machineries experienced slow growth. However accelerated globalization has contributed much to the success of mechanical machineries production. The employment record is best for Germany among the EU member states. The economic performance also improved significantly. The wage modernization process provided competitive advantage to the industries. The advantage of wage modernization and still productivity of labor coupled to improve the economic performance. The mechanical machineries sector is a well diversified sector. The subsector of machine tools also gained importance. Over the past decade specialization is on the process. The subsectors are closely linked with the automobile industry and gained the attention of the European Union. Th e â€Å"engines and turbine†manufacturing is one such industry that has achieved much importance. The share of contribution of this sector is volatile and it is difficult to get any clear trend from the analysis of the sector. The country offers excellent research conditions for the development of technical machineries. But one challenge that the German companies have to deal with is that of high wages as well as some structural change (Vieweg, 2012). International Trade between Germany and Canada The exchange of capital goods as well as services across the international borders is regarded as International Trade. A significant portion of Gross Domestic Product is contributed by trade. In recent centuries the significance of international trade has gained much importance in economic, social as well as political terms (UN/DESA World Economic Vulnerability Monitor, 2012). The determinants or the evolution of the patterns of trade is not incorporated in the formal models of mac roeconomic dynamics. The models generally take into account the patterns of international trade and the structure of the markets along with the factors of production. Germany is a significant partner in trade for Canada. The bilateral merchandise trade of Canada with Germany accounted to more than 14 billion dollars in 2009. In the same year Germany was the second largest destination for export for Canada among the European Union. The decade of 1998 to 2008 the amount of imports from Germany doubled. The exports of Canada to Germany comprised mostly of manufactured goods. The manufactured goods amounted to 60% of the total exports for the year 2009. The exports of Aircraft witnessed the upward rising curve since 2004 at an average of 55%. The exports of cars and car accessories combined to make up 23% of Canadian imports from Germany in 2009. The trade of resource based goods between the countries is more or less evenly balanced. Germany offers services to Canada. In the year 2007, commercial services formed the major part of exports of services. The figure below shows the data on trade of merchandises. (Holden, 2010). The following figure shows data on major exports to Germany from Canada. (Holden, 2010). The following figure shows trade data category-wise. (Holden, 2010). Socio economic indicators of Germany The socio economic development of a country is measured using the rates of GDP, levels of employment as well as with rates of literacy. The invention f new technologies and
Monday, August 26, 2019
Transformational Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words - 1
Transformational Leadership - Essay Example Based at Fort George, the Black Watch is the 3rd Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland (3 SCOTS) (Arm 2011). Serving the Black Watch as a Company Sergeant Major, I handle a total of 120 soldiers under my command. To become successful in each of the military mission, the Army as a group needs good leadership. Considering my role and responsibilities as Company Sergeant Major, this report will focus on applying leadership theories, principles and techniques in my chosen profession. Prior to the conclusion, factors that make a good leader will be thoroughly discussed. Unlike the role of managers who are managing business organizations, leadership in the military is not about organizational hierarchy, top-down management, or even the use of positional or authoritative power in terms of controlling a group of soldiers. Likewise, it is a myth that military officers within the army are all about following the chain of command since soldiers who are in the military service treat one another as members of a large family. Even though effective commanders are expected to possess command skills and practice good leadership, the true concept of leadership is not about commanding a group of soldiers who are under the control of the commanders Yukl (2002, p. 2) defined leadership as â€Å"a process whereby intentional influence is exerted by one person over other people to guide, structure, and facilitate activities and relationships in a group or organization†. On the other hand, McNamara (2008) defined leadership as â€Å"a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent†. In relation to these definitions, Taylor, Rosenbach, and Rosenbach (2009, p. 1) explained that effective leadership â€Å"is all about getting people to work together to make things happen that might not otherwise occur or to prevent things from happening that would ordinarily take place†. It simply means that effective military leaders include those individuals who are capable not only in influencing other soldiers to strictly follow what is being commanded to them but also motivate, inspire and empower a group of soldiers as uniq ue individuals under my guidance.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Organization in Terms of Developing Leadership Diversity Essay
Organization in Terms of Developing Leadership Diversity - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the research that the leadership is highly autocracy, with Evans making a sole decision without consulting or communicating effectively to the workers. Evans is an amoral manager and acts with emotions to solve issues with no ethical reasoning towards the Asians cultural behaviors and religion. Jones is leading a team of people in a department. He had effective communication skills and managerial skills able to met various stakeholders and strike a balance. He has both responsible and with integrity as he noted the cultural issue within the organization. Both the leadership was accountable to the workers whereas the workers were not accountable to air their grievances on the issues instead they involved their spouses to address the issue. The workers lacked confidence and not proactive in addressing the cultural issue. The author would offer an authentic leadership; he would know the Asian cultural beliefs and values, by this, he will win the trust of the A sian community. The researcher will encourage an open door policy to increase information flow and communication. With knowledge of the situation, possible options available from the various responses and critical analysis of the immediate and future consequences, the author will call the leaders forum and develop a work plan to incorporate a win-win situation. Pat had preconceived notions on his success in IT thinking he has more expertise than the rest, further during the interview, he stated that the board should consider the position on the merit of work and reputation. Carmelita had a success in working across departments, i.e. teams, and suppliers and she could solve any problem arising in the section. Whereas Pat had more narrow capabilities only on technical and intelligence aspect.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Scientific paper on a specific management issue Assignment
Scientific paper on a specific management issue - Assignment Example been significant transformation in regard to business that originated from enhanced communication, digitization as well as globalization, and this transformation has considerably changed the nature of different organizations and the manner in which they carry out their daily operations. These changes affect all the industries, therefore, embracing and adapting to these changes is important to the development and growth of businesses. The managements of companies all over the world that are not national firms anymore but have subsidiaries in numerous countries are rapidly becoming multi-national enterprises. Therefore, companies from any nation are now in competition with those operating not only in their local markets but also in the global markets. The ties companies initially had to specific locations are reducing with the increased spread of operations and allies all over the globe. Starting and operating subsidiaries in foreign nations needs a lot of interaction with the domestic environment since the subsidiary gets majority of its resources from the local environment. The national culture of the country that a subsidiary is operating in sets the standard for acceptable social behavior and this affects the sourcing of workers making a study of the national culture important to the establishment of subsidiaries as well as their operation. In this context, this study seeks to identity the impact of national c ulture on patterns of staffing for subsidiaries. Based on the dissimilarities associated with national cultures, the staffing approach taken in the home nation and host nation may be significantly different. In order to assess this, an appreciation of culture, what is meant by the culture of a nation, what is staffing and the manner in which staffing is different in various cultural contexts must be developed. In order to appreciate national cultures and the level to which they affect businesses especially subsidiaries, it is imperative to develop an
Friday, August 23, 2019
Leadership and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Leadership and Management - Essay Example Therefore, Management entails provision of stability to an organization. This is because managing involves planning in details on the issues that subordinates will work on. This will ensure that the objectives of the organizations are geared towards improving the performance of an organization. Management involves strategizing and creating policies that will empower individuals and teams to enhance smooth operations. Proper strategizing reduces intrinsic risks as well as generating success. This is why; management is focused towards producing results (Bush, 2010). Leadership on other hand has different characteristic activities. Leadership facilitates decision making by making sure that people are given a chance to provide ideologies towards achieving the set goals. Leaders are focused towards solving the already existing problems as well as devising measures to deal with them. Leadership entails risk-taking which is crucial in enhancing individuals’ values. Achieving the right long-term goals is one of the main aspects related to leadership. While short-term achievements are crucial to management, leaders ensure that an organization’s culture is intact and that followers have the right work environment (Bush, 2010). In conclusion, the discussed activities are focused towards enhancing the success of organizations. Leadership and management are two crucial elements that will enhance individual values towards achieving the success of an
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Operation Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Operation Management - Essay Example Thirdly, Maielli (2005) states that the plant was aimed at addressing persistent industrial conflict. In establishing this plant, 1000 knowledge workers participated in crafting the agreement that led to the creation of the new plant. As a leading objective, the new plant was intended to address union and company industrial conflict. Besides, the existing plants had continuously deteriorated the quality of the products, the management, therefore, set this new plant with an objective of acting as a benchmark in establishing quality production. The main goal was to foster quality, expand production, and end industrial conflicts with the unions. In addition, the objective driving this new plant was to restore a cognitive and institutional order. Traditionally, the car manufacturer had suffered a huge industrial unrest, in establishing the new plant the focus was establishing an industry based on realigning industrial processes and put under management controlled. Moreover, the objective was to streamline company operations with a view of setting car manufacturing strategy driven by astute institutional order driven by consumers’ intention of improving quality and expanding production. Lastly, Melfi plant objective was to establish organizational turn-around that would revamp production, establish quality and promote industrial growth (Maielli 2005). The design of the Melfi plat appeared to have been substantially affected by previous experience with automation and robotics in a number of ways. The Melfi plant was significantly influenced by Post-Fordism ideas of extensive production and organizational restructuring to meet the industrial dynamics. Post-Fordism reflects a move to expand quality production; the largest production plants established during the 1970s and 1980s were driven by this industrial ideology (Seitz &
Color of Law Essay Example for Free
Color of Law Essay As a Legal Management Student who will soon be proceeding to Law, I have learn and realized so many things about being a lawyer when I finished reading the Color of Law by Mark Gimenez. When I was still a little child my dream was to become best lawyer so I can help those unfortunate people. I always thought being a lawyer is about helping, defending, and giving justice to my fellow Filipinos. I also thought that when I become a lawyer I can have lots of money to provide my needs and as to my family. I also thought that those lawyers were the best because they gamble their lives every day just to defend the citizens of its country. Then I have realized that it is just all in my imagination because in the real world lawyers do not usually do everything right, sometimes it is all lies in my eyes. â€Å"Scotty, the color of law isn’t black-and-white, it’s green! The rule of law is moneyâ€â€money rules! Money makes the law and the law protects the money! And lawyers protect the people with money!†–Dan Ford With this line it made me realize that for some lawyers they do not put their hearts in protecting the law but their ambition and love for money. It also made me realize that the codes and rules made in black-and-white does not already governs the law and the people but it is the money that makes the world go round. I have also realized that some lawyer’s cheat under the law, they do not even care about giving justice to the unfortunate or to the innocent but they make the wrong right in the eyes of others. Lastly, I have realized that when money is involved justice is not followed by its right purpose. But what I have learned from this statement is that when I become a lawyer in the future I should fight for the right thing and not blind myself with the wrong one for money. I have also learned that we are the future generations and we should not be poisoned by what is happening now but rather should make a change for the better of the society. In the story I have seen that Scott and his other colleague’s works in a best and the most famous Law Firm. I have just realized that they are working in a best and the most famous Law Firm is because they have worked hard in attaining their college degree. I have also realized that they are highly paid by the firm because they belong to the top students of the best university in Dallas. So I have learn that if I want to be employed by the most famous law firm in the Philippines, I have to work hard to be one of the best students in my future law school. I have also learned that for me to be highly paid by my employer in the future I must be one of the bar top-notcher. Though I do not promise to be this in the future but it made me realized that trying can always be the best solution. Third, I have seen in the story that when Scott was appointed to be the lawyer of Shawanda who is a prostitute and a drug addict that he did not truly believe that she is innocent. I have realized that most of the best lawyers are not usually the best when it comes to their jobs as a lawyer because a lawyer must not judge their clients but must always put their clients to be innocent. I have learn that when a lawyer what to prove her client innocent, he must first have faith and belief of her client’s innocence from the crime. It is important because when you as her lawyer do not believe that she is innocent then she might lose her confidence and instead force to tell a lie and may commit a greater mistake. Fourth, I have also seen in the story that when Scott was about to lose everything, he did not care or think about his family or what could happen to his family. Although Scott was just being kind, he just cared for his client and even doing the right thing but for me family is the most important thing in the world. I would not want to give up everything just for my clients but instead I would fight all these circumstances just to defend my family from all of these. I have realized with this that there is no purpose of winning a case if you do not have a real and complete family to celebrate with. I have learned from this that when I become a lawyer in the future I would do everything to defend my client and do the right thing but in a right way. Fifth, I have realized from the story that they portrait or described lawyers as cheaters, dishonest, and immoral. I think that this is not a good example to those young aspiring lawyers to be. I have learned that as of today being a student aspiring to be a lawyer in the future, I would do my best to practice law in a lawful and in a moral way. I would also start to respect the law by putting God first so I would be guided on what is best way to solve without being a distraction to the society. I think that if lawyers do the right thing with good and moral intention then we could have a peaceful society and justice would be given fairly. I have learned that being a lawyer with good moral character is what a lawyer should be proud of and not the multiple numbers of cases he had won because at the end of the day people do not usually care about you but you instead could make yourself proud of what you did. I have seen that Scott did not totally believe in God’s grace on how he would handle with his life. I believe that God is the center of everything so we must put him first in everything that we do. I believe that with every profession when you just trust God, he would help you be the most successful person. I have seen from Scott’s situation that he did not trust God or pray for Shawanda’s life to be reformed but instead he judged her until the end. I have learned from it and I promised myself that when I become a lawyer I would definitely put and trust God first in every case that I would encounter. With this inspiration I would be able to abide and follow the law in a right way. â€Å"VOIR DIRE †is a legal phrase meaning â€Å"to speak the truth.†I really think that these words are the most important thing to be remembered in practicing the law. I have learned from the book that being a lawyer you must first put in mind or practice to speak the truth because as a lawyer you stand to be the leader of the law. I also think that if you speak the truth then the truth would prevail. Also speaking for the truth is a way of respecting the rules of the law and yourself. I also think that if you have this within you then you will also be spoken by the truth by others. I learned that in a court trial people do not usually want to hear the truth and just cared about winning the case but when one speaks of the truth then we would have a peace of mind, heart and a clean conscience. I believe that professors should not only teach about the subject matter but must educate their students to be a lawyer who has dignity to stand for the truth. I also believe that a parent should teach and practice their children to tell the truth because they might turn out to be lawyers in the far future. I am thankful that we were tasked to read this book because it made me realized so much about how lawyers act and deal with different cases that they had encountered. I have now learned how they worked, how they find and gather those evidences about the complainant without complicating things. I have also learned how a case works on a real court, how suspects and the witness is asked about the case. I now know how the lawyers asked each witness facts out of the blue and find out the real suspect. And because of this book I have now learn so much on how to be a better lawyer and not follow the footsteps of those lawyers who are deceitful and dishonest. Now I know how to deal with suspects that are involved in criminal cases by respecting and not judging them with what other people think of them. I have realized that I should be different to make a mark and be known to people and my clients in the future by my good moral character. I have also learned that when I become a lawyer, I would not do something deceitful, fraudulent or immoral just to win a case and make a lot of money but I would do the right thing even though I won’t be remembered from it. After reading the book I have fully made up my mind that I would be taking up law school. I promised myself to study well and make my parents proud of me. I think the book stand as an inspiration to me to become a best and better lawyer than those describe by the book. I want to be different from them because I see their life unhappy and not contented with what they have. I hate how the lawyers wanted to be the best and even more, I think it is childish because when you’re a lawyer you should be proud of what you’re capable of and make the most out of it or you should learn from every mistake you take and be better. But despite the wrong this Scott Fenney had done in the past, I still idolized him and wanted to be liked him in the future because it taught me that his intelligence got him to his dreams. Also I idolized him because he fought for the right and defended her client even if she is known to be a prostitute and a drug addict. I idolized him for turning his mistakes and made it right by leaving his past life from being one of the rich citizens of Dallas. I also idolized him for being a responsible son to his mother because although his mother was dead, he did his best to rich his mother’s dream for him to have and reach everything they had in mind together. And lastly, I want to be liked him because although he was not a very good husband to his wife because he did not stop his wife from leaving him still he was a good and the best father to his daughter Boo. He did a great job taking care of his daughter and making her part of his career by sharing how his job works. He also inspired me because he help and let Pajamae stay at their home despite the fact that she is black and a daughter of a prostitute and a drug addict. â€Å"Brilliant lawyers without rich clients are worthless to large law firms†I think this is true because being in a large law firm you have to maintain the amount of money you contribute. Also in a law firm you have partners who trust you by bringing their firms name but of course you have to pay back. This is why you owe the firm for giving you clients because clients does not directly go and see a personal lawyer but they trust a big law firm where they can be sure not to be disappointed. Also lawyers that are less brilliant and less intelligence with rich clients are still worthless or useless because all though you will still be paid large still clients would not be satisfied by the result and does want to go back. I think that being a good lawyer is better than being a rich lawyer but you suffer with your criminal or fraudulent actions. When I become a lawyer I would first make sure and review my actions before I mixed my career with money. I believe that my reputation and my character is the best thing that I can be proud even without money. I may be poor by this belief or thinking but being a lawyer can be a great value as money is. I also believe that this will find me happiness and peace but money will only buy happiness temporarily. Being a lawyer with a good heart will be permanent to my being. I know that if I would just do what a lawyer should really do I would be blessed by my clients that can see my efforts and pay me good money. With this I know that I have worked hard for that money and not earn a lot of money for something I did not do. I want be paid by my hard worked and efforts that I had invest than being paid and never returned the worth. I have also realized that maybe someday I would enter politics and maybe become one of the senators in the Philippines but that I can sure that when such time comes I would definitely return the favor for putting me in a great position. I would stay in the position as a fair senator who will do everything for the better of the society. I would not be like Senator McCall in the story that buys everything with money and expect to cover up all the bad information’s about him. In real life when we commit mistakes we should not cover it up but instead we ask for forgiveness to those who we had hurt and learn from it. People will understand and eventually forgive you in time because we all know that nobody’s perfect and we all make mistakes. I think the book is good because it made lawyers see what a true lawyer is from lawyers who are just pretending to be the best but they really are foolish. I also like how the book portrayed and describe every detail how the characters are because we learn from their characters. Just like Rebecca who is ambitious and was just after the money that Scott can offer. She does not even make Scott feel loved because she does not allow him to touch her. I did not also liked her character because she did not appreciate how Scott worked hard just to give her what she dreamed of, from a mansion, car, dresses and a great husband who loved her so much. And lastly, her character of leaving his child and husband for a golf boy who does not have anything to offer her and she is not even sure that he really love her or just for money. She was not a good example to her daughter for how she acted in times of worst which might happen and followed by her daughter. She should have said sorry to her daughter for leaving them not saying goodbye because she is better without her, a child would not understand that. Summary Scott Fenney, a successful lawyer who knows how to bend the rules, mastering the creative skills of being a lawyer and a lawyer who makes lots of money from it. He graduated as a top student from SWU. He has a wife Rebecca and a daughter named Boo. They lived happily and peacefully at a mansion at Highland Park and he drives a Ferrari. He works at the Ford Stevens Law firm and earns half and more than a million in a year. The Ford Stevens Law firm is known to be the best law firm in the state. He is a corporate lawyer who represents corporations and never represented an individual person convicted of crime. A case was broadcast to the public news about the murder of Clark McCall who is the son of the Senator Mack McCall in Dallas, Mexico. Clark McCall was found dead in his bedroom shot above his left eye and the murder was suspected to be the prostitute Shawanda Jones who has been with him on the day he died. The case does not involve Scott and his life was perfect until Judge Buford appointed to be the lawyer of Shawanda Jones to defend her from the crime of murder. He visited Shawanda from the jail and he witness that she is a heroin addict. He asked Shawanda about the crime and what happened. Shawanda told her story to Scott that she was picked up by Clark at Harry Hines Boulevard and was promised to be paid a thousand dollars to spend a night with him. They then arrived at Clark’s placed and to his bedroom but then Clark started to slap her that she in return punched him in the eye and kicked him in the balls, that he fell to the floor and she took her thousand dollars and his car keys and drove herself back to Harry Hines and left the car there. Scott asked her why was her weapon used in the crime scene, she then explained that it might have slipped from her purse when she was in a rush from getting away. Scott then asked her why she does she carry a gun in her purse, she then answered that she lives in the project where your life may be in danger anytime. Scott did not believe at that time, he believes that when your gun is the murder weapon of the crime scene then you must have done it. Dan Ford owner of the Ford Stevens Law firm is the personal lawyer of Senator McCall and was told that he should convinced his lawyer to declined or put down the case. Dan then told Scott that it would not be good for the Law Firm’s image to engage in a case of murder because they represent known associates of a corporation. He warned Scott that it would destroy his career to represent a prostitute. Scott also did not want the job appointed to him and wanted to assign another lawyer Bobby as a substitution. Bobby is a criminal defense lawyer but is not a very successful lawyer, he even envy and is jealous of Scott’s successful career because he does earn much as his friend do. He accepted the job offered to him by Scott but when they represented to court and told the judge about the substitution, Shawanda had a choice to choose which lawyer she wants to represent her and she still chose Scott. So Scott had no choice and pursued with the case despite the allegations and warnings about his career. Shawanda is a black woman who has a daughter named Pajamae who was left at their house at the projects. Scott was asked a favour from her to check on Pajamae and to bring her in jail to see her mother. The projects is a wild place in Dallas where black people lives and where troubles usually happen. He took Pajamae to her mother in jail and he was afraid to go back, so he decided to let Pajamae stay with his family in Highland Park where he has a daughter same as her age. His wife Rebecca did not like the idea about it but his daughter Boo did want to have a sister and she got along well with Pajamae. During the months before the trial, they gathered every facts and evidence to defend or prove Shawanda innocent. They investigate Clark’s background and found out that he has a history of alcohol and drug abuse, also some allegations of rape. I was brought to court about the issue then Senator McCall got angry of what Scott turned out to be. So the next following days Scott began to lose his car which was going to be taken away by the bank he owned a loan to. Then he needs to pay his bills but he was running out of cash. He was okay with losing everything because he knows he has clients who pay him half and more millions in a year but when he went to see his client Tom Dibrell, he was shocked that Tom is firing him. He blamed everything to Senator McCall but when he went to see and ask his boss Dan Ford to tell the bank to give him more time to pay his loan but Dan refused and Scott was confused but he then eventually connect the dots that Dan was the one behind all that is happening to him. Dan asked him again to put down the case but Scott refused then he was fired from the firm which was his only resort with his life problems. After losing everything he owned, his wife Rebecca left him because she cannot longer take the humiliation and what people would think. After everything that had happen he thought to himself to do his very best to prove to the public that he is a good lawyer and he can prove that despite Shawanda’s background she is innocent. They gathered name of some girls that Clark may had rape or sexual harassment but only one of the girl responded and wanted to be a witness. Hannah Steele did not file charges and damages when the time she was raped because she was scared and blackmailed by McCall so he kept quiet for a long time. They kept her named until the final trial because she is the only solution to prove that Clark was a rapist and a racist. The month of august was about to arrive but they are still not yet ready for the trial because they got only one witness and no other evidence about Shawanda’s innocent and to prove that Clark is a rapist and a racist. They had a last resort who is Carl an assistant of Bobby where he is investigating Clark’s background to gather other witness. So Scott and Bobby had only one blast who is Hannah Steele who apparently refused to speak on the day of the trial. Then Scott did not know what to do, what to ask the witness of the other side of the case just to defend Shawanda. Then right after he was losing hope on winning the case, Carl arrived at the court and presented an envelope to Scott which has the flights from Washington to Dallas on the day Clark was murdered. The trial go on, Scott asked and listened to witnesses who are police and Fbi who were present on that day. He then realized after listening and seeing all the pictures of Clark’s murdered body that Shawanda was left-handed and that Clark was shot on the upper part of his right eye. So Scott made a realization that the murderer was a right-handed which is not Shawanda. So he gathered and reviewed all the flight documents from that day and found Clark’s flight and a related person to him was on a flight just next to his scheduled flight. The person related to him on the next flight with the same destination as him was Delroy Lund who is a bodyguard of his father Senator McCall. When Delroy was asked on court about his presence on the day Clark died he said he was in Washington with the Senator. Then when Scott presented the documents and asked him why was his name registered with his driver’s license number, he answered and made an alibi that he forgot about that day. Then he accidentally denied killing Clark but called him something foolish and the court suspected that he is the murderer. The court suspected and found him guilty of killing Clark because he really has hatred and jealousy from Clark and he followed him that day because she suspected that Clark was going to do something foolish again.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
A Study On Amazon | Essay
A Study On Amazon | Essay E-commerce business is widely praised for having pioneered web-based customer relations, setting an industry benchmark in market-leading technological infrastructure. Kotler et al (2008) recognise that ‘the technology boom has created exciting new ways to create products and services tailored to individual customer needs (p.33). first entered the US e-commerce trading arena in 1995 under the ownership of Jeff Bezos, operating, as many do, from the comfort of home. As part of an emergent growth strategy, within ten years Amazon expanded at an alarming rate and penetrated the markets of several countries, basing fulfilment centres in the US, Europe and Asia with the aim of managing the product distribution process from supplier to consumer. Quarterly sales revenue has consistently grown year on year, to a current $5.45 billion in the third quarter ended September 2009 of this year a growth of 28% over the same period in 2008 according to Amazons investor press release ( Further financial reporting presented in the press release shows Amazons US market exceeds total international income. The $5.45 billion consists of $2.84 billion in North America, and $2.61 billion from the UK, German, Japanese, French and Chinese sites. It has remained unscathed by the recent global economic downturn; quite the contrary, Amazon has capitalised on the reduced disposable income of consumers. ‘The research area is potentially fruitful since, even in recession, e-shopping volumes in the UK, for example, are continuing with double-digit growth, whereas traditional shopping is languishing in zero growth or less (Dennis et al, 2009: p.1122). Since commencing operations those years ago selling second-hand books in small volume, Amazon has vastly diversified its product portfolio. ‘You can find beauty supplies, clothing, jewellery, gourmet food, sporting goods, pet supplies, books, CDs, DVDs, computers, furniture, toys, garden supplies, bedding and almost anything else you might want to buy ( There are a number of ways in which the site operates. It stocks and sells its own products from reputable branded suppliers in fulfilment centres; allows stores to use Amazon as their portal for marketing both new and used goods; invites the public to join and sell their items in online auctions. However the true beauty of Amazons internet service lies within a highly innovative, targeted and versatile customer interface. The Oracle Corporation (an agent of the database design and implementation) has constructed a diagram of the database system as shown in Appendix 1. This study aims to demonstrate the concept of customer orientation as part of a marketing strategy and its effectiveness as a constituent of the holistic practices of Amazon. One may think, at first glance, that the concept of customer orientation seems obvious. Its basic definition confirms this, affirmed by Kotler et al (2008) as ‘a company that focuses on customer developments in designing its marketing strategies and on delivering superior value to its target customers (p.372). However, the extent to which a business devotes resources to the customer is often difficult (but not impossible) to distinguish at a contextual level. Marketing forms the foundation of our very livelihoods. Blink and its there right in front of you. Post-modern society dictates that organisations no longer navigate consumer trends merely by the commodities that they make competitive business has evolved in the realisation that ‘nowadays, ever more emphasis is placed on the importance and nature of the relationships that an organization has with its customers (Jones et al, 2007: p.106). The fruits of economic growth have no doubt spurred the strengthening of (both consumer and business) purchasing power and with it, variety-seeking opportunity. The opportunity presented by marketing (or rather customer) orientation opens up the potential to extrapolate future demand before the consumer even demands it. Here it is about identifying gaps in the norm, and, driven by innovation, manifesting those undiscovered wants into tangible demand. The marketing sphere has become highly complex, giving rise to certain implications. How does a marketer adequately identify profitable market dynamics in this day and age? Is it even possible to satisfy the needs of every targeted consumer? Amazons marketing strategy will be discussed in relation to its handling of customer needs, or rather, how the company perceives its customers needs are best served through the online innovator. Donaldson and OToole (2002) identify four marketing strategies; Amazons being the â€Å"high-tech, high-touch quadrant†. Porters (1996) â€Å"Five Forces Analysis†model can influence the 7 Ps of the â€Å"Marketing Mix†and the value a company can create for the consumer. It is a useful model for presenting the intensity of external market pressures from different angles. See Appendix 2. ‘If management wants to change how the firm connects with its customers, it has to change the organisation (Molineux, 2002: p.109). The culture behind Amazon since emerging online in 1995 as a simple bookstore has taken rapid progression in-line with its marketing strategy. The company has evolved through its heedfulness of the rising effectiveness of relationship marketing electronically around the end of the 1990s, so that ‘the dominant approach to IT and relationship research is being replaced by a relationship strategy rather than a transaction strategy position, focussing on information as opposed to technical (Donaldson and OToole, 2002: p.181). Dibb (1998) states ‘increasing evidence suggests that businesses have problems operationalising segmentation (p.394). Harvesting different segments with universally positive outcomes is often troublesome for organisations. ‘For most businesses it is simply unrealistic to satisfy the entire diverse customer needs in the marketplace (Dibb, 1998: p.394). Amazon is one of the few that can, or at least makes great attempts to. Many other online companies have only recently followed suit. Amazons system breaks the contemporary rules of market segmentation. Each customer is his or her very own segment, targeted by one versatile, adaptive system able to meet their personal characteristics by recommending a set of products at a variety of prices from low, second hand to brand new. The system epitomises customer relations management, catering for any socio-economic status, music taste, literature-lover, and so on. Amazon is a target marketer, for marketers. ‘Each customer is assigned a unique number Companies have databases for sales, marketing, service, inventory, payments, and so on (Buttle, 2009: p.103). Amazon utilises a complex, controversially patented Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) which the site draws from to personalise its content toward the customer and supplements functions such as the â€Å"one-click†. Contrary to the norm of a consumer initiating a purchasing process, Amazon acts as the initiator with its variety-fulfilling interface, performing a dual-class role as the â€Å"middle man†between the business and consumer market. Kotler et al express how Amazon leverages the benefits of electronic B2B relationships through ‘E-procurement [which] gives buyers access to new suppliers, lower purchasing costs and hastens order processing and delivery. In turn, business marketers can connect with customers online to share marketing information, sell products and services, provide customer support services and maintain ongoing customer relationships (p.307). McBurnie and Clutterbuck (1988) justifiably assert ‘until competitors copy or segment your segmentation, you have a competitive edge, even if you serve the segment with a standard product or service. If the product or service is specific to the segment then your competitive advantage is multiplied (p.23). Such is t he unique selling point of Amazons personalised service. Consumer behaviour is encapsulated within a set of layers that range from the collective culture right down to pinpoint developments in individual characteristics. Although identified separately, each layer bears a holistic influence on the outcome of one another. For example, a consumer might be into the skating subculture, meaning they believe DC shoes are the best buy in the market. However, as they grow older, they may grow out of skating and take interest in a different culture, likely to make a new trend of purchases. A consumers culture is therefore not set in stone, and as the learning process of life progresses, so too may the views and values of the individual. Career progression is equally important since it determines the level of disposable income. ‘There is evidence for the importance of social interaction and recreational motives, as demonstrated by virtual ethnography (webnography) of â€Å"Web 2.0†blogs, social networking sites and e-word of mouth (Dennis et al, 2009: p.1121-22). Amazon allows end users to share reviews and ratings of products so that future potential buyers are able to make a more influenced, informed choice. However everyone is unique and therefore what may appeal to one customer may be disliked by another. This is therefore contingent upon the orientation of the particular traits of a customer, which dictates the degree to which a person evaluates and therefore heeds the information he/she comes across. ‘Intention to shop with a particular e-retailer will be positively influenced by past experience (p.1124). Amazon does exactly that. It harnesses the past purchases of the customer and extrapolates correlations in the form of recommendations based on what the system recognises as the buyers personal characteristics and therefore purchasing influences from within. The system aims to successfully delineate a person and even interacts like a person itself, acting in a rather paternalistic manner, knowing what is best for the consumer. In a retail store staff are not likely to draw upon past purchasing trends for a particular customer and therefore cannot offer the sort of tailored service that does. Amazon offers a variety of convenient functions, not least the â€Å"Sign in to turn on 1-Click ordering†option at the checkout. Dennis et al couple with this the notion of â€Å"web atmospherics†‘Graphics, visuals, audio, colour, product presentation at different levels of resolution, video and 3D displays are among the most common stimuli (p. 1128). Visit the Amazon website and you will see that administrators have decided to implement a festive header, the promotion of gift e-vouchers customers can send to family via the internet, wish lists based on categories of relationship (for example husband, granddaughter, and so on) to name but a few of the sites seasonal customisations. ‘Customers have shown they dont want to be hunted like prey. They dont want to be managed; they just want companies to make their lives easier and less stressful (Newell, 2003: p.7). One of the implications for Amazon is, as shown by internet banks, that ‘online banks are finding that they also need an on-ground presence if they want to compete successfully (Zinkhan, 2002: p.414). Many businesses find equilibrium in their marketing strategy through the balance of both tangible and web-based enhancement of the Marketing Mix. Does Amazon seem challenged by the lack of localised Amazon service outlets? Its financial performance figures suggest not. The company strives on passing on the overhead saving to the consumer. As the SWOT analysis in Appendix 3 displays, outlets are nonetheless an opportunity for Amazon to grow, particularly where the consumer prefers to make a tangible purchasing decision in items such as clothing. ‘It is about creating an experience, personalizing the interaction with individual customers in ways directed by the customer, and thereby developing relationships (Newell, 2003: p.7). There is a fine line between assisting the customer through recommendations and effectively spamming them with products they might not like. Newell states that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is inferior to a new strategy of Customer Management of Relationships (CMR). Looking closely at the ways of Amazon, it is possible to identify mixtures between the two, and therefore in the eyes of Newell, a conflicting and inefficient combination. On the one hand, there Amazon treats customers as individuals and understands their unique needs as part of the CMR mechanism. On the other hand, Amazon seems to know too much for its own good, since it is merely a computer system making the decisions. As Newell distinguishes under CRM, customers are likely to feel â€Å"stalked†and in some ways may feel forced into making a purchase. Against the positive, praising grain of this study thus far it is possible to suggest Amazons system contradicts the very foundation of ‘good marketing practice that is, to make people buy things they do not actually need and therefore want. Amazon makes them believe they want the product. Herein lies a fundamental implication Does the Amazon system really get to grips with an individual? Is it at all likely that a person can feel cared for by a computer? Donaldson and OToole (2002) affirm ‘the debate continues on whether e-relationships will reduce the inter-personal/social bonds prevalent in relationships (p.177). Keller (2003) in his study on Strategic Brand Management suggests ‘service firms should allocate fewer resources to traditional quality programs, productivity programs, and efficiency programs and allocate more resources to service-orientated revenue initiatives such as customer satisfaction programs, customer retention and loyalty, CRM and customer equity programs (p.245). Effectively he asserts a need for heavy weighting towards customer orientation, however the degree to which capital should be leveraged in favour of the customer and away from vital operational functions of the organisation is unclear and potentially adverse if perceived as unbalanced as it sounds. A company may well listen to the needs of the consumer wholeheartedly, but if process efficiency and output quality are neglected, the company will not succeed. In the case of Amazon, it remains a predominantly service-orientated company, combining the strong brand images and separate marketing strategies of the c ompanies it markets for, with its own e-market leading online interface aimed at maintaining high levels of brand equity. Amazon is not known exclusively for the products it markets, but the way it markets them. Any good book store will stock a copy of the latest J.K. Rowling fiction. The importance is this ‘Because of associations to product assortment, pricing, and credit policy, quality of service, and so on, retailers have their own brand images in consumers minds. Retailers create these associations through the products and brands they stock, the means by which they sell them, and so forth (p. 358). Although separate resource-consuming entities, the perceived quality of the Amazon service indirectly reinforces the marketing efforts of the brands and the products that it stocks and sells from its fulfilment centres. This is not to say, however, that efficiency is not of upmost importance. A fast, responsive inventory database is in action with the aim of delivering (for f ree!) to customers and managing stock replenishment with minimal downtime particularly important for seasonal demand such as Christmastime. Amazons pricing strategy is to minimise the cost to the consumer, through simple but nonetheless effective marketing communication. Customers incentive for their word-of-mouth marketing efforts is a manifested in highly competitive, low pricing since the profitable costing and mark-up of products does not need to earn a return on advertising investment. Remaining a sole e-tailer negates the need for a skimming strategy on the part of Amazon. The aim is simple minimal overheads and marketing expenditure, attractively low pricing, profitable mark-ups. Amazon has done remarkably well where other companies often underrate the power of the consumer as a communications tool. Dorward (1987) cites Doyle (1968) who ‘claimed that persuasive advertising will be more effective either when products are relatively cheap, as consumers will not expect to gain much financially from an extensive market search or when it would be difficult for consumers to evaluate the product prior to purchase (p.155). In the case of Amazon such factors are satisfied by the sharing of previous purchasers as influencers of the decision process, whereby it is much easier to read reviews than to, for example, visit different book or music stores to evaluate the product effectively. The relatively low cost product types that Amazon e-tails enforces the idea that person to person advertising is sufficient and that customers are more likely to take notice of the recommendations Amazon offers. In an interview with Jeff Bezos, (2005) uncovered why does not utilise media such as television as a form of marketing communication. ‘More and more money will go into making a great customer experience, and less will go into shouting about the service. Word of mouth is becoming more powerful. If you offer a great service, people find out ( Therefore to communicate its service the company simply relies on the conveyance of its high brand equity through personal communication channels, which Kotler et al recognise as ‘a major reason for Amazons success in growing sales per customer. You have probably made an Amazon purchase based on another customers review or the â€Å"Customers who bought this also bought†secton (p.708). ‘In most cases, it turns out that the most workable solution is often a hybrid, integrating the new e-tail channel with the traditional ones, so customers can purchase items through either e-tail channel or retail channel (Yao and Liu, 2005: p. 236). It is much more difficult to ensure performance gaps between expect and actual quality of service are minimised when dealing with tangible assets such as a group of employees. It is simply not as easy as a programming code alteration in the database system or interface design. Contemporary management practices would inevitably need to be implemented, and since the very heart of Amazon is based online, does it have the competency and experience to manage the working capital utilised for tangible outlets? Although fulfilling the human-human personal interaction function that online service lacks, there is the implication for Amazon as a brand to meet Kellers brand extension disadvantages. A store will most likely be unable to accommo date for the vast array of products that Amazon can deal with so efficiently online. If customer service does not live up to the tailored specification of the renowned e-system, there could be detrimental effects to Amazons customer-centric image. In-store service may override the comparatively low-overhead, low-pricing online service, drawing attention away from and therefore reducing sales. Perceived highly customer-focused service image could be tarnished with a more general retailer image, removing a key selling point for Amazon. ‘In 1988, building on their early research, PZB [Parasuraman, Zeithamal and Berry] published a multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality, named SERVQUAL (Baron and Harris, 2003: p.23). There is a distinct lack of implementation in the Amazon system for a customer-to-management feedback approach. The â€Å"vibe†of the site emits an overly paternalistic, Amazon-knows-best interface without much functionality devoted to Total Quality Management-style input from the customer. Perhaps Jeff Bezos takes the view that the sharing of customer reviews between one another effectively deems the site a self-maintaining organisation one could perhaps interestingly compare Amazons values to the general outlook of the Conservative government in the 1980s in its approach of free market enterprise, de/self-regulation and cost-cutting efficiency with the ultimate aim of maximising value for society. Effectively Amazon supports what could be coined C2C Mark eting, a phenomenon hardly touched by academics in its own right. So where does the future lie for Amazon? Well it does not take long upon scanning the internet to find companies cottoning onto the customer-orientated ways which Amazon mastered a decade ago. Its year-on-year financial success displays itself how the companys brand equity is firmly embedded in the consumer market. ‘Amazon Services is building complete e-commerce solutions for companies that are potential Amazon competitors, leaving open the possibility that Amazon will ultimately head in the direction of technology service over retail sales ( This provides the opportunity to effectively control its competitors by leveraging its famous CRM patents and driving forward an Amazon-era of e-commerce which has proven so successful. The concept of customer orientation is prevalent in the case of Right from the very outset the company sought to delineate the customer as an individual, and not merely a group with similar needs a segmentation strategy so many companies use and even then, some fail. This is not to say, however, that Amazon neglects other concepts in its mission to maximise brand equity. The other key aspect relevant to the context of the company, bearing in mind that the self-selling characteristic of Amazons customer orientation has already been mentioned (effectively deeming the conventionally separate selling concept unusually intertwined within it), is the production concept, controlled by an efficient RDBMS and strong B2B relations with its suppliers. Referencing: Jones, D., Bichard, M., Thompson, D., Green, A., Bilmoria, K., Peppitt, E., and Tusa, J., 2007. Six of the Best: Lessons in Life and Leadership. Hodder Arnold Publishers Ltd. Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., and Saunders, J., 2008. Principles of Marketing. 5th European Edition. Pearson Education Ltd. McBurnie, T., and Clutterbuck, D., 1988. Give Your Company the Marketing Edge. Penguin Books. Dibb, S., 1998. Market segmentation: strategies for success. Marketing Intelligence and Planning. Vol. 16, pp.394-406. Dennis, C., Merrilees, B., Jayawardhena, C., and Wright, L.T., 2009. E-consumer Behaviour. European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 43, pp.1121-22. Zinkhan, G.M., 2002. Promoting services via the Internet: new opportunities and challenges. Journal of Services Marketing. Vol. 16, pp.412-423. Newell, F., 2003. Why CRM Doesnt Work: how to win by letting customers manage the relationship. Kogan Page. Donaldson, B., and OToole, T., 2002. Strategic Market Relationships: from Strategy to Implementation. John Wiley Sons Ltd. Molineux, P., 2002. Exploiting CRM: Connecting with Customers. Hodder Stoughton. Buttle, F., 2009. Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies. 2nd edition. Elsevier Ltd. Keller, K.L., 2003. Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity. 2nd Edition. Pearson Education Ltd. Doyle, P., 1968. Advertising expenditure and consumer demand. Oxford Economic Papers. Vol. 20, pp. 395-417. Dorward, N., 1987. The Pricing Decision: Economic Theory and Business Practice. Harper Row Ltd. Porter, M.E., 1996. What Is Strategy? Harvard Business Review. pp.61-78 Yao, D.Q., and Liu, J.J.. 2005. Competitive pricing of mixed retail and e-tail distribution channels. The International Journal of Management Science. Vol. 33, pp.235-247. Baron, S., and Harris, K., 2003. Services Marketing: Texts and Cases. 2nd Edition. Macmillan Press Ltd.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Clinical Reasoning And Decision Making In Nursing Nursing Essay
Clinical Reasoning And Decision Making In Nursing Nursing Essay All nurses use clinical judgement to make decisions while caring for patients. These decisions have an effect on the actions of the healthcare professional and the delivery of health care the patient receives Jones and Beck (1996). Its the nurses responsibility to make clinical decisions based on their learnt knowledge and skills. Simple decisions such as, would a bed pan or commode be more appropriate? To making quick, on the spot decisions, such as what steps to take if a patient began to rapidly deteriorate. Nurses rely on sound decision making skills to maintain positive outcomes and up to date care. Orme and Maggs (1993) identified that decision-making is an essential and integral aspect of clinical practice. Nurses are accountable for their decisions, therefore it is crucial that they are aware of how they make these decisions Muir (2004). This essay will discuss two decision making models, factors that may improve or interfere with clinical reasoning and decision making in pat ient centred care and how they vary across the different fields of nursing. The decision making models that will be discussed are Risk Analysis and Evidence Based. Risk assessment plays a major part in the process of supporting patients and it greatly helps to maintain safety in hospital settings. Its main purpose is not only to identify potential risks but also remove and prevent them. Assessment is considered to be the first step in the process of individualised nursing care Neno and Price (2008). Risk analysis provides information that is vital in developing a plan of action that can help improve personal health. It has the potential to decrease the severity of chronic conditions, helping the individual to gain control over their health through self-care RCN (2004). Not only is risk analysis for the patients safety but its also there to ensure staff safety Kavaler and Spiegel (2003). It is imperative that nurses use suitable risk assessment tools as a guide to enable them to make effective decisions. Once the tool has been implemented, using the gathered information and using their own clinical judgement, the nurse will then be able to provi de the right safety precautions for patients Holme (2009). There are many different types of risk assessment tools available for patients and staff within the clinical setting. For patients there is the Waterlow score risk of pressure sores and ulcers, the MUST tool Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool, FRAT Falls Risk Assessment Tool and Pain Assessment Tools are only to name a few and they are commonly used in clinical practice. Staff have Infection Control Assessments and Discharge Risk Assessments only to name a couple but they should be kept up to date and reassessed regularly Daniels (2004). The pressure ulcer risk assessment/prevention policy tool, is frequently used in clinical practice. Pressure risk-assessment tools have been described as the backbone of any prevention and treatment policy Waterlow(1991). The Department of Health set annual targets for an overall reduction of pressure ulcers by 5-10% over 1 year (DoH, 1993), so it is vital that nurses accurately determine which patients are at risk of developing pressure ulcers. A pressure ulcer is an area of localised damage to the skin and underlying tissue caused by pressure, shear, friction or a combination of these EPUAP (1998). The intention of the Waterlow pressure sore risk assessment is to recognise service users who are highly at risk of developing pressure sores, to avoid them becoming worse and/or even developing them at all, to serve as an early predictive index before the development of pressure damage Nixon and McGough ( 2001). It is imperative that patients are assessed using this tool, especially patients with Intrinsic risk factors such as restricted mobility and /or are confined to their bed for long periods of time, patients with poor nutrition, elderly patients, patients with underlying health conditions such as diabetes and patients who are urinary incontinent and bowel incontinent are also highly at risk of developing pressure sores, this due to the moisture, moist skin can be weak and susceptible to breakdown Andrychuk (1998). Accordi ng to the NICE clinical guideline 29 (2005) pressure ulcer grades should be recorded using the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Classification System. There are four stages that pressure ulcers are graded at and it is down to the nurses own clinical judgement to decide what stage the ulcer is. Depending on the grade of the pressure sore, it will depend on the type of mattress that will be needed. There are factors to be considered before selecting a mattress for the patient which include, making sure the mattress does not elevate the patient to an unsafe height and to ensure the patient is within the recommended weight range for the mattress NICE (2005). Using their learnt skills, experiences and own clinical knowledge, nurses have to decide what dressings should be used in the treatment of pressure ulcers. They have to take into consideration the grade of the sore, any manufacturers indications for use and contraindications, previous positive effects of certain dressing and preference for comfort or lifestyle reasons Bouza et al (2005). Specially designed dressings and bandages can be used to speed up the healing process and help protect pressure sores such as hydrocolloid and alginate dressings which will be used at the nurses digression NHS Choices (2010). Nurses should always be aware of any potential risk factors that may worsen or add to the development of pressure ulcers when using any pressure risk assessment tool. The nurse will have to decide the frequency of re-positioning the patient, implementing a turning chart to keep times and dates documented and to communicate to other members of staff what time the patient needs turning. This involves moving the patient into a different position to remove or redistribute pressure from a part of the body Walsh and Dempsey (2010). By analysing the evidence on the effectiveness of repositioning this can help to reduce patient suffering and improve their quality of life, lighten the work load of staff and help reduce the financial burden on the health service Luoa and Chub (2010). In paediatric nursing, a child is to be assessed within six hours of being admitted and then reassessed daily. Most paediatric pressure ulcer risk assessment scales were developed using clinical experience, or by modifying adult scales Bedi (1993). The Glamorgan Paediatric Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Scale was developed using detailed paediatric inpatient data Willock et al (2008). It is a clinical tool designed to help nurses assess the risk of a child developing a pressure ulcer, it uses a scoring system that takes things like mobility, equipment, haemoglobin levels and temperature into account and guides the nurse as to what interventions need to be put in place, such as what type of mattress or dressings will be needed. In learning disability and mental health nursing, a range of pressure sore assessment tools are used such as the Norton, Braden and Waterlow risk assessment scales, these are mainly used for patients who are not very mobile as in the adult field. Nursing is more concentrated on their patients psychological health OTuathail and Taqi (2011). It is the nurses duty to provide the best possible care for their patients and this involves using Evidence-based practice. EBP enables the nurse to make decisions about patient care based on the most current, best available evidence. It allows the nurse to provide high quality care to patients based on knowledge and research Rodgers (1994). Principles of evidence-based practice and the crucial elements involved in the process are explained by Cleary-Holdforth and Leufer (2008) in five steps. Steps are there to equip nurses with the necessary knowledge and skills to use evidence-based practice effectively and to make positive contributions to patient outcomes. The five steps Ask, Aquire, Appraise, Apply, Analysis and Ajust are to simply guide healthcare professionals in making effective clinical decisions when problem solving. Early Warning Score (EWS) is an evidence based method. Carberry (2002) identifies that the purpose of EWS is to provide nursing and medical staff with a physiological score generated from recordings of vital signs. NICE Clinical Guideline 50 (2007) suggests that physiological track and trigger systems should be implemented to monitor all adult patients in acute hospital settings, providing guidance on the standardization of EWS. Physiological signs that should be monitored and recorded are heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, temperature and level of consciousness. Vital signs should be recorded upon admission, at regular intervals during a patients stay and also before, during and after certain procedures Castledine (2006) and the frequency of monitoring, if abnormal physiology is detected should increase. EWS uses a scoring system 0, 1, 2, and 3 and colour codes white, yellow, orange and red, number 3 and the colour red being the highest risk indicators Morris and Davies (2010). Nurses should adapt to following guidelines the Early Warning Score offers, to help make clinical decisions that are best for their patients. Factors that may improve or prevent effective decision making while using the EWS could be down to capability, knowledge and ignorance. If health care professionals are well able and confident in recording and documenting patients vital signs, then any changes can be observed and prevented or dealt with quickly. The EWS implementation adds automated alerts hours before a rapid response would be initiated and can decrease treatment delays by up to three hours Subbe et al (2003). It only takes one nurse to lack competence when using the EWS, therefore putting patients lifes at risk. Early Warning Score is also used in the Mental Health and Learning Disability fields of nursing although it may not be used as often as in Adult nursing, it is imperative that patients who are physically or mentally unwell, require monitoring of their vital signs in an acute setting. Nurses may have to use their knowledge to improvise different ways of obtaining vital signs from some patients with learning disabilities or mental health problems, such as turning it into a game or distracting them especially if they lack the mental capacity and are unwilling to comply Hardy (2010) Medication can have serious effects on a patients health. Indications of these effects may be noticed in their EWS, combined with the knowledge and clinical judgement of health care professionals NIMH (2008) . If the EWS tool is not used as it should be in these fields then it will be hard for the health care professionals to obtain the needed evidence to make accurate clinical decisions. In the child field of nursing a similar tool to the EWS is used called PEWS, Paediatric Early Warning Scores. There are currently four PEWS charts used within the NHS for different age groups, 0-11months, 1-4 years, 5-12years and 13-18 years, the difference being the ranges for childrens vital signs NHS (2013). A key factor that may hinder accurate PEWS scoring could be due to the fact the child is scared when it comes to checking their vital signs, also very young children can be unwilling or fidgety Kyle (2008), this is where the nurse would have to use their knowledge to overcome such problems. The nurse could make it fun for the child, explain the equipment and what they are going to do and why. It is vital that the nurse gains consent from the childs parent before carrying out any procedure. It is important that the family play an important role in the care of the child DOH (2001). I have learnt various things while researching into the chosen decision making models and methods. I have been made aware of potential risk factors that may arise while using both tools in all fields of nursing and what could be done to prevent them. I feel confident in looking out for any risks involving the EWS and Pressure ulcer risk assessment tools while out in practice and believe that using these tools correctly can ultimately save lives.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay on China :: essays research papers
China is a geographical region in East Asia. It holds over one-fifth of the world’s population. Most of it is now known as the People’s Republic of China, but the name of the region refers to one of the world’s longest standing civilizations, which dates back almost 5,000 years. Because the length of China’s history, it has been characterized by repeated overthrowings and reestablishments of the government, and many civil wars. China was governed as an empire until 1912, when the Republic Of China, or the ROC, was established under Sun Yat-sen. China was the world’s technological leader for centuries, credited with the invention of paper, rockets, and other things. However, by the 19th and 20th centuries, China was losing political and economical power. Japan and the Western Powers were gaining influence, which eventually led to the evolution of the PRC, or the Peoples Republic of China. China has the world’s fastest growing economy, but it’s an unstable state underneath. It has the biggest rich/poor urban/rural divide, which means that the farmers are poor, and the people who have city jobs are rich. China is also hugely overpopulated, so as a population control method families can have only one child. Because of traditional honor, everybody wants male children instead of female ones so that they can carry on the family name. This has led to an imbalance between genders in China, so the government has established a program to compensate families for having female children. China has been working to reform its economy from a centrally planned economy to a market oriented economy. A centrally planned economy is where decisions about production, consumption, and allocation of goods is managed by a central power. This basically means that the government has complete control over what’s made, where it goes, how it’s made, and how it’s used.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Richard Gatling - The Gatling Gun :: essays research papers
Richard Jordan Gatling was born in January 1818 in Winton North Carolina, and died at the age of 85 in 1903. Gatling's career as an inventor began when he assisted his father in the construction of machines for sowing cottonseeds, and also for thinning cotton plants. He spent a lot of time in the fields with his father who helped him build some of his inventions. Richard Jordan Gatling was a medical doctor with numerous patents for his farm equipment inventions. To his credit he came up with the famous 1862-model Revolving Battery Gun, that is now referred to as the Gatling gun. The 1862-model was one of the first reliable Revolving guns, but still had a few problems that needed to be fixed. Richard was not the first to manufacture a multi-fire weapon, but his was the first multi-fire gun used in war because of its fast, rapid fire, and ease to use. Major General Ben F. Butler purchased 12, 1862-model gatling guns for $1000 each and used them successfully at the battle of Petersburg in 1863. In 1865 Gatling's improved model, the 1865-gun was tested by the Ordnance Department. One of the changes between the improved Gatling gun and the old one, was that the new weapon used rim fire copper-cased cartridges instead of the steel-chambered paper kind. Though this model did not see service, it was adopted officially in 1866. The military was so pleased with the performance of the Gatling gun that it has been used in every battle since it was invented to this day and has been continuously upgraded and improved. Having received government approval, Gatling began to sell his guns throughout the world. This was a big mark in Richards’s future, he had gone from working in the fields to developing a gun that is used throughout the military of the world. The gun was a hand-crank-operated weapon with six barrels revolving around a central shaft. Having a gun that revolves was very difficult because the barrels would not always line up correctly when being fired. The original gun was actually designed to fire the standard military issue paper cartridge of the day, .58 caliber. A .58 caliber bullet has a diameter of an inch and is capable of damaging anything it hits. The paper cartridge was placed inside a steel or brass chamber with a percussion nipple on the back end just like the muzzle loading rifles and pistols of there time.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Push and pull strategy of Motorola Essay
Push Examples of companies are a) For example, Motorola use a push strategy to make arrangements with large mobile phone providers, such as Sprint, Verizon and AT&T, who can advertise phones directly to consumers. Businesses can promote products to wholesalers and vendors through trade shows, contacting local retailers and providing attractive packaging and point of sale displays to convince consumers to buy. b) Second is Nokia, Nokia promote their products via retailers such as Carphone Warehouse. Personal selling and trade promotions are often the most effective promotional tools for companies like Nokia. For example, Nokia offering subsidies on the handsets to encourage retailers to sell higher volumes. Pros: 1. To develop this kind of positioning, all one has to do is look at the competition’s literature and come up with positioning that seems sufficiently different from the alternatives. Potentially saves time because it can be done without speaking to customers. Maybe a good first step in developing a go-to-market strategy. 2. Using a push strategy usually costs less money and draws more business, because companies negotiate with large vendors. For example, a producer selling a product to Walmart can receive most of its business from a single retail outlet, allowing the business to focus on its product manufacturing and supply chain while worrying less about its relationship with customers. Cons: 1. The competition may have it all wrong and have no idea about what customers really want, so trying to work around the competition’s messaging may be pointless, since they all have it wrong anyways-and company probably do too since the company haven’t spoken to any customers 2. Push strategies can rely too heavily upon large vendors, which limit a business’ pricing and flexibility when selling a product. For example, a large producer like Walmart may dictate the price at which the business can sell its products. Pull Examples of companies are a) A good example of a pull is the heavy advertising and promotion of children’s’ toys, Toyrus. Consumers will go to ToyRUs and ask for a toy that was advertised on the television, and then ToyRus will ask the wholesalers who will then ask the producers about the product and meet the demand. b) Second example is car manufacturing company, Ford Australia. Ford Australia only produces cars when they have been ordered by the customers. Applied to that portion of the supply chain where demand uncertainty is high production and distribution are demand driven no inventory, response to specific orders point of sale data comes in handy when shared with supply chain partners decrease in lead time difficult to implement Pros: 1. Removing Pressure. One of the primary attractions for pull marketing is to mitigate the pressure of conducting outbound marketing. Marketers do not need to actively persuade customers that they need the product; customers are naturally drawn to it. 2. A pull strategy can create large demand for products in a short time, especially if a new business has difficulty building up market share for its products. Businesses can easily solicit customer feedback on how to improve products. Also, dealing directly with customers enables businesses to cut out retailing middlemen. Cons: 1. Requires extensive customer interactions to identify the things that customers feel are the differentiated features of the product. It is difficult to done to get customer interaction. 2. Advertising expenses can be costly with a pull strategy, unless a business gets lucky with a viral marketing campaign. Building a brand can take years and cost millions before customers become loyal to a product line.
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