Thursday, August 27, 2020
Floods and subsequent death Essay
Typhoon Katrina shaped in the United States in the year 2005, causing floods and resulting demise numerous individuals. It is evaluated that in excess of 1800 individuals lost their lives because of the typhoon. This information makes it the most noticeably terrible throughout the entire existence of the United States since the year 1928. It is considered to have been the storm generally exorbitant and destructive throughout the entire existence of the U. S and was viewed as a catastrophic event. Among the influenced places is St. Rita’s nursing home which has let to the preliminary of the proprietors Sal and Mabel Mangano. The nursing home was arranged in New Orleans in St Bernard ward. It has been fabricate 20 years before the tropical storm struck. This house was arranged in a downturn in the ground. The surmised number of occupants of the nursing home was 65 and out of these 35 of them kicked the bucket when the storm struck. This has prompted the arraignment of the proprietors the Manganos, after examinations were done on passings at nursing homes and emergency clinics. Their preliminary was for careless murder where it was asserted that they resolutely caused the passings of 35 individuals by not departure them and furthermore binds them to their beds. Anyway I ask go vary with these claims and they ought not have been indicted for careless murder. Nursing Home Establishment Sal and Mabel Mangano were the proprietors so St. Rita’s nursing home having fabricated it 20 years before the tropical storm Katrina. The territory where they assembled the nursing home had patches of firm ground. In marshlands this is a decent region and the motivation behind why they had thought about it, was on the grounds that in 1965 during the tropical storm Betsy this is the main zone that didn't flood. In this thought it implies that with the foundation of the nursing home they had thought about that incase there was a typhoon, there at St. Ritas it would not flood. This shows plainly that they would not have deliberately ignored their inhabitants to endure and suffocate in the floods and the resulting passing consequently they ought not have been sentenced. For this thought they had as a main priority that, much the same as in 1965 the storm was not going to influence them and hence they didn't clear however rather they went up their one story building. A Show of Kindness During the hour of inevitable floods the Mangano’s has planned to safe others by welcoming them to St. Rita’s nursing home among these their staff and family members just as their won family members. They had done this because on the grounds that they were thoughtful enough and were prepared to support others. On the off chance that they had an intention of eagerly presenting their inhabitants to flood and demise they at that point couldn't have welcomed their occupant. They had the best expectation and they felt that they would not be influenced by the floods and along these lines they didn't disregard their inhabitants or even wish for them to bite the dust. They had offered sanctuary to in excess of 25 individuals who had happily acknowledged since they were presented to the fiasco of the storm. Wellbeing Before the most exceedingly awful tropical storm occurred on 29th of august 2005, the mangano’s felt that everything was okay. They checked and assessed the territory which indicated that the ground were dry, the parking garage and the rooftop was additionally okay. Anyway it is at this point the tropical storm struck. Sal mangano had herself gone outside with a few other men to review the circumstance and guarantee that everything was okay and that the individuals inside couldn't be in any peril at all. Which means they were concerned incredibly about the security of the individuals who were at that point inside at St. Rita’s nursing home, they could have effectively guarantee that these individuals were sheltered. The Hurricane Katrina Even when the tropical storm struck the manago’s didn't disregard beneficiary inhabitant in feline they headed inside and attempted to brace the windows and the entryways in edginess of attempting to secure them. No different a solid breeze and a solid progression of water hit the nursing home’s dividers and even entered inside, ascending in the structure. The mangano’s nearby their family members some of them just as their staff worked tenaciously during this season of the floods and furthermore put forth berserk attempts to safe the individuals at the nursing home. This implies this time what they had proposed was the benefit of the individuals at the nursing home and more than anything they utilized their judgment with the most extreme sincere goals of sparing the individuals. End According to the law in the unified satiates of America the Louisiana necessity is that a departure plan ought to be in the nursing home yet id doesn't state about being obligatory during a genuine o clearing. The law additionally perceives a protected spot and permits the nursing home to empty to such a spot In this setting the mangano’s didn't adamantly overlook these principles since they did everything that they could in sustaining their entryways and windows with an end goal to make their occupants secure and to shield them from hurt fro the Katrina tropical storm and to shield them from suffocating too. St Rita’s nursing home was for the old individuals and others with unique needs. One of the explanation s why then mangano’s didn't empty them is on the grounds that they felt that by moving the individuals they would have been accomplishing more mischief than anything, since the vast majority of the delicate ones would have endured or even kicked the bucket in travel. This again comes to show that the mangano’s made one judgment which was with regards to their occupants to ensure them more than to hurt them. The mangano’s didn't at any one time leave or desert their inhabitants, they were there themselves and they had likewise welcomed their family members and others to offer them cover, on the off chance that they were enthusiastically presenting them to peril they would not have welcomed their family members and they additionally so would have protected themselves leaving their occupants to kick the bucket. In this manner, the mangano’s utilized their judgment and wellbeing measures. They felt that this zone where the nursing home was arranged likely couldn't be influenced by the typhoon. They ought not have been indicted for careless crime for the above reasons. References: Carrie Khan, Nursing mortgage holders not blameworthy. fifth December, 2008. http//www. npr. organization/formats/story/story. php? storyId=14261612 Dawn Fratangelo, what occurred at St Rita’s Nursing Home? third walk, 2006. Http//www. msnbc. msn. com/id/11658446 Paul Rioux, St. Rita’s proprietors state no assistance was offered before Katrina hit, fifteenth September, 2005. http//seniorjournal. com/NEWS/Eldercare/5-09-15StRitaNoHelp. htm
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A case study on a patient with Shingles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
A contextual analysis on a patient with Shingles - Essay Example This patient has been chosen since counteraction and control of disease is exceptionally basic in packed organizations like jail, worker camps, inns and oldage homes. Unseemly control of disease can prompt a flare-up and shut down of the association. The name of the patient won't be unveiled for motivation behind classification. The case is introduced in the wake of getting assent for introduction and conversation. multi year old Mr. X was detained 2 months back. One morning, he was seen to have fever and disquietude. Inside 48 hours, Mr. X created vesicular emissions over the thoracic locale. The doctor in-control was reached and on assessment, it was affirmed that the signs and manifestations of Mr. X identify with shingles. On request, Mr. X uncovered that he never contracted chicken pox in youth and he was never inoculated for chicken pox or shingles. There was no other case recognized at that point. The doctor in a joint effort with Infection Control and Prevention Board drew a few rules for the administration of the sickness and furthermore anticipation of spread of the illness to different detainees of jail and staff. Shingles or Herpes Zoster, a viral contamination brought about by the infection varicella - zoster infection or VZV is a typical issue in more seasoned grown-ups like Mr. X (Cadogan, 2010). In youth, this infection causes chicken pox. Following a clinical or sub-clinical assault in adolescence, the infection stays lethargic in the spinal ganglia. In adulthood, this infection can cause Shingles, which is deadlier than chicken pox. Shingles is a disorder and is portrayed by vesicular rash that is difficult and one-sided. The greater part of the occasions, the circulation is dermatomal. The rash of Shingles initially shows up as inconsistent erythema with or without induration, trailed by advancement of assembled herpetiform vesicles over the ertythematous base. In any case, in immunosuppression, the disease can spread and cause serious fundamental sickness including of numerous organs and various
Friday, August 21, 2020
Topics to Write About in Essay
Topics to Write About in EssayWhen writing an essay, it is important to choose topics to write about in the essay. There are many writers who think that all they need to do is read a couple of books and they will be able to write great essays. In fact, reading a good book alone is not enough.It is necessary for writers to use a book or articles as a guide for what kind of topic to write about in the essay. By doing this, the writer can be sure that his or her readers have a good understanding of the topic and can ask reasonable questions about it.It is important for writers to write topics to write about in the essay about topics that are a little bit more off the beaten path and are based on personal opinions rather than facts about facts. For example, it is easier to write about a taboo subject if you come from a place of personal ignorance. On the other hand, if the subject is about something that most people know about, it is much harder to write about it.The best way to learn ho w to write topics to write about in the essay is to read the work of others. Many writers will be able to tell you how to approach a particular topic. Reading through what other writers have written can give the writer valuable ideas on how to approach the topic.As far as topics to write about in the essay are concerned, some writers tend to get lost in all the details. They get bogged down in the minutia of what is not acceptable in their subject. Instead of focusing on the details, they should focus on the main point of the essay rather than getting too caught up in minutia.Another thing to keep in mind is that in writing, there is always room for fun and fluff. If the topic is one that has a lot of art in it, it may be tempting to put in a fair amount of art references or illustrations. However, this is what the essay is supposed to do, after all.Topics to write about in the essay need to be ones that you are passionate about and can handle well. It is not necessary to put a lot of fluff into the paper. There is no reason to get overly involved in the subject.Topics to write about in the essay are often difficult to understand for the beginner. The right writer knows how to create the appropriate atmosphere in order to write a good paper. There is no reason to try to make a student write a paper for the first time.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Benefits of Physical Activity on Ageing Free Essay Example, 4250 words
Rates of depression increase with age, while motivation decreases, leading to a decrement in daily function and increased hospital mortality . The most noticeable changes in the body are in the musculoskeletal system. Body mass decreases while fat content increases, the motion in the joints diminish and the muscle strength and endurance decrease. Bone density loss is another concern, especially in women. Muscle strength decreases rapidly after age 50 and is more rapid in women especially around the time of menopause. Mazzeo et al (1988) also describe the changes in muscles as humans age. They report a study that indicates that 40% of the female population aged 55-64 yr, 45% of women aged 65-74 yr, and 65% of women aged 75-84 yr were unable to lift 4.5 kg. . They discuss the important results of loss of muscle strength in older people. One of the significant effects is on walking speed which of course affects the everyday life of the elder person. As the walking becomes affected the individual becomes more and more sedentary. As less energy is expended the basal metabolic rate decreases. We will write a custom essay sample on Benefits of Physical Activity on Ageing or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Once set in motion, this vicious cycle is very difficult to interrupt . (Buckwalter, 1997). Age-related changes in joint structures also affect individuals.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The relationship of accounting ratios in balance sheets - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2825 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Accounting Ratios are the ratios show the relationship between accounting data in a balance sheet, profit and loss account in a particular organization. The accounting ratios are used to measure the performance in an organization. There are five different categories for calculating five different aspects of the business performance, it is profitability of company, liquidity of company, asset management of company, debts management and capital gearing of company, and market value of investment to ordinary shareholders/common stockholders. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The relationship of accounting ratios in balance sheets" essay for you Create order First, profitability of company is measuring gross profit markup, gross profit margin, operating profit margin on sales, profit margin on sales, basic earning power (BEP), return on total assets (ROA), and return on common equity (ROE). In calculating liquidity of company, there are using the current ratio and liquid ratio. Asset management of company are using inventory turnover, fixed assets turnover, total assets turnover, debtor ratio, debtor payment period, days sales outstanding (DSO). In debts management and capital gearing of company, debts ratio, capital gearing ratio, debts equity ratio, times interest earned, creditor ratio, and creditor payment period are apply. In market value of investment to ordinary shareholders / common stockholders measured about earning per share, price or earnings ratio, dividend cover, earnings yield, dividend yield, price or cash flow ratio, and also market price or book value ratio. There are three ways to compare the accounting ratio for the business performance measurement. First, inter-temporal comparison between two periods means that compare the accounting ratio with the past year financial statement. Second, inter-firms comparison between two companies is measure the accounting ratio between the two same industry companies. Third, comparison with industry averages. I choose the inter-firms comparison to measure the business performance in Gamuda Berhad and WCT Berhad. Gamuda Berhad is a leader in turnkey and B.O.T. civil engineering infrastructure and township development, with projects and investments in South East and Far East Asia, Indochina, South Asia and the Middle East. In infrastructure concession, they expertise covers highways and expressways, bridges, dams and hydropower, tunnels, hydraulic engineering and water treatment, railways and mass-rapid transit systems, marine works and ports, and building, which are delivered through general contracting, design and build, turnkey, as well as B uild-Operate-Transfer methods. WCT Berhad is a company that hands-on, experienced and capable workforce in engineering construction and property development and management. WCT Berhad also an ownership of one of the largest fleet of modern construction machineries in the Middle East and Malaysia. From the income statements and balance sheets in the financial statement can measure the accounting ratio for the both companies. The business performance can exactly measure from there. I found the information of the both companies from the link below., Financial Statement Analysis Below is an accounting ratio for two companies. 2.1 Profitability Ratio Ratio with Formula Calculation for Gamuda Berhad Calculation for WCT Berhad Gross Profit Markup Gross Profit Margin Operating Profit Margin on Sales Profit Margin on Sales Basic Earning Power Return on Total Assets Return on Common Equity 2.2 Liquidity Ratio Ratio with Formula Calculation for Gamuda Berhad Calculation for WCT Berhad Current Ratio Acid-test Ratio 2.3 Asset Management Ratio Ratio with Formula Calculation for Gamuda Berhad Calculation for WCT berhad Inventory Turnover Total Assets Turnover Debtor Ratio Day Sales Outstanding 2.4 Debts Management Ratio Ratio with Formula Calculation for Gamuda Berhad Calculation for WCT Berhad Debts Ratio Debts Equity Ratio Times Interest Earned or Interest Cover 2.5 Market Value of Investment to Stockholders Ratio Ratio with Formula Calculation for Gamuda Berhad Calculation for WCT Berhad Earnings Per Share Price Earnings Ratio Earnings Yield Market Price Per Book Value Ratio Comparison between Gamuda Berhad and WCT Berhad Below is the ratios comparison between two companies for business performance measurement. 3.1 Profitability Gross profit markup and gross profit margin: Gamuda having the higher gross profit markup and gross profit margin compare to WCT. That means Gamuda indicate the higher gross profit earned by the company from the sales made. This showing Gamuda Berhad is effective and efficient in controlling the purchase cost by making the purchase at a lower cost from the supplier. Besides, Gamuda also effective in controlling the production cost by using the material and labour to reduce the production cost. Operating profit margin on sales: In operating profit margin on sales, Gamuda applies the higher margin than WCT. This mean that Gamuda is the company best to look at the change in operating margin over to WCT. The higher margin is mean it is earning more per dollar of sales. Profit margin on sales: Gamuda shows the higher profit margin compare to WCT. Gamuda earned high profit from the sales and the firm is effective control on the expenditure and interest cost. Compare to WCT, the company indicates high operating expenses and high interest cost than Gamuda. WCT was earned lesser profit than Gamuda. Basic earning power (BEP)/ Return on common equity (ROE): WCT shows the higher profit in the BEP and ROE. This mean WCT company show the high profit in generated from the total assets used and the capital employed due to the effectiveness and efficiency of using the assets and capital in business activities. Return on total assets (ROA): In return on total assets different with the BEP and ROE. Gamuda shows the higher profit in ROA rather than WCT. Gamuda can effectiveness using the assets in the business activities to increase the production volume and sale volume at the lower cost to increase the profit earning than WCT. 3.2 Liquidity Current ratio and Acid test ratio: Both company having the higher ratio in the current ratio and acid test ratio. This means that both companies are having the large amount of current assets that can be used to finance their current liabilities. Their company financial is stable and able to finance its short term liabilities. However, Gamuda having the higher ratio than WCT which is mean that financial in Gamuda is more stable than WCT. 3.3 Asset Management Inventory turnover: In the measurement of inventory turnover that shows the WCT having the higher inventory turnover rates compare to Gamuda. This means that WCT having the fastest stock taken out for resale. The stock of WCT will not accumulate and the money will not tied up with the stocks. Total asset turnover: WCT shows the higher total asset turnover compare to Gamuda. WCT is more effectiveness and efficiency of using the assets in the business activities to increase the production volume and sales volume. Debtor ratio and Days sales outstanding (DSO): Gamuda having the higher debtor ratio and days sales outstanding compare to WCT. Gamuda has given the longer credit time to the debtor who owing money. The longer time to collect money from the debtors will cause financial in Gamuda facing the short term financial problems. 3.4 Debts Management and Capital Gearing Debts ratio: WCT having the higher debts ratio compare to Gamuda. WCT will having the heavy debts burden and the company will bearing the high interest cost. They will face the unstable financial pay back the debts and it could cause to sell the assets to pay back the debts. Times interest earned/Interest cover: WCT shows the high debts equity ratio compare to Gamuda. High debts equity ratio in WCT means that it is always accompanied with low time interest earned and it also bearing the high interest charges. However, Gamuda having the low debts equity ratio and this is means the company having a high time interest earned compare to WCT. The company is bearing the low interest charges. 3.5 Market Value of Investment to Ordinary Shareholders Earning per share: Earning per share is to measure the business growth of the company. WCT having the higher earnings per shares compare to Gamuda. This is represents WCT having the high rate of growth compare to Gamuda. This can attracts more common stockholders to invest in WCT. Price earnings ratio: Gamuda having the highest prices earning ratio compare to WCT. So, stockholders in Gamuda need to take more times and the longer period to recover backs their share investment. Therefore, WCT will more attractive to invest because the company will recover back the share investment faster than Gamuda. Earnings yield: WCT shows the highest percentage in earning yield compare to Gamuda. The WCT Berhad is having the high net income return and this is more attractive to the common stockholders. Market price per book value: Gamuda is indicating the highest share market price compare to WCT. Gamuda will not attractive to common stockholders because the share market price rises high above the real asset value. Conclusion By measurement in accounting ratio of financial statement, two of the companies are showing the different business performance. Gamuda Berhad and WCT Berhad are the two companies which are in the same industry. In profitability of company, Gamuda is earning the higher profit compare to the WCT. In liquidity of company, Gamuda also shows the stable financial compare to WCT. In asset management of company, WCT operates in the fast stock turnover than Gamuda. Other than that, WCT also can collect the money from the debtor faster than Gamuda. This will make WCT more liquid in their financial. In market value of investment to ordinary shareholders, WCT will attracts more shareholders to invest in their company because they can get the high net income return and having the shortest time to get the investment money compare to Gamuda. There are many problems to get the information because the base of the information is always out of date. The historical cost information may not be the m ost appropriate information because if the inflation effect happens, this may not be applies in. Beside that, the information in published accounts is summarized information, we cannot get the detail information and the analysis of accounting information not the root of the problems. On the other hand, there are many problems in the comparison inter-firm also. Different companies are having the different financial and business risk. The companies will also using the different accounting policies. There will having the impacts of the size of the business and its comparators on risk, and the impacts of different environments on results. 5.0 Financial Markets Financial markets is a market who is having surplus fund or capital that lending out to the organization or people who are lacking capital or fund in their business. There are many different types of financial markets. Every different financial market serves different types of customers and operating in different country. Financial markets are deal with stocks or shares, notes, mortgages, bonds and so on. Financial market also operates as the spot market or future market. Spot market deals in being bought for on the spot delivery within a few days, however, future market deals in being bought for on the future delivery at some future date such like a few months or a year in the future. There are various types markets in the financial markets. Money markets This is the short term financial market. Money market deals with the high liquid debt securities in which of the funds are borrowed for a short period of less than one year. Capital markets This is the long term finan cial market. Capital market is a financial market that deals with the stocks or shares, intermediate in which funds are loaned for a long period of one year or more than one year. Mortgage markets Mortgage market is a financial market that deals with loans on residential, commercial, industrial real estate and farmland. Consumer Credit Markets Consumer credit market is dealing with loans on autos and appliances, like education loan, vacations and so on. Primary markets This is the financial market in which corporations raise fund by issuing new securities or new shares. Secondary markets Secondary market is a financial market which is existing and already outstanding securities or other financial assets are traded among investors after they have been issued by the corporations. Initial public offering (IPO) markets This is for the new establisher who is first time offering securities or shares to the public. Private market Private market means tha t a financial transaction is worked out privately and directly between two parties without going to the public. 6.0 Transfer of Capital between Savers and Borrowers There are three types of ways to transfer the capital or funds between the savers and borrowers. 6.1 Direct transfer from savers to borrowers This method applies to a company issues and sells the stocks or bonds directly to the savers without go through any financial institution. So, the borrower will be the corporation who direct delivers the securities to the savers. The savers who are in turn the money to corporation. This is show the capital or fund directly transferred from savers to corporation. Indirect transfer from savers to borrowers through investment banking house This method indicates that the business corporation as a borrowers. The business corporations will issues the corporationà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢s securities or shares to the investment banking house. The investment banking house will resells the corporationà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢s shares to the savers or the money lender. The investment banking house will be the middle man and receive the fund from the money lender and give the money to the borrowers or the business corporation. 6.3 Indirect transfer from savers to borrowers through a financial intermediary This method takes place when a financial intermediary as a bank or a mutual fund obtains fund from savers by issuing its own securities or certificate of deposit to savers. After that, the financial intermediary uses the fund that collected from the savers to purchase and hold the securities of other corporations as an investment. The capital or fund that transfer from the savers to the financial intermediary when savers pay money to financial intermediary in exchanging for receiving certificate of deposit or securities issued by the financial intermediary. The financial intermediary will further transfer the fund to other corporation by paying money out of the fund to purchase securities of other corporation. Most of the savers will prefer to hold the securities and the deposit of the financial intermediary because they are more safe and liquid compare to the mortgages and loans. So, financial intermediary is efficiency of money and capital markets. 7.0 Investment Banking House Investment banking house is an organization that underwriting and distributes the new issue of corporationà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢s securities to assist corporation obtain fund for financing. 7.1 Financial Intermediary Financial intermediary is a financial firm that are transfer the capital or funds from the savers to the borrowers. Normally, they will analyze the potential of the borrowers when they receive the application from the borrowers. They are helping the individual savers to diversify their fund investment, processing and collecting loans and pooling risk. There are several types of the financial intermediaries. Commercial banks Commercial bank is a financial institution that provides the service that accepting deposits and giving the business loans to the corporation. Commercial bank is different compare to the investment bank. Investment bank is assist the business corporation to raise the capital or fund from the savers but the commercial bank is providing loan or lent out the money to the borrowers. Saving and loan associations A savings and loan association is a financial institution that accepting saving deposits and making mortgage loans to the borrowers. Saving and l oan association is similar to bank. They have served individual savers and residential and commercial mortgage borrowers where they collect funds from many small money savers and they lend out to the house buyers and the other types of borrowers. They create the liquidity in the capital market. Mutual savings fund Mutual savings fund is almost similar with the savings and loan associations. They also accept savings from the individuals and then lend out the money for the long term basis to the home loaner and the consumers. Credit unions Credit union normally will apply in a smaller operation. That is designed for the special group or membership of the people in a particular company or association. Credit unions are make loans for the individuals like auto purchase, house improvement and house mortgage. Pension funds Pension fund is a retirement plans that provide by the corporation or government agencies. The pension fund is been invested for the long term growth, provides the pension for the employees when they reach the age of the retirement or the end of the working years. Life insurance companies Life insurances company is sell insurance products to their existing customers. They collect the payment of insurance in the annual premiums and then they invest these funds in the stocks, shares, bonds, real estate and mortgage. But they also provide the insurance cover to the consumer when the payment periods. Mutual funds Mutual fund is a financial intermediary that collects funds from the savers and then uses it to buy the stock, long term bonds and short term debt instruments issued by businesses or government units.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Social Networking Limits to Privacy and Freedom...
According to the first amendment, citizens of the United States are guaranteed freedom of speech. My older friends and family members tell me that that is true, or at least it used to be. In our current generation there is one major factor of society where freedom of speech is extremely limited. That part of society is social networking. This leaves me to, is our generation free to express our opinions whenever we feel the urge? According to Oscar Gandy’s (1993) perspective, â€Å"we probably do not.†Recent studies have shown that teenagers are willingly giving up private information to social networking sites just to be able to join that online community, and not realizing the problems this can cause. One main issue is that†¦show more content†¦Susan B. Barnes of states â€Å"Today we have organizational and software procedures that control the exchange of interpersonal information in social networking sites, text messaging, instant messenger programs, bulletin boards, online role–playing games, computer supported collaborative work (CSCW), and online education. All of these applications fit into the larger category of social networking, or networking that support social collaboration.†When looking at social networking as a whole, it is to be noticed that it is a part of life as it is known today. There are so many aspects of social networking that allow the users to put up any type of personal information or personal opinions out int o the world that many people can see. As explained in Barnes article, social networking is like an umbrella that is being held over society today, it must be used, and has such a strong control over many ways life is run. Simply giving up social networking is no longer an option and even if it were it would essentially mean giving up freedom of speech. To really establish the issues in social networking, it needs to be determined if there is a problem overall. Amitai Etzioni (1999) argues the first step in examining a privacy issue is to determine whether or not there is a problem. Do we have a problem with the sharing of private information on social networking sites? According to the popularShow MoreRelatedShould The Government Effectively Censor the Internet? Essay1033 Words  | 5 Pages Thesis: The United States Government must cease trying to reduce privacy and censorship on the internet, because it limits the right freedom of speech, builds mistrust towards the govern ment, and it wastes resources better spent on other types of law enforcement. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Academic Writing for Cultural
Question: Discuss about theAcademic Writingfor Cultural Knowledge. Answer: The notion that learning is influenced by the setting in which it takes place is true. The setting of a particular place and the context regarding what is being learnt are constructed socially. The presence of a single individual influences the culture, which in turn is asserted strongly through the environment for the cultural and learning artifacts. From this point of view, it can be said that cultural knowledge and social structure helps in enhancement of knowledge (Sliuzas, 2007). The cultural knowledge that has been codified is available to the readers through the publication process. It passes through different processes that help in filtering the knowledge and gets collected in the libraries of various educational institutions, which is known as Codified Academic Knowledge. Cultural knowledge, which is not codified, plays a role in work-based activities (Bailey, 2014). Transferring also plays an important role in an education and workplace setting, as it is difficult of the considerable differences in cultures and the various methods of learning. The settings that are related to the higher education are not of a universal view of a student is that of a person who has the ownership of a collection of ideas, which can be used in essays and projects in the best ways possible. Recognizing the knowledge and the skills that are important is necessary as it will help in improved the knowledge in the different settings that are present in the educational institutions and workplaces in the organization (Sliuzas, 2007). Critical thinking is the ability through which the individual is able to think clearly and rationally, which will help in understanding the connection of the new ideas logically. In short, it gives the people the ability to reason with others. The individual has to be an active learner rather than a passive recipient of information. These types of individuals question the ideas and the assumptions instead of accepting it at the face value, as they will try to determine the ideas and arguments to represent the ideas through the picture in a better way. People who have critical thinking skills can understand the links between the ideas, which will help in determining the importance and the relevance of the arguments that are present along with the ideas. It also helps in recognizing, building and appraising the arguments (Bailey, 2014). Critical thinking has an outcome that is highly valued in tertiary education system. The employers of the organization hire graduate employees who will be able to transfer their critical thinking skills in the workplace. It can be said that skills related to critical thinking are not transferable but transformative in nature, which will help in developing the knowledge of the recipients in the society. It is important to keep in mind that the international students who come from different backgrounds and cultures may find that critical thinking is not appreciated in those places and may not find it useful or advisable in the critical thinking approach (LoCastro Masuko, 2017). Brainstorming is the combination of a relaxed and an informal approach to solve problems with the help of lateral thinking. It helps in encouraging people to bring new ideas that can be difficult in the first instance but achievable later on. These ideas are mostly original and help in solving the problems creatively. Brainstorming can be used in solving the problems that may arise due to the unhelpful attitudes in the behavior of the group. It is used to bring the diverse experiences of the team members in one unit so that the ideas can be explored in a proper manner. Mind mapping is a technique that is useful and can be successfully used in all kinds of creative endeavors. It helps in organizing the thoughts and ideas by giving an opportunity of viewing it from a different angle. It also helps in finding new connections between the works that are not related with the respective individual (Zimmmerman, 2014). Critical reading helps in analyzing the subject in a careful manner. It helps in developing the cognitive skills of the readers because of understanding the situation in a better manner. This helps in the development of the individual and the ideas that they possess with respect to a particular subject or a study. By combing these three techniques, it will help in developing new ideas because the individual will have a better knowledge about the surroundings and the level of skills and ideas increases of the individual. He is in a better position to impart the knowledge to others because of having a better grip about the subject, which will help him in imparting the ideas efficiently (Bailey, 2014). The readers can be persuaded in many uses after going through an academic argument. The academic argument needs to contain the arguments that will help in solving the problems by using the knowledge that is available for the argument. The arguments have to be based on the positive and negative sides as well. There are even variations in the arguments such as the arguments of the authority and the argument that is related to the personal experience of the individual (Sliuzas, 2007). To make the writing attractive in nature, the choice of the topic needs to be limited, which will help in placing the argument in a better manner. The topic has to be debatable in nature, which will help in getting a better argument and the fallacies such as arguing about the causes and effect needs to be avoided. Generalizing the entire subject with the help of limited information will make the argument go in the wrong way. The use of argumentative words will help in grabbing the attention of the readers such as therefore, hence and accordingly. It is important to consider with the oppositions through concessions and defining the position that the subject chooses to oppose. Lastly, the important thing that needs to be present so that it persuades the readers is the emotional content of the writing (LoCastro Masuko, 2017). The elements that will help in building the argument will be the introduction that will help in stating the thesis of the argument. This will be followed by narration, which will help in providing a better background about the subject that is being used as an argument. The confirmation of the thesis will be the next level wherein the evidences have to be provided that will support the position that the writer wants to defend. The handling of the opposition will be the following step where the refutation will come in to play. It is in this section where the arguments that are opposing the summary will help in refuting the claims that has been done earlier. The arguments needs to be stated in a fair manner and enough evidences have to be provided so that it will make the readers believe about why the subject has been opposing. The concession of the claim that is made in the opposition needs to be valid, as it will help in establishing the whole argument without rejecting it. the summat ion of all the arguments will be used as an amplification in the academic writing process, as it will help in establishing the keywords in the mind of the readers after the completion of the process. The grounds on which the arguments can be refuted are that if there is no enough use of the data in writing the argument and if the critical evidences that are required to put a strong argument is not present in the academic argument process (Zimmerman, 2014). Turnitin is a service that is used by most of the universities and colleges for developing the writing skills and puts more emphasis on the referencing part of the entire work. A formative learning tool like this software is used during the submission and the assessment process. It provides an opportunity to submit the draft, which will help in checking the referenced and the cited sources in an appropriate manner. It also checks that the students on their own and not copied version of some other individual made the work that has been submitted. It provides supervisory advice on improving the work so that the students can improve their quality of work in the future (Bailey, 2014). These tools also provide a check on the plagiarism of the work and the level of honesty that has been used in completing the work. It clarifies the ideas of academic honesty and misconduct if done by the student and provides the information that the student needs to be honest with respect to their academic work. This tool also helps in attaining the skills that are required in maintaining honesty and better practice with respect to academics (LoCastro Masuko, 2017). Reference List Bailey, S. (2014).Academic writing: A handbook for international students. Routledge. LoCastro, V., Masuko, M. (2017). Plagiarism and academic writing of learners of English.HERMES-Journal of Language and Communication in Business,15(28), 11-38. Sliuzas, R. (2007). Academic Culture: A Student's Guide to Studying at University [Book Review].TESOL in Context,17(1), 34. Zimmerman, E. M. (2014). How oral academic language strategies affect elementary English learners' academic writing skills.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Essays (141 words) - Cat On A Hot Tin Roof
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, written by Tennessee Williams is a brilliant play about a dysfunctional family that is forces to deal with hidden deceptions and hypocrisy. The issues that this play revolves around transcend time and region; Williams uses his craft to entertain, enlighten and bares men's soul. Also, what sets the first production of Williams's play apart from his earlier works is the fact that the play's foundation is based on conversations the characters have that appear to be real, vital as well as entertaining. They do not preach and condescend. An audience can recognize elements of the characters in friends, family and in themselves. Williams appears to have creatively evolved as a playwright in his quest to unmask man's illusions Interpretation of A Doll's House Bibliography tennesee williams cat on anhot tin roof 1953 English Essays
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Names Epicene and Otherwise
Names Epicene and Otherwise Names Epicene and Otherwise Names Epicene and Otherwise By Maeve Maddox Until very recently, the only context I knew for the word epicene was a T. S. Eliot poem: Along the garden-wall the bees†¨ With hairy bellies pass between†¨ The staminate and pistilate,†¨ Blest office of the epicene. T.S. Eliot’s Mr. Eliot’s Sunday Morning Service I thought the word was just one of Eliots intriguing but impractically arcane terms until I came across it in a mainstream context: a Wikipedia article about naming practices: A unisex name, also known as an epicene name, is a given name that is often given to either a boy or a girl. Cody, Cory, Jodan, and Morgan are epicene names. Epicene entered English around 1450 as a grammatical term for nouns that can denote either masculine or feminine gender. An example in English would be horse, as contrasted with gender-specific stallion or mare. The meaning expanded to mean characteristic of both sexes (1601). It is sometimes used with the meaning of effeminate. It would seem that naming ones child would be a choice left to parents, but some countries have or had until recently, laws to limit names to an approved list. France had such a law until 1992 and that countrys current naming laws make it difficult for people to change a given name once they have it. Since banning Muslim girls from wearing headscarves at school, French authorities find themselves having to deal with a surge in requests from young people with North African roots to change European names like Nadine and Jacques to names like Zoubida and Abdel. French authorities see these requests as a rejection of French culture. Germany requires parents to give children a gender-specific name. If the child has two given names, one may be gender-neutral, but the other must be gender-specific. A girl may not be given a boys name, and vice versa. The only exception is the name Maria which may be used with boys, ex. Rainer Maria Rilke. The name must not be a product name, the name of an object, or any other name perceived as absurd or degrading. In September 2007 Venezuelan lawmakers were considering a law to limit parents to an approved list of 100 or so government-chosen names. Exceptions would be made for Venezuelan Indians and foreigners. Of particular concern was the banning of names that generate doubt about the bearers gender. New Zealand has a law that bans names that may cause offence or lead to bullying, but it doesnt seem to be too stringently enforced. One child got to be eleven years old before a judge stepped in and changed her name. Her parents had named her Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii (ABA Journal). The law did prevent another New Zealand couple from naming their baby 4real. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Dialogue Dos and Don'ts41 Words That Are Better Than GoodHow to Punctuate Introductory Phrases
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Probation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Probation - Essay Example Probation oriented towards providing rehabilitation or therapeutic services to nonviolent offenders, a logical targeting of probation resources The punishment component therefore is to managed by the law enforcement agencies that already perform surveillance and control (police and sheriffs). An option is to increase specialization within probation by licensing more private agencies that offer Drug and alcohol treatment, education, and mental health services are also provided through contract with private providers. Day reporting centers for probation offenders are the cornerstones of local's corrections privatization in California. Day reporting centers might initially supervise low risk probation offenders who are not sentenced to jail. They agitate for imposition of home confinement sanctions, more frequently for pre-sentence surveillance in conjunction with electronic monitoring than as a stand-alone sanction. Electronic monitoring allows for long distance surveillance of offenders by either passive or active devices. Passive devices operate via radio transmissions in a wrist or ankle bracelet. Active devices use home telephones and computerized random calls to an offender's residence. Electronic monitoring is a component of many house arrest and ISP programs. Offenders may be sentenced directly to electronic monitoring, but some are placed on this sanction when jail crowding occurs, while others are placed on a monitor after violating a previous probation sanction Probation/Parole as agency of rehabilitation In a rehabilitative role the probation officer serves as a social caseworker, a counselor whose primary concerns are generally in the best interest of the offender. In this role, a probation officer must know how to interview, how to obtain facts about an offender's background, how to identify and distinguish surface from underlying problems, what community resources exist, and how to make referrals to such resources. Counseling is required for a variety of offenders including thieves, serious drug offenders, domestic violence offenders, and sex offenders. They are usually given a high-risk assessment status and are monitored closely by counseling staff and specialized probation officers. Who monitor some rehabilitation-related activities such as urinalysis testing, outpatient drug and contracting-out treatment and residential alcohol treatment Probation/Parole as advocate agents With probation inclined towards privation could possibly lead to the probation-related functions. Probation bonds could be required from appropriate offenders. The bonds would be privately guaranteed; with the bonding agency ensuring that a probationer fulfills the terms of probation this would be similar to the current bail system. Public Owned/Volunteer-Operated Day Reporting Centers Probation/Parole as law enforcement agents [ The main idea for probation was to offer alternative sanction programs that required Parolees judged in need of daily structured regimentation to undergo intensive supervision, including frequent and unannounced contact by probation officers outside a confined jail environment. In the law enforcement role, however, the probation officer is a control agent, an authoritarian figure, and a threat to the offender's conditional freedom. The dual role of probation is evident in the classic definition: "Probation strives to protect the community through the rehabilitation of the offender.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Volcker Rule Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Volcker Rule - Essay Example These governments argue that the rule would make it hard for them to access loans for their public operations and projects (Goldfarb and Schneider 2012, par. 1). The business community argues that the rule should be made more permissive in case it restricts the bank’s capability to procure capital and loans (Eichler 2012, par. 7). Local and state officials state that the Volcker Rule will make it more costly for them to gather money from investors to pay for expenditures such as housing assistance and environmental cleanup. Within the Washington region, the rule could influence borrowing costs for various agencies. Authorities that can be adversely affected by the rule include those that operate Dulles International airport, Reagan National airport, and the Walter E. Washington Convention Center (Goldfarb and Schneider 2012, par. 2). The European governments caution that the rule could further worsen the debt crisis which is already affecting the global financial markets. Foreign governments and municipalities are complaining that the legislation will considerably limit their purchasing of bonds by the banks. Thus, it will increase the interest rates that the issuers of bonds have to pay in order to attract investors (Goldfarb and Schneider 2012, par. 8). If the Volcker Rule would be implemented, it would indicate that the banks will have to close their prop trading desks and consequently, 10,000 employees will probably lose their jobs. There are also concerns in relation to how the United States’ banks will be able to compete with the financial institutions in Europe that are less affected by the proposed legislation. Most of the US banks’ business model will be influenced by the proposal indicating that they will have lower competitive advantage in comparison with their counterparts in Europe (Brinded 2011, p1; Lynch 2012, par. 1). The huge US banks fixed income business models offer a considerable amount of prop
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
It Was But A Dream Essay Example for Free
It Was But A Dream Essay From my home country, attending school is a blessing. It is an opportunity given to those who can. Education is a privilege for those who can afford, and a gift to those who cannot. But for a person like me, who somehow found having my nose at a book intriguing, college education was a dream. Living that dream is another wonderful experience all together. Fellow students and teachers became the drawing force of inspiration from deep within. They highlighted that going to school was truly what I wanted. To be constantly surrounded by equally educated individuals continues to tickle the mind. There was just so much to learn. It is not about doing what everybody else does. It is not about having the bragging rights of even attaining an education. It is all about fulfilling what is in my heart. This was my chance to have an education, and as a person of my country, I simply could not back away. Concepts The first step in achieving one’s dreams is to accept all challenges that come along with it. There were times when you would question if this was what you really wanted for yourself. It is not as easy as the fantasies make you believe. It is hard work. But nothing is ever free. Education is earned as much as everything else that we want to have as our own. The next step is to immerse yourself in the pool. Education, I realized, is not just through the books and the professors. Relating with other students gave the textbook definition more in-depth meaning. It gave the whole idea of schooling much deserved essence. Sharing with fellow students what you have learned in class is a simple yet overwhelming experience. In comparison to lower level education, college education is more diverse. Not only are there a wide array of programs and courses to choose from, but there are also a lot of cultures to learn and understand. Moreover, it is advantageous to be able to relate with these cultures. College was that door to go beyond barriers and closed minds. As a person who is of color, this aspect of cultural differences is an important highlight in further enhancing one’s education. Without being able to see beyond the color of one’s skin, one fail to completely learn what is there to learn. Inferences Based on my experiences, not only do I dream to have an education, but it would seem that the underlying objective is to understand and to be understood. College education is not just being able to learn Science, English, Mathematics, or Art. My experiences suggested an even bigger and better package. It is learning all that with fellow students. Professors are also studentsâ€â€in the sense that they learn from their classes as well. According to my perceptions of education, I am an open minded person ever eager to learn more about anything and everything. I have my own field of interest, like any other student, but a student will always give a different idea a chance. Keeping minds closed would be the greatest downfall of a college student. Within me, I will always bring my country. But I share that with other people for them to learn who I am and who my people are. Implications My college experience has been fruitful. It was another beginning to life’s adventures, to learn, to find, and to experience. It was never always an easy task. But at the end of the day, one would find that you gained more than what you gave away. The network of friends, students, and educators helped fulfill a lifelong dream. All the hardships, the challenges, the financial ties were all worth it. Earning my college education was not just a dream I fantasize about as a child and a young adult. It was something I really wantedâ€â€that made every challenge seem very minimal. The new ideas and friends made in every class and endeavor might become overwhelming. But I always remember that I feel that way because I learned something new. The challenges tire me, but I always take my victories. Point of View In the end of it all, I believe that everyone truly deserves a college education. A lot of individuals find school too tiring. To them, it would always seem that there is too much to do: too much to read, too much to write, and too much to achieve. Little did they realize that at the end of it all, it is not about having achieved too much. Instead, it is having achieved so much. It is given more than enough effort, more credit, and more attention. That leaves a person worth knowing. As it is said, a person who is education talks very little. There are a lot of other ways to share what you know, and to let people see what you have gained in school. It is unfortunate that more often than not, people fail to realize this reality: college is a life changing experience. It is not just the books, the school hours, the tuition, and fees. It is about keeping the mind active. I believe everyone should experience college. There is much nothing to fear except the belief that you cannot achieve anything. I might not have achieved the greatest of awards, but my college experiences are my life’s best teachers. That is considering that even having a college education is but a dream.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Brave New World - Is It A Warn :: essays research papers
Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in the 1930s. He made many future predictions and many or most of them have already come true but not to the extent that he writes about. The society in Brave New World is significantly different to the present one, and to the society in Huxley’s time. Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World not as a warning, but as something to look forward to. The people in Brave New World are everything we, as a society, want to be. Mustapha Mond sums up the perfections of the society in Brave New World with an explanation he gave John: â€Å"The world’s perfect now. People are happy; they get what they want and they never want what they can’t get. They’re well off; they’re safe; they’re never ill; they’re not afraid of death; they’re blissfully ignorant of passion and old age; they’re plagued with no mothers or fathers; they’ve got no wives, or children, or lovers to feel strongly about . . . And if anything should go wrong, there’s soma.†(p. 177) In Brave New World’s society, everyone has a place to be. There are no people out of work, there are no homeless people, no one struggles financially and they haven’t a family nor a singular person that they have feelings for to worry about. They are all specially skilled to fit a specific job therefore they are always needed, and people cannot survive without each other. ‘Everyone works for everyone else. We can’t do without anyone.’ (p. 67) As the director pointed out, everyone is specially made for a particular job: â€Å"Ninety-six identical twins working ninety-six identical machines . . . You really know where you are. For the first time in history.†(p. 18)      These people are conditioned to be happy all day everyday. They love their jobs, they can have sex with anyone they desire, they have entertainments to amuse them, they never want what they can’t have and they don’t have any or many responsibilities. They do not go through any troublesome times, or periods where they can’t feel they can cope with the workload, or emotional problems. They do not spend their younger years looking for their dream jobs for they are conditioned so well that they love the job they are given and feel satisfied with it. They do not experience depression, sadness, or emotional and moral confusion.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The Return: Midnight Chapter 40
But after an endless time in the soft, kind darkness, something was forcing Elena back up into light. Real light. Not the terrible green half-light of the Tree. Even through shut eyelids she could see it, feel its heat. A yel ow sun. Where was she? She couldn't remember. And she didn't care. Something was saying inside her that the gentle darkness was better. But then she remembered a name. Stefan. Stefan was†¦? Stefan was the one who†¦the one she loved. But he'd never understood that love was not singular. He'd never understood that she could be in love with Damon and that it would never change an atom's worth of her love for him. Or that his lack of understanding had been so wrenching and painful that she had felt torn into two different people at times. But now, even before she opened her eyes, she realized that she was drinking. She was drinking the blood of a vampire, and that vampire wasn't Stefan. There was something unique in this blood. It was deeper and spicier and more heavy, al at once. She couldn't help opening her eyes. For some reason she didn't understand, they flew open and she tried immediately to focus on the scent and feeling and color of whoever was bending over her, holding her. She couldn't understand, either, her sense of letdown when she slowly realized that it was Sage leaning over her, holding her gently but securely to his neck, with his bronze chest bare and warm from the sunlight. But she was lying down flat, on grass, from what her hands could feel†¦and for some reason her head was cold. Very cold. Cold and wet. She stopped drinking and tried to sit up. The light grip became firmer. She heard Sage's voice say, and felt the rumbling in his chest as he said it, â€Å"Ma pauvre petite, you must drink more in a moment or so. And your hair has Stillsome of the ashes in it.†Ashes? Ashes? Didn't you put ashes on your head for†¦now what had she been thinking about? It was as if there was a block in her mind, keeping her from getting close to†¦ something. But she wasn't going to be told what to do. Elena sat up. She was in – yes, she was very sure – the kitsune paradise, and until a moment ago her body had been arched back, so that her hair had been in the clear little stream that she had seen earlier. Stefan and Bonnie had been washing something pitch-black out of her hair. They both were smudged with black as well: Stefan had a big swath across one cheekbone, and Bonnie had faint gray streaks below her eyes. Crying. Bonnie had been crying. She was Stillcrying, in little sobs that she was trying to suppress. And now that Elena looked harder she could see that Stefan's eyelids were swol en and that he had been crying too. Elena's lips were numb. She fel back onto the grass, looking up at Sage, who was wiping his eyes furtively. Her throat ached, not just inside, where sobbing and gasping might make it hurt, but outside, too. She had a picture of herself slashing at her own neck with a knife. Through her numb lips, she whispered, â€Å"Am I a vampire?†â€Å"Pas encore,†Sage said unsteadily. â€Å"Not yet. But Stefan and I, we both had to give you massive amounts of blood. You must be very careful in the next days. You are right on the brink.†That explained how she felt. Probably Damon was hoping that she would become one, wicked boy. Instinctively, she held out her hand to Stefan. Maybe she could help him. â€Å"We just won't do anything for a little while,†she said. â€Å"You don't have to be sad.†But she herself Stillfelt very wrong. She hadn't felt this wrong since she'd seen Stefan in prison and had thought that he would die at any moment. No†¦it was worse†¦because with Stefan there had been hope and Elena had the feeling that now hope was gone. Everything was gone. She was hol ow: a girl who looked solid, but whose insides were missing. â€Å"I'm dying,†she whispered. â€Å"I know it†¦Are you al going to say good-bye now?†And with that Sage – Sage! – choked up and began to sob. Stefan, Stilllooking so oddly mussed, with those traces of soot on his face and arms and his hair and clothes soaking wet, said, â€Å"Elena, you're not going to die. Not unless you choose to.†She had never seen Stefan look like this before. Not even in prison. His flame, his inner fire that he showed to almost no one but Elena, had gone out. â€Å"Sage saved us,†he said, slowly careful y, as if it cost him great effort to speak. â€Å"The ash that was fal ing – you and Bonnie would have died if you'd had to breathe any more of it. But Sage put a door back to the Gatehouse right in front of us. I could barely see it; my eyes were so ful of ashfal , and it's only getting worse on that moon.†â€Å"Ashfal ,†Elena whispered. There was something at the bottom of her mind, but once again her memory failed her. It was almost as if she'd been Influenced to not remember. But that was ridiculous. â€Å"Why were ashes fal ing?†she asked, realizing that her voice was husky, hoarse – as if she'd cheered too long at a footbal game. â€Å"You used Wings of Destruction,†Stefan said steadily, looking at her with his swol en eyes. â€Å"You saved our lives. But you kil ed the Tree – and the star bal disintegrated.†Wings of Destruction. She must have lost her temper. And she'd kil ed a world. She was a murderer. And now the star bal was lost. Fel ‘s Church. Oh, God. What would Damon say to her? Elena had done everything – everything wrong. Bonnie was sobbing now, her face turned away. â€Å"I'm sorry,†Elena said, knowing how inadequate this was. For the first time she looked around miserably. â€Å"Damon?†she whispered. â€Å"He won't speak to me? Because of what I did?†Sage and Stefan looked at each other. Ice went down Elena's spine. She started to get up, but her legs weren't the legs she remembered. They wanted to unlock at the knees. She was staring down at herself, at her own wet and smudged clothes – and then something like mud came down her forehead. Mud or congealing blood. Bonnie made a sound. She was Stillsobbing, but she was speaking, too, in a new husky voice that made her sound much older. â€Å"Elena – we didn't get the ashes out of the top of your hair. Sage had to give you an emergency transfusion.†â€Å"I'l get the ashes out,†Elena said flatly. She let her knees bend. She fel onto them, jarring her body. Then, twisting, she leaned down to the little brook and let her head fal forward. Through the icy shock she could dimly hear exclamations from the people above water, and Stefan's sharp, Elena, are you All right? in her head. No, she thought back. But I'm not drowning, either. I'm washing out my hair. Maybe Damon will at least see me if I'm presentable. Maybe he'll come with us and fight for Fell's Church. Let me help you up, Stefan sent quietly. Elena had come to the end of her air. She pul ed her heavy head out of the water and flipped it, soaking but clean, so that it fel down her back. She stared at Stefan. â€Å"Why?†she said – and then, with a sudden panic – â€Å"Has he left already? Was he angry†¦with me?†â€Å"Stefan.†It was Sage, speaking tiredly. Stefan, who was staring out of his green eyes like a hunted animal, made some faint sound. â€Å"The Influence, it is not working,†Sage said. â€Å"She will remember on her own.â€
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Organizational Behavior Performance Management Styles Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 12 Words: 3565 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Organizational behavior is defined as a actions and attitudes of individuals and groups toward one another and towards the organization as a whole, and its effect on the organizations operation and performance ( /definition/organizationalbehavior.html #ixzz16Vjf8nTW). So organizational performance always determined by organizational behavior. Organizational behavior is basically determined from the behavior of the people working for the organization. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Organizational Behavior Performance Management Styles Business Essay" essay for you Create order So while keeping in view organizational behavior, organizational performance includes multiple activities, which help in creating the goals of the organization, and monitor the advancement towards the target. In order to achieve goals more efficiently and effectively this is used to make adjustments. The frustration of most of the owners and business executives usually is for Organization Performance. This is so even as their employees are hard working and are busy doing their respective tasks, the company is unable to achieve the scheduled results. Results are achieved not due to the diligent efforts made by the employees but more due to unexpected events and good fortune. In order for the any business to be successful, tasks must be defined and accomplished. It is important for an organization to develop strategies that should be designed around the skills that would enhance the performance of the organization. This could be accomplished by introducing Organizational Perfo rmance Management Systems. These are a number of major movements and methods that could increase the performance of an organization. Each one of these methods includes regular recurring activities that are used to establish the goals of the organization. These activities are also required to monitor the progress of the organization towards the goals. They are used to make adjustments to achieve the desired targets more effectively and efficiently. ( So the organizational performance is determined by the organizational behavior and organizational behavior is determined by the following factors Management styles Motivations Organizational structure Culture Work environment Training and development 1.1 Management styles Management styles are democratic, autocratic and consultative. Selecting the correct management style may lead to greater motivation and productivity from your staff. However, it is not as easy as just picking a style. Managers personalities and characteristics will influ+ence the type of style adopted. For example a timid manager will find an autocratic management style difficult to adopt. Democratic Management Style A democratic manager assigns authority to his/her staff, giving them responsibility to complete the task given to them (also known as empowerment). Staff will complete the tasks using their own work methods. However, the task must be completed on time. Employees are involved in decision making giving them a sense of belonging and motivating individuals. Because staffs feel a sense of belonging and are motivated the quality of decision making and work also improves. Although popular in business today, a democratic management style can slow decision making down because staffs need to be consulted. Also some employees may take advantage of the fact that their manager is democratic by not working to their full potential and allowing other group members to democratic manager delegates authority to his/her staff, giving them responsibility carry them. Autocratic Management Style In contrast to the above an autocratic manager dictates orders to their staff and makes decisions without any consultation. The leader likes to control the situation they are in. Decisions are quick because staffs are not consulted and work is usually completed on time. However this type of management style can decrease motivation and increase staff turnover because staff are not consulted and do not feel valued. So the performance of organization decreased. Consultative Management style A consultative management style can be viewed as a combination of the above two. The manager will ask views and opinions from their staff, allowing them to feel involved but will ultimately make the final decision. This type of management increase staff motivation and commitment which increase the performance of organization. 1.2 Motivation Motivation is the way to energize the employees to work for the organization to achieve the required goals of the organization. There are following motivational theories for the organizations developed over the time Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Maslow believed that all people are motivated by the same things. He identified 5 human needs he believed people wanted to satisfy. As one set of needs was satisfied by an individual, it would stop acting as a motivator, but the individual would then be motivated by the next set of needs. Names for the Needs Meaning Relevance to Business Self Actualisation The need to fulfill your potential. Employers allow staff to work at what they are good at, and to organize their work in the ways they wish to do it. Ego (esteem) The need to be valued. Rewards if targets are met merit pay rises, promotion; employers offer praise and acknowledge the good work of the employee. Social (acceptance) The need to belong to and work in a group. Team meetings, company magazines, staff social events; working in groups. Safety (security) The need to be protected. Safe machinery; protection in employment; contracts etc Basic (physiological) Food, warmth, sleep, clothes Heating, toilets, canteen; wages Dual-Factor Theory Frederick Herzberg Frederick Herzberg and his associates began their research into motivation during the 1950s, examining the models and assumptions of Maslow and others. The result of this work was the formulation of what Herzberg termed the Motivation-Hygiene Theory (M-H). The basic hypotheses of this theory are that: 1. There are two types of motivators, one type which results in satisfaction with the job, and the other which merely prevents dissatisfaction. The two types are quite separate and distinct from one another. Herzberg called the factors which result in job satisfaction motivators and those that simply prevented dissatisfaction hygienes 2. The factors that lead to job satisfaction (the motivators) are: achievement recognition work itself responsibility advancement 3. The factors which may prevent dissatisfaction (the hygienes) are: company policy and administration working conditions supervision interpersonal relations money status security Douglas McGregor X and Y theory McGregors Theory X managers believes that an employee dislikes work and will avoid it if possible. As a result Theory X workers must be controlled, directed and threatened with punishment if necessary to make them work. McGregors Theory Y manager believes that an employee finds work as natural as play or rest. As a result they are able and willing to organize, control and direct themselves, and to accept authority and responsibility. By adopting the influencing factor from these theories, required motivation level can be achieved which increase employees commitment and organizational performance. 1.3 Organizational structure Business Culture Importance For the business culture importance it took a long time for it to be renowned as an important factor in business success (or lack of success). Building a Positive Corporate Culture 1. Culture Carriers. These are key people, usually managers, who represent and spread the core values of the corporate culture. 2. Stability of the group. It is more difficult for a culture to emerge if people are changing all the time. 3. Stories. A group packages up its culture into stories which are frequently told and re-told, 4. Heroes. Individuals who typify to an extreme the values of the group. 5. Symbols. These may be staff mottoes, the corporate mission statement or anything that symbolizes the core values. 6. Rites. These are specific occasions, such as the annual office party, when the core values are publicly displayed. 7. Rituals. This means a standard pattern of behavior at a specific occasion, such as the office party if things are always done in a particular pattern. 8. Courses. Attending in-house courses is an important way of team-building and communicating the core values. 9. Cultural Networks. This means the informal contacts between emp loyees where they reinforce core values, especially by passing them from older to younger group members. Types of Corporate Culture 1. Adaptive Cultures. These have as a core value the ability to adapt to change, especially in response to changing external circumstances. 2. Inert Culture. This is a dead culture totally unable to change. 3. Networked Organizations. These are very sociable networks of small teams. They are highly creative. But loyalty is low. 4. Mercenary Organizations. These are ruthless business machines dedicated to work and to success. But sociability is very low. 5. Fragmented Organizations. These are really loose alliances of very independent workers, such as lawyers. Sociability and loyalty are both very low. 6. Communal Organizations. These have high loyalty and high sociability. They act like one big happy family. Recruiting new staff with similar values is important. Advantages of Strong Corporate Culture 1. Instructions are interpreted in a common way, so work is done to a similar standard and in a similar manner. 2. Loyalty is increased, and replacing workers is an expense to be avoided. 3. Motivation, and therefore productivity, is increased. 4. Management control is increased. Disadvantage of Corporate Culture 1. In a Multi-National Corporation there will nearly be conflicts between the local national culture and the imported corporate culture. 2. Businesses are not places with a homogenous culture. Most businesses are too large for people to identify across the whole organization. Instead, people identify with smaller sub-groups. So a business is, in fact, a mixture of sub-cultures some of which may even be deviant. There is also a strong likelihood of conflict between some of the different sub-cultures. 3. The relationship between a improved business performance and strong corporate culture is, as far as the data can tell, very weak. It may be then that corporate cultures are less about improved performance and more about making the managers feel they have achieved something; a cynic might argue that managers like to be surrounded by copies of themselves. 4. Business is rarely simple, clear and unambiguous enough to allow of one simple message of the kind envisaged by proponen ts of the corporate Facilitates communication between functions improve decision makinge culture idea. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE Organizational structure is the formal system of task and reporting relationships that controls, coordinates, and motivates employees so that they cooperate to achieve an organizations goals. 2.0 TYPES OF STRUCTURE Functional Structure Functional structure groups people together because they hold similar positions in an organization, perform a similar set of tasks, or use the same kind of skills. This division of labor and specialization allows an organization to become more effective. Advantages of a Functional Structure Coordination Advantages Easy communication among Quick decisions -. Learning Makes it easier for people to learn from one anothers experiences. Motivation Advantages Facilitates performance evaluation for supervisor Facilitates performance evaluation for peers Creates teamwork that promotes high performance. Creates a career ladder Disadvantages of a Functional Structure Difficulty in serving needs of all products efficiently Coordination customer with varied needs are attracted to the organizations , they may find it hard to service these different needs by using a single set of functions. As companies grow, they often expand their operations nationally, and servicing the needs of different regional customers by using a single set of manufacturing, sales, or purchasing functions becomes very difficult. 3.0 Divisional Structures: Product, Market, and Geographic A divisional structure that overlay functional grouping allows an organization to coordinate intergroup relationships more effectively than does a functional structure. Product Structure Each product division contains the functions necessary to that service the specific goods or services it produces. Market Structure Group functions into divisions that can be responsive to the needs of particular types of customers. Geographic Structure Each geographic division has access to a full set of the functions it needs to provide its goods and services. Advantages of a Divisional Structure Coordination Advantages Quality products and customer service Facilitates communication between progress decision making functions, thereby increasing performance. Customized management and problem solving Facilitates teamwork Facilitates decision making As divisions develop a common identity and approach to solving problems, their cohesiveness in- creases, and the result is improved decision making. Motivation Advantages Clear connection between performance and reward Customized service regional managers and employees are close to their customers and may develop personal relationships with them. Identification with division employees close identification with their section can increase their commitment, loyalty, and job satisfaction. Disadvantages of a Divisional Structure High operating and managing costs Poor communication between divisions Conflicts among divisions 4.0 Matrix Structure A intricate form of differentiation that some organizations use to control their activities, results in the matrix structure, which simultaneously groups people in two ways- by the function of which they are a member and by the product team on which they are currently working. In practice, the employees who are members of the product teams in a matrix structure have two bosses-a functional boss and a product boss. Coordination Advantages Facilitates rapid product development Maximizes cooperation and communication between team members Facilitates innovation and creativity Facilitates face-to-face problem solving (through teams) Provides a work setting in which managers with different functional expertise can cooperate to solve non-programmed decision-making problems. Facilitates frequent changes of membership in product teams Disadvantages of a Matrix Structure Increase role conflict and role ambiguity High levels of work stress Limited opportunities for promotion Organizational Structure of Tarmac Ltd In Tarmac Ltd., the organizational structure is of divisional as it has been divided into different division like production division, engineering division etc. In this structure, all the employees are free to work and give their ideas for the future planning. In this way on one side the management gets different ideas but the ideas lack the professional approach as all the employees would not have professional qualification. In this way the implementation of those ideas can lead the organization away from the main goals of it. Enterprise: In case of enterprise the organizational structure is mixed- divisional, functional and geographical. The owner of enterprise makes the main decision and it is transferred to all the employees in different division and geographical locations. But on the other hands the employees are also given the authority to decide on the spot according to the situation. This type of organization structure helps the organization to grow and get more profit in the near future but on the other hands the control of the management loses on the employee. 5.0 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRUCTURE AND CULTURE: The task of a manager is to create an organizational structure and culture that: Encourages employees to work hard and to develop supportive work attitudes Allows people and groups to cooperate and work together effectively. Structure and culture affect: Behavior Motivation Performance Teamwork and cooperation Intergroup and Interdepartmental relationships The way a structure or culture is designed or evolves over time affects the way people and groups behave within the organization. Once an organization decides how it wants its members to behave, what attitudes it wants to encourage, and what it wants its members to accomplish, it can then design its structure and encourage the development of the cultural values and norm to obtain these desired attitudes, behaviors, and goals. In case of Tarmac Ltd; the divisional structure and sharing culture describe the organizational in best. Its culture describes Shared values Participative work Takin g care of employees Follow rules and regulations Career development This type of culture motivates the employees to work and enhance the performance of the organization. On the other hands in case of Enterprise mixed structure and open communication developed the culture of Customer satisfaction Growth Employee development Profit But the company does not care about the social factor as to help the society and take care of the environment. This causes to create a negative image in the mind of the customers and can decrease the market share of the Enterprise. On the other hands the employees are not involved in the decision making and are supposed to follow the rules set by top management without employees involvement which cause the de-motivation in the employees. Work environment Basically the culture determines the working environment of the organization. Positive and friendly working environment always increase the output of the employees. So because of the positive and friendly environment the performance of organization improves. Development and Training From the performance appraisal the deficiencies of the employees are assessed. To fill the skills gap of the employees for the job, suitable training is designed. The process of training assessment normally starts from the recruitment process, to fill the skill gap. The need for training assessment and development of training strategy is explained by the flow chart as below ( Development and training Process After assessment of the training and development, training strategy is developed and individuals are selected for training. The development of training strategies starts from the review of business strategy which determines the skills requirement and help in the development of training strategy for the employees. After developing training strategy, top management select the traininr for the effective training. Training may be of two types On the job training Off the job training The type of training depend upon the availability of traininer and level of training required. It is axplianed by the flow chart below. ( The delivery methods are selected, either practical training on job or class room training. Training contents are developed according to the new skills required by the trainee and dynamic nature of the job. If the development and training strategy is implemented, the performanc e of the organization increase because of the availability of right skills required for the jobs in the organizations. This also increases the employee motivation level. 6.0 Role of technology in business performance: Technology plays an important role in the success of the business. In this era of technology and modern ways of communication, technology plays its role for the success of the business in the following ways. Cheep and mass communication with the customers by advertisement on line on the internet and on the TV etc Easy and quick communication by using different ways like telephone, internet etc Attracting more customers Online shopping facility Management the business from one location in different geographical location In the case of Tarmac Ltd, it is using the technology in the following ways for the success of the company Managing the utilization and production functions effectively and efficiently by using the latest computer technology Online survey of the customers and feedback from the customers so that the management of Tarmac ltd would be able to assess the market needs and produce the products required by the customers Alignment of the different divisions for the proper functioning of the company to achieve its goals. Effective supply chain management to save the cost and increase its profit along with the customers satisfaction. In this way the technology is playing its part for the success of the business. Obstacles in organizational performance There are following limitation which limit the improvement of organizational performance Cost Time limitation Behavioural factors Legal requirements Technological changes Cost: Cost limits the performance of the organizations because the organizations are performing tor the profit motives. If the cost of the organizations is high, the profit will decrease, so it will not be possible to for the organization to achieve it profit goals. On the other hands the availability of the finance is not free of cost. If organizations run out of cash during the normal activities of business, it will cause the default of the organization. In this way the cost is the main obstacle in the performance of the organization. Time limitation: The main goal of the organizations is to achieve its targets as planned by the organization. If the tasks are not achieved according to the planning, it means the organization is not performing well. Some times to achieve the targets, organization required extra resources like more employees and machinery. The acquirements of extra resources incur cost to the company, so it is restricted by the financial resources. In this way there is always an opportunity cost for the organization in using the resources which decrease the performance of organization. Legal requirements There are always legal requirement for every activity of the organization. These legal requirements put an upper and lower cap on the performance of the company. 7.0 Role of Management in Change process: Management plays an important role in the change process. In technological dynamic environment it is the responsibility of the management to assess the change in the technology and arrange training for the employee so that employees can have required competences to perform their job efficiently and effectively. On the other hands everybody wants career development for better job and better performance. So in the modern dynamic environment most of the employees of the companies look into the requirement of the market and acquire new skills to fill the skill gap in the market. The training for the new skill helps them to get better position in the organizations. So it is both employer and employees who assess the need for new skills to fill the skills gap in the dynamic modern society. 8.0 Conclusion On the basis of above analysis it is clear that organizational behavior play an important role in the performance of the organization. The management styles, organizational structure, employee motivation level and training for the new skill are the key factors which help in the improvement of the organizational performance. In the modern dynamic society employees and employers (managers) play equally important role to fill the skill gap in the dynamic technology through training and improve the performance of the organization.
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